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Advise for a Privateer noob

First Mate
Nov 01, 2012
I just maxed my fourth pirate, a musketeer named Gruesome Griffin. I have but one clas left, and that is privy. Any advise/tips from those with more experience with this class would be greatly appreciated.

Fearless Finnigan
Husky Miguel Cranston
Daring Deigo
Gruesome Griffin
Lanky Liam(the noob)

Jun 20, 2013
i dont have much time, so i go quick. ironickly, my strongest character IS a privateer, so i naturally know the flaws and strengths.
naturally, you shougd know that privateers can heal, allowing to solo the ENTIRE game while tring to beat the game in very little time, maybe even 10 minutes( i honestly dont think thats possible).

i would recommend once you get your first training point, to train in swashbucklers and buccaneers, ignore all but the required talents and powers for stabby and smashy weapons 2. it would help in the long run, AND allow you to train flaking and renteless form the trainers in devilfish hollows. thats all the time i got, sorry.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Some privateers suggest that the will boosts from training "Spooky" could also be helpful.

Gunner's Mate
Feb 26, 2013
I think the greatest thing about Privateer is that it's the most versatile class, and you can play it anyway you want. And now with Clandestine trainers, training in other schools is even easier. Here's a few tips (that should be taken with a grain of salt because I'm no expert):

-If you want to play Support, go immediately for Witchdoctor class and consider keeping Scratch at the top of your roster. This does not mean you need to use Staffy weapons. Witchdoctor is just an amazing class, and especially for Privateers. Not only does it give you better spells (which means better heals, armor, and non-percent buffs), but you ALSO get Juju which is fantastic for a class so heavily reliant on Companions.
-Find a team you are comfortable with, and try your best to stick with it and to build your play style and powers around it. Privateers are all about their team, so it helps to build a reliable strategy. For example, if you're rolling full Bucc squad (Egg, Rat, and Hawk or other Buccs), it would be a great idea to invest points in the Buccaneer class for Strength buffs, or find gear that gives you Strength buff powers.
-Try to get Jack Russel or his Crown Twin on your team. He is seriously amazing, especially with your Will buffs.
-Keep Discipline and Enduring Discipline at the top of your list. No exceptions.
-Don't underestimate the Accuracy/Dodge buffs.
-Remember to pop Will buffs as soon as possible, they seriously help for any Spell Power.
-Most importantly, do what you want and have fun!

Hope these tips help!

Cpt. Cruel Owen Quarrel, Level 65 Big Sky Hunter

Sep 21, 2014
Hey Finnigan,
I have a max privateer and i liked to not rush in but usually just stay back in combat.
I recommend you use Egg shen, marchioness, and any other companion of choice for starting out since these companions help a lot in the later levels

Jul 07, 2013
Cruel Owen Quarrel on Nov 10, 2015 wrote:
I think the greatest thing about Privateer is that it's the most versatile class, and you can play it anyway you want. And now with Clandestine trainers, training in other schools is even easier. Here's a few tips (that should be taken with a grain of salt because I'm no expert):

-If you want to play Support, go immediately for Witchdoctor class and consider keeping Scratch at the top of your roster. This does not mean you need to use Staffy weapons. Witchdoctor is just an amazing class, and especially for Privateers. Not only does it give you better spells (which means better heals, armor, and non-percent buffs), but you ALSO get Juju which is fantastic for a class so heavily reliant on Companions.
-Find a team you are comfortable with, and try your best to stick with it and to build your play style and powers around it. Privateers are all about their team, so it helps to build a reliable strategy. For example, if you're rolling full Bucc squad (Egg, Rat, and Hawk or other Buccs), it would be a great idea to invest points in the Buccaneer class for Strength buffs, or find gear that gives you Strength buff powers.
-Try to get Jack Russel or his Crown Twin on your team. He is seriously amazing, especially with your Will buffs.
-Keep Discipline and Enduring Discipline at the top of your list. No exceptions.
-Don't underestimate the Accuracy/Dodge buffs.
-Remember to pop Will buffs as soon as possible, they seriously help for any Spell Power.
-Most importantly, do what you want and have fun!

Hope these tips help!

Cpt. Cruel Owen Quarrel, Level 65 Big Sky Hunter
How limiting.......

Virtuous Dante Ramsey

Apr 28, 2014
anecorbie on Nov 9, 2015 wrote:
Some privateers suggest that the will boosts from training "Spooky" could also be helpful.
Eh? Spooky boosts spell power, not will....

But yes it's useful, improves heals and various powers.

Now about advices if I may:

- Dont bother learning juju, there are pieces of equipment that grant it, either the basic juju or a better one.

- Forget about strength build, it's weak despite what people say... privateer is a WILL-based class.

Many people chose strength because many of the best weapons are strength based, but even with strength gear you barely reach the amount of your base will, so just find yourself good will-based weapons and work with that.

On a side note (to Ratbeard) privateers need more choices of weapons, as far as I know there are only 2 good will-based weapons that are melee: staff of power and that one from ranked pvp.
Also I wouldnt mind a shooty/slashy that is will-based, they are strength-based... I know privateers used to be strength-based, then maybe you forgot to change weapons?

Nov 08, 2010
The way you play as a Privateer depends on which strategy that you want to adopt. I tend to be the type that hangs back in combat, which means that the way I use my practice points and organise my powers is solely based around using as many boosts as possible. Almost all of my gear come with an additional power - this is useful for me, as my main intention is to buff my companions. Try getting gear that gives juju (or higher versions of it), as its boosts are tailored to benefit every class. I don't know what it's like to be a more offensive player, though. It's not uncommon to see some Privateers being more involved in the actual combat.

The most important thing to remember about Privateers is that companions are one of the most important features of this class. I know this is of personal taste, but I really like having 3 main companions that I use for the entire game (Egg Shen, Bonnie Anne + Marchioness). By using your 3 chosen companions over and over again, you know what works best, and what doesn't. These companions aren't very strong individually, but together, they work as a very cohesive team.

Good luck with the Privateer class! It's one of the more complex ones, but that's what makes it so fun to play!


First Mate
Nov 01, 2012
Sorry for not replying sooner, I've been really busy. Thanks a bunch for the tips. Liam is currently in Cool Ranch and just defeated Three Scars