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Baars Summons

Petty Officer
May 14, 2011
So, Baar has two summons. These summons aren't affected by spell power. I was curious why? Perhaps since they are standard max level?

Apr 28, 2012
Summoning is not considered a Spell so Spell Power does not affect summoned creatures. Most of the summoned creatures can have higher statistics (ie health, the damage they do, etc.) depending on the Will statistic of the character who is doing the summoning. So, if you can, increase the amount of Will before summoning a creature, this gives you a more powerful creature.

Dec 16, 2012
The Helpful Pirate on Oct 5, 2015 wrote:
Summoning is not considered a Spell so Spell Power does not affect summoned creatures. Most of the summoned creatures can have higher statistics (ie health, the damage they do, etc.) depending on the Will statistic of the character who is doing the summoning. So, if you can, increase the amount of Will before summoning a creature, this gives you a more powerful creature.
Actually ratbeard has mentioned that summoning is based off of spell power, but only for ones you do not get from gear, at least on players. I don't know about companions though.