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Best use of crowns?

Feb 27, 2009
Greetings. We are a family of 3, that are just starting to play with new toons.

While I imagine we are not leveled up enough for most/all of the better uses of crowns, I would love to hear what are some of the better uses from experienced players.

Example: in p101 there was a lvl 1 staff and a lvl 25 staff that was worth buying along with magma peas as a very nice long term investment.

Thanks in advance.

Gunner's Mate
May 17, 2015
Maledictam on Jun 4, 2016 wrote:
Greetings. We are a family of 3, that are just starting to play with new toons.

While I imagine we are not leveled up enough for most/all of the better uses of crowns, I would love to hear what are some of the better uses from experienced players.

Example: in p101 there was a lvl 1 staff and a lvl 25 staff that was worth buying along with magma peas as a very nice long term investment.

Thanks in advance.
HI and welcome to the message boards

It really depends on what your needing in the game but first off don't buy the crown weapons if your not max otherwise they quickly become a waste

Maybe by something below

Companions: Through doing side quests and the main storyline you will unlock companions available to purchase from the crown shop, if you missed out on a cool companion or your looking for a new ruthless blade to join your crew I would definitely reccomend you check that area out

Mounts:If you don't have one, mounts are great as some areas require a lot of walking so browse through the crown shop and see which one can bring you up to speed

Packs: Please note this is only a wise option if you are going to use a lot of crowns on them
The Grizzly Beast pack and the Tribal Crew pack are great for finding pets,mounts,gold,accessories, house items and if your lucky a companion so probably try your luck

I don't buy too many crowns so I don't have the best advice but that's some advice you should follow

Have fun with whatever goodies you will haul

Jan 17, 2012
I would use crowns only for buying new areas or for hiring henchmen when you can't defeat an enemy you have to to continue the game.

You can usually get any other items through drops or buying them with gold at vendors or the bazaar, with the exception of mounts. I personally see little use for mounts, but if that is what you like, go for it. Just realize that if you buy a new mount after that, the crowns you spent on the first one are now essentially wasted.

Dread Pirate
May 27, 2009
Personally, I feel the best use of Crowns is to supplement a membership by buying mounts, pets and Stitching. Great gear is dropped in many places for your characters, including weapons and accessories. The Tribal Crew pack is very generous with mounts, and the Grizzly pack for most things pet related - pets, snacks, etc. You can also recruit companions, but if you buy the packs TRYING for a particular companion, be prepared to spend quite a lot to get that special one. Of course, you could get totally lucky and get the one you want right off the bat, but that is not very commonly reported.

Gunner's Mate
Apr 09, 2011
Maledictam on Jun 4, 2016 wrote:
Greetings. We are a family of 3, that are just starting to play with new toons.

While I imagine we are not leveled up enough for most/all of the better uses of crowns, I would love to hear what are some of the better uses from experienced players.

Example: in p101 there was a lvl 1 staff and a lvl 25 staff that was worth buying along with magma peas as a very nice long term investment.

Thanks in advance.
I would say companions are very good to invest in because you keep them and they can always help in battle

Gunner's Mate
Dec 26, 2013
Companions are a decent choice but bear in mind, the higher your level the higher level the companion will be when you purchase them... so the longer you wait the bigger bang for your buck (Crown). You get to fill in the talents either way but you'll save time in the long run because of the training (Brawlin') time involved at lower levels. Plus, even if you opt not to use them in battle they're always there for Pet Wranglin', Plunderin' etc. when they aren't busy fighting with you.
Also, just in case you're not aware... there are items in the Crown shop which can be purchased for gold in lieu of Crowns. Always check to make sure if the "Gold" tab is active when you click on an item... if it's available for gold too you'll find the price there.

Feb 27, 2009
Thanks for the replies everyone. I played a month when the game first came out, so I am not completly new. I do have a few lvl 30's that I plan to remake as I play with family.

Since each class uses different weapon, I figured they wouldn't be the best ideas. Glad to have that confirmed. Guessing the same goes for the other equipment items?

If I understand right, It's best to wait till you're max level to buy compansions, since they start 3 levels higher then you. Granted, if it's one you plan to keep and use the whole way, that probably doesn't matter as much.

I bought a mount last time we played. I figured the time saved should add up to a decent amount by the end. I do plan to buy them both a mount for that reason as well.

So it uses a very similar to wizard 101 for crown items. Will keep that in mind.

@ Degroot
I debated buying zones, but with the extra benifits of membership, we decided to go that route. Do you happen to know of a place that pack drops are listed to come up with a % chance of a companion per x amount of tribal crew packs? Generally I stay away from anything that resembles the lottery.

Mar 29, 2010
Maledictam on Jun 4, 2016 wrote:
Greetings. We are a family of 3, that are just starting to play with new toons.

While I imagine we are not leveled up enough for most/all of the better uses of crowns, I would love to hear what are some of the better uses from experienced players.

Example: in p101 there was a lvl 1 staff and a lvl 25 staff that was worth buying along with magma peas as a very nice long term investment.

Thanks in advance.
Hi :) Good question.

I am a crowns player, meaning I do not purchase membership and visit new areas by unlocking them permanently with crowns. This is a very expensive way to go in the short term compared to a membership, which sometimes can go on sale for as little as $60 USD a year.

However I am a long term player. I have noticed that some areas I unlocked in wizard101 at 1000 crowns or less are now sometimes above 2,000 crowns, as the price of unlockable areas steadily increases over time. What this means for me is that I can revisit those areas with my other wizards or other pirates in both games and replay the game without paying anything more.

I would only recommend this route if you intend to stick with the game for a long period of time, such as many years or indefinitely.

If you're just starting out your best bet would to get the membership for a year and after a year decide if you're sticking with KingsIsle games.

For crown shop items make sure you look to see if the item can be purchased with in-game gold. If so, save your gold!

I tend to only buy exceptional shop items that give me an edge if they go on sale, and only when on sale. For example, getting Lucy Sterling at 50% off.

Hope that helps :)