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Some general questiones for Blind Mew...

Jun 20, 2013
Dear Blind Mew, if it wouldn't be to bothersome for you, could you please answer my questions, because I am DYING to know at least SOME answers, even if they are only cryptic riddles.....

1. For witchdoctors, we get animal companions - for their promotions quests, will they ever be as elaborate as Ratbeard's, or Bonnie Anne's?

2. Is there any likelihood we will ever discover why Boochbeard and Mr. Gandry were so interested in the main character?

3. Will there ever be a clockwork companion?

4. Like in the famous 'Mass Effect' games, will the main character get to make decisions in the future of the game?

5. Will the main character find a map piece based on where he chose to grow up? (Since Mother was a member of the original El Dorado Crew...) It's certainly possible with Scimshaw, Marleybone, and Mooshu, but what of places like Krokotopia and Grizzleheim....actually, that may be possible because of Erica the Red...

6. And speaking of the El Dorado crew, if the Captain's mother went to E.D., why didn't he talk to Catbeard, Argos, Egg Foo Yung, or even Christopher Clark's son Merriweather? He could gain insight about her and told his crew before sacrificing 5 years in Aquila...

7.Will there by any chance be a vital role falling upon your MooShu companion in the future? It just seems he doesn't get as vital a role in the game, 'cept for some exposition here and there...

8. Will Phule be someone whose role in the Armada will land him right there at the end of the El Dorado arc?

9. LAST ONE :) :Is Desdemona the women of Kane's court?

Thank you so much, please answer however you can. Have a good one!

Petty Officer
Jul 12, 2013
I think I can answer 2. you were their only pirate prisoner because your starter companion is not a pirate.

Jun 20, 2013
Jan 26, 2012
The Vagabond on Aug 9, 2013 wrote:
Dear Blind Mew, if it wouldn't be to bothersome for you, could you please answer my questions, because I am DYING to know at least SOME answers, even if they are only cryptic riddles.....

1. For witchdoctors, we get animal companions - for their promotions quests, will they ever be as elaborate as Ratbeard's, or Bonnie Anne's?

2. Is there any likelihood we will ever discover why Boochbeard and Mr. Gandry were so interested in the main character?

3. Will there ever be a clockwork companion?

4. Like in the famous 'Mass Effect' games, will the main character get to make decisions in the future of the game?

5. Will the main character find a map piece based on where he chose to grow up? (Since Mother was a member of the original El Dorado Crew...) It's certainly possible with Scimshaw, Marleybone, and Mooshu, but what of places like Krokotopia and Grizzleheim....actually, that may be possible because of Erica the Red...

6. And speaking of the El Dorado crew, if the Captain's mother went to E.D., why didn't he talk to Catbeard, Argos, Egg Foo Yung, or even Christopher Clark's son Merriweather? He could gain insight about her and told his crew before sacrificing 5 years in Aquila...

7.Will there by any chance be a vital role falling upon your MooShu companion in the future? It just seems he doesn't get as vital a role in the game, 'cept for some exposition here and there...

8. Will Phule be someone whose role in the Armada will land him right there at the end of the El Dorado arc?

9. LAST ONE :) :Is Desdemona the women of Kane's court?

Thank you so much, please answer however you can. Have a good one!
1. The critter companions won't be getting full promotion quests, I fear: they'll promote instantly with cash, if at all. I mean seriously, can you imagine that quest? You meet your Batacuda int he Tavern Cellar, and he hisses at you a lot. Now what?

2. Yup.

3. Still don't like the idea. It's an unlikely maybe.

4. That's very very hard to engineer within our system, and in an MMO it means you end up generating big swaths of content that large portions of your player's won't see, at least on first play through. Also, if there's any reward tied to the choice, one will invariably be better for a given class or playstyle than the other, so it's not much of a choice, is it? And if there is no reward, is it worth doing?

We currently have content based on your character creation choices: class and your parents' fate dictate which promotion quests you'll see. We will do more of this as we go forward.

5. The precise effect of the homeworld choice will be revealed in good time. That choice and how you lost your parents both cast a pretty big shadow over the question of where your mother's Map Piece might be hidden...

6. We can always go back and do that too. Once hard data about your parents becomes necessary, those would be just the people I'd talk to.

7. I'm not sure what you mean by 'role' - they don't have the clear cut schticks that Ratbeard or Bonnie Anne have, but I intend to keep them present going forward. Their primary purpose is flavor: if you replay, you'll find a huge (and funny) gap between what Kobe and Wing say at various points during the quest.

8. We'll definitely see more of him. Where i will not say for now.

9. You'll find out.

Jun 20, 2013
Blind Mew on Aug 22, 2013 wrote:
1. The critter companions won't be getting full promotion quests, I fear: they'll promote instantly with cash, if at all. I mean seriously, can you imagine that quest? You meet your Batacuda int he Tavern Cellar, and he hisses at you a lot. Now what?

2. Yup.

3. Still don't like the idea. It's an unlikely maybe.

4. That's very very hard to engineer within our system, and in an MMO it means you end up generating big swaths of content that large portions of your player's won't see, at least on first play through. Also, if there's any reward tied to the choice, one will invariably be better for a given class or playstyle than the other, so it's not much of a choice, is it? And if there is no reward, is it worth doing?

We currently have content based on your character creation choices: class and your parents' fate dictate which promotion quests you'll see. We will do more of this as we go forward.

5. The precise effect of the homeworld choice will be revealed in good time. That choice and how you lost your parents both cast a pretty big shadow over the question of where your mother's Map Piece might be hidden...

6. We can always go back and do that too. Once hard data about your parents becomes necessary, those would be just the people I'd talk to.

7. I'm not sure what you mean by 'role' - they don't have the clear cut schticks that Ratbeard or Bonnie Anne have, but I intend to keep them present going forward. Their primary purpose is flavor: if you replay, you'll find a huge (and funny) gap between what Kobe and Wing say at various points during the quest.

8. We'll definitely see more of him. Where i will not say for now.

9. You'll find out.
Hey Blind Mew!!!! Thanks for replying, it really means a lot!! But now I have another question: It says on the main site that Ol' Fish Eye actually sailed with both Catbeard and Erica the Red, who were both members of Marco Pollo's crew. Is it possible that he might play a vital role sometime in the future with E.D.?