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What is The Difference Between Armor and Resist?

Oct 11, 2012
Hi, I still am confused what is the difference between armor and resist in the game . I love to learn new things everyday so I would love it if someone could reply . I never have known the difference, but I am sure some pirates in the Spiral know it.

Thanks everyone!

James Underwood - 65

Apr 03, 2013

Armor is for melee damage- the more armor, the less damage taken from a melee attack. A buccaneer has lots of armor but not a lot of resist because they are made for melee attacking.

Resist is for magical damage, say, from a witchdoctor or such. Witchdoctors have lots of resist but not lots of armor because they are made for pretty spooky magical attacks.

I hope that helped!

See you in the spiral!

Oct 11, 2012
Thanks Steampunkered! I meant to ask what is the difference between armor and "base armor". You are absolutely right though! Thanks for responding to my post.

Apr 03, 2013
You're very welcome! I'd do anything to help another out.

Dec 16, 2012
ElijahWaterVault on Jul 27, 2015 wrote:
Thanks Steampunkered! I meant to ask what is the difference between armor and "base armor". You are absolutely right though! Thanks for responding to my post.
I don't believe there is one for all intents and purposes. I have never found out the reason that base is put in front of "weapon power", "resist" and "armor" that actually effects the game.