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What's Pirate101's Iconic Creature/Character?

May 06, 2009
Wizard101 has constantly shown off 4 creatures in their game and advertisement: the Piggle, the Gobbler, the Dragon, and the Ninja Pig. These 4 guys always make an appearance somewhere in a humourous way. Over the years, because of their frequent uses, they've become something of Wizard101's unofficial-official "mascots" or just typical funnies that come straight to your mind when you think or remember Wizard101 (more or less...).

What I want to ask you Pirates is what do you think Pirate101's iconic creature is? What's that one mob that can always come up and simply say "Pirate101!"? A mob/creature/character that seems to appear in everything? It short, what's something that could become Pirate101's unofficial-official mascot?

I would say Boochbeard and Gandry are pretty orginal and iconic to Pirate101. I would also say the Troggies because they are just ridiculously humourous.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Any of the companions that everyone gets would come to mind, especially the ones that have been with us from the beginning or near to it.
Plus any of the awesome ships. A ship just 'Says' Pirate 101.

First Mate
Dec 29, 2012
Cunning Finnigan S... on Aug 24, 2013 wrote:
Wizard101 has constantly shown off 4 creatures in their game and advertisement: the Piggle, the Gobbler, the Dragon, and the Ninja Pig. These 4 guys always make an appearance somewhere in a humourous way. Over the years, because of their frequent uses, they've become something of Wizard101's unofficial-official "mascots" or just typical funnies that come straight to your mind when you think or remember Wizard101 (more or less...).

What I want to ask you Pirates is what do you think Pirate101's iconic creature is? What's that one mob that can always come up and simply say "Pirate101!"? A mob/creature/character that seems to appear in everything? It short, what's something that could become Pirate101's unofficial-official mascot?

I would say Boochbeard and Gandry are pretty orginal and iconic to Pirate101. I would also say the Troggies because they are just ridiculously humourous.
Troggies are definitely in that category of creature most synonomous with Pirate101.

If you are going to add Boochbeard and Gandry, I would add Avery, since to me it seems he is advertised on websites and other places more often (Boochbeard and Gandry make almost daily appearances in-game though).

After that, the pirate class trainers seem to be the most iconic images after Avery, Boochbear and Gandry.

Petty Officer
Jul 12, 2013
Gunner's Mate
Apr 09, 2011
Dec 31, 2012
I think that Bonnie Anne and Ratbeard are also iconic since they weigh so heavily in the dialogue.

First Mate
Dec 12, 2011
Let's see...

Troggies, Cutthroats, Bonnie Anne (for sure)...


I'll have to get back to you when I think of more...

Sep 03, 2009
When I think of pirate 101 mascots the first thing I think of is Boochbeard/Gandry, or the cutthroats.

Mar 09, 2011
Troggies, Cutthroats, Boochbeard, Gandry, fir shizzles.

Feb 16, 2010
Cutthroats are a natural. Ratbeard and Bonnie Annie come in next because they are with us from the start and EVERYONE gets them. Captain Avery would be great too because he exemplifies the distinquished and successful gentleman striving to gather power and riches while never quite managing to distance himself from his pirate roots.

Aug 08, 2012
I'll say Boochbeard and Gandry

Aug 13, 2010
I think that the Troggies are pretty underwhelming and forgettable; you don't trifle with them nearly as often as other races and creatures of the Spiral. I'd almost have to argue in favor of the Clockworks being more iconic creatures - evil, steampunk, quaker-looking robots and a face of authority that you want to defy, much like the Corporate Cogs of the late Toontown.

As for the most iconic character, it's most likely Bonnie. She is the most powerful Companion, has by far the most lines in dialogue, and was there from almost the very beginning. Boochbeard and Gandry only come close because they are featured in commercials and the tutorial, but once they're off the stage your Pirate learns pretty quickly who his or her real friends are.

Oct 01, 2010
Sep 09, 2010
The iconic creature is probably the armada or cut hoards see you in the spiral