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Windows 10 Lag

Jun 17, 2013
So I just downloaded windows 10 and my pirate101 is lagging so bad it has never lagged b4 I put everything to minimal but is still lags I have no malware spyware etc but It only started when I downloaded windows 10 can anyone help me?

First Mate
Dec 12, 2011
Hawkules736 on Aug 8, 2015 wrote:
So I just downloaded windows 10 and my pirate101 is lagging so bad it has never lagged b4 I put everything to minimal but is still lags I have no malware spyware etc but It only started when I downloaded windows 10 can anyone help me?
I'm actually surprised Pirate101 can run on Windows 10 at all. Usually games that aren't ready for the switch crash. I play quite a few game and while I don't know how the operating systems you have vs. the games you play relate to one another, I know that most of the games that I've been playing won't run on Windows 10 yet because they need to update their game to work properly with the new system, which is why I'm waiting before I update to avoid a crash...

Again, I'm not sure how it relates to one another or what really happens when you try to play a game like Pirates that worked on Windows 8 on a Windows 10, but I'm guessing that something about the game's system requirements somehow conflict with what Windows 10 has to offer and/or changed, which is making it lag/run slow...

Or maybe it's just your game getting used to the new system and is having to reload everything, which can be a cause for the lag... not sure if KI already prepared the game for the switch to Windows 10 or not. Most multiplayer games that I've been playing seem to come to conflict with the new system...