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Hydra troubles

Nov 19, 2012
Hello i am a swashbuckler and i am having trouble with the hydra fight can anyone help? Or have any tips for me?

Feb 11, 2010
I would love to help you out, but sadly I do not have access to it right now. As a swashbuckler, at the beginning of the match I would hidden and then Assassin Strike the Ebon head. When I did that, it halved its health. Also, I have seen that if you sink both of the required heads in (I think) the same round, the Ebon will come back but won't be targetable. This is unfortunate, since now you will have to fight it until this bug does not activate. Good luck!

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
pirate206396 on May 15, 2017 wrote:
Hello i am a swashbuckler and i am having trouble with the hydra fight can anyone help? Or have any tips for me?
Hydra is a very difficult battle even when everything works perfectly.
As a swashbuckler save your hides for use against Ebon.
Use only your strongest, toughest companions ( this will generally be your buccaneers )
As you know, Amethyst has a Reflexive Strike, so maybe using a ranged attack against this head is best.
Cobalt has an AoE Ice trap, try to set a companion next to them before it gets used.
The Red one ( forgot the name ) places blinding fire traps, ranged is useless against that, unless you have a gunnery.
Losing a companion happens in this instance, save those shields & heals to keep yourself on your feet.
Use doubloons
And if all else fails; use team up!

Jun 10, 2013
Slightly off topic, but I have a suggestion on how to make the Hydra fight better. I was just thinking about how the boss head is named Ebon and how there is an Ebon Spectre pet. I looked up the Ebon Spectre information on Pirate 101 central: and the Hydra fight is not listed as dropping this pet. That is silly because the boss head is named Ebon, Ebon - Ebon Spectre, get it? Please consider adding the Ebon Spectre to the list of things the Hydra fight can drop if it doesn't drop it already.

Gunner's Mate
May 08, 2010
since you're a swash, and I assume most people doing hydra are level 60, moo tower for assassin strikes and hides are your best bet.
also get some charms/pets with heals and valor fort, that works as well.
the biggest problem is when people excessively kill heads, only kill what's required/around that. (in my previous solo, I did excessively kill, but that was poison in general, and knew what I was doing, but still don't suggest doing that)
weapon power doubloons for rushing is also a good idea.