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Story Thread 1: A few story questions...

Community Leader
1 - What are those balls of light in the MB skyway? Made me feel like I was trying to catch a lightning bug LOL!

2 - Is Selena (Gutierrez something, I forgot) from Santa Pollo, Cool Ranch adopted? She's a human and her dad's a horse?

3 - Will we eventually see how our dad looks like? Just wondering since we already have a photo of the mom. Made me curious of the dad.

4 - Do you see worlds as always all in one place? Because I was thinking about Marleybone and Albion.. and the fact there's no "gates" to other skyways there.. I had an interesting thought.. What about colonies.. like.. What if we had to take a stormgate to another world which had a stormgate to a MB colony - Albion Skyway.. Almost like East Coast was the British's colonists at first. Is this possible?

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Feb 21, 2010
I have a number of questions if someone can answer them...
1. Can we hold a number of windstones because it doesn't look like much space where you can hold them
2. I saw that the difficulty in Marleybone and Aquilla were about the same so is that like a 20 lvl cap raise?
3. Marlybone and Aquilla are being released at the same time what do we do?

Whoever can answer these questions will be thanked...

Fiery Luke Silver, lvl 50

Now there be pirating to be done!

May 06, 2009
Fiery Luke Silver on May 18, 2013 wrote:
I have a number of questions if someone can answer them...
1. Can we hold a number of windstones because it doesn't look like much space where you can hold them
2. I saw that the difficulty in Marleybone and Aquilla were about the same so is that like a 20 lvl cap raise?
3. Marlybone and Aquilla are being released at the same time what do we do?

Whoever can answer these questions will be thanked...

Fiery Luke Silver, lvl 50

Now there be pirating to be done!
1. We will be holding a fair number of Windstones in a rainbow order. As Blind Mew said, it's like the electromagnetic spectrum backwards. Violet the weakest and Red the Strongest. As you progress, you gain more windstones. They will be able to open Stormgates of their color and all colors below them. So let's say you have a Yellow Windstone. The Yellow Windstone will open Stormgates that call for a Yellow Windstone and all Stormgates that need Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. The Yellow Windstone won't be able to open Stormgates at need an Orange or Red Windstone. Within this Arc, we'll collect 8 Windstones. In the 2nd Arc, we won't need to collect anymore (I'm assuming) as the highest ranking Windstone (either White or Gold) would have been collected, thus allowing us access to any world KI releases. It is possible for KI to expand our current Windstone carrier to include more Windstones, but I don't think it will be necessary (but a Black Windstone would be nice)

2. The new update raises the level cap 15 levels to level 65. At this point, 1 Book will increase our Level Cap by 5 Levels. Had Book 15 come along, it would have been a 20 level cap raise. The difficulty of Marleybone and Aquila are fairly close as to allow for better flow from where we left off, in terms of difficulty, in Book 12.

3. Yes, Marleybone and Aquila will be released at the same time. All you have to do is let the game load, quest and enjoy the new expansions! (If you're asking what goes on with the stories, I'm afraid that would be telling...)

Feb 08, 2013
CaptainFlint193 on Feb 4, 2013 wrote:

Blind Mew, you are awesome! As a writer I love telling EVERYONE'S story, not just the main character. I really hope I'm not pestering you with questions...but I do have loads more....

1. What can we expect from Monkey King's promotion quests? Or rather, in your case, what teasers can you hand to us like ducklings begging for bits of bread? He seems to have a lot of sins under his belt.
2. You said the Magnificent Seven will be getting the royal treatment...whose other's backgrounds can we expect to dive into? I know you said you don't know all of their backgrounds right off the bat, but do you have any stories we should expect to hear?
3. Sheer size of the coming update...hmmm....does that mean we can expect a massive increase in side-arcs, locations, and dangerous new foes?
4. I love the side-arcs. I found the side-arc about the question of whether the Banana or the Tree came first really funny and that story of Moo Manchu quite deliciously nefarious. Are any more going to be tied closely to the main storyline? I was just confused since Moo Manchu features in the 'MooShu' storyline and yet he only appears majorly in the Kraken Skulls companion promotion quests and his own side arc.
5. Speaking of Monquistan politics...can we expect a return to Monquista anytime soon? It seems we left A LOT untouched. We just know civil war has been declared, the Monkey's Paw should help the Noble Houses rally troops, and the problem of the Monquisition kinda untouched. It seems like we just helped the Opposition get now-powerless trinket to show off to the Nobles, the same thing with the Sword of St. Simian.
6. Napoleguin - Can we expect his return to the plotline in any way whatsoever?
7. How did Captain Gunn get a piece of Marco Pollo's map?
Maybe you should give the guy a break. He's answered about 50 questions!

Feb 08, 2013
I actually have a question myself... ( If someone already asked this question, forgive me. I don't have time to look through so many pages! )

If we ever defeat the armada for good, can you give us a hint about what main enemy we'll fight next?

Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. you've only done 12 books...

Or let me guess, "That would be telling."

Nov 20, 2012
Pirates o the Spir... on Jan 22, 2013 wrote:
1- I'm pretty sure we aren't done with Valencia and Monquista. They are short, but as you can see we were only allowed in one skyway area while there. I'm sure there are more areas that we will re-visit in future chapters. Especially Valencia where Kane resides.

3- I think it was confirmed that the Magnificent 7 companions will be getting promotion quests in a future update to the game.
I noticed #1. Valencia was shorter than Monquista but Valencia felt like
it took forever to complete.

#2 Magnififcent 7 upgrades will be very helpful.

Cunning Tanner Noble level 43

Petty Officer
Nov 05, 2009
Mremeraldtheif on May 20, 2013 wrote:
I noticed #1. Valencia was shorter than Monquista but Valencia felt like
it took forever to complete.

#2 Magnififcent 7 upgrades will be very helpful.

Cunning Tanner Noble level 43
The 7 will get a promotion next update, as well as Bonnie Anne, Ratbeard, Tonka and a few others.
Hope this helps

Dashing Roberto Sharp Level 55 (Test Realm)

Petty Officer
Jan 10, 2013
Anne Radcliffe on May 11, 2013 wrote:
Concerning Avalon vs Marleybone -- oo, I could totally see that, Blind Mew. It could be like what happens when a fold of DNA causes a duplication of two genes; the genes, though identical to begin with, evolve independently thereafter, and quite frequently far apart. But here you could have a fold of time and space, giving Marleybone and Avalon. It's Quantum Physics meets Molecular Genetics! (The first of which I know nearly nothing about, and the both of which Anne knows absolutely nothing about!)
Virtuous Anne Radcliffe
Molecular Genetics, the term, does not exist. You're thinking Molecular Biology (Recombinant DNA and such).
You can't "fold" a DNA - you can only fold proteins. You're thinking DNA replication.
Genes do not evolve - it's natural selection that drives evolution. However, there can be errors during DNA replication, cell replication that changes the genes, and sometimes these mutations favour the individual's chance of surviving, hence favoured by evolution.

If the Spiral works the same way our universe does, in theory you can create wormholes that travels through another dimension to the opposite end. However, I doubt Pirates know enough Quantum Physics to do that...

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Blind Mew, will we ever get to travel back in time to see how the Armada took control over their Valencian authorities after their victory in the Polarian War? I would like to see a time traveling adventure happen really soon!

Since you're going for 1 Book per story update, will the next Book take a shorter wait than making 2 Books at once? I hear it took much to make 2 new Books in one sitting, so I'm hoping I won't have to wait for more than 6 months for one Book to come out.

Jul 27, 2012
tyteen4a03 on May 21, 2013 wrote:
Molecular Genetics, the term, does not exist. You're thinking Molecular Biology (Recombinant DNA and such).
You can't "fold" a DNA - you can only fold proteins. You're thinking DNA replication.
Genes do not evolve - it's natural selection that drives evolution. However, there can be errors during DNA replication, cell replication that changes the genes, and sometimes these mutations favour the individual's chance of surviving, hence favoured by evolution.

If the Spiral works the same way our universe does, in theory you can create wormholes that travels through another dimension to the opposite end. However, I doubt Pirates know enough Quantum Physics to do that...
Ah, you bring up mysteries that perhaps have not yet been discovered by the Spiral Geographic Society (though you never know; they are a very clever and inquisitive lot). I don't want to go off topic too much, so I will briefly say that Molecular Genetics is a legitimate subset of Molecular Biology (simply, you use Molecular Biology techniques to answer questions about Genetics), and DNA does indeed twist and fold, a behavior which can lead to breaking & rejoining, accidental duplication or deletion of regions, etc. -- all of which can have very dramatic results that impact survival and evolution.
However, I am grateful for the opportunity to make a clarification in my original post: I meant to say that accidental folding of *one* gene (and yes, this would happen as an error in DNA replication, usually, though it can happen during DNA repair as well) can result in gene duplication, leaving two copies that are identical at first but then evolve independently. I was suggesting the analogy of a proto Marleybone/Avalon that experienced a duplication event in a fold of time & space creating the 2 worlds that then become Marleybone and Avalon, coexisting in the Spiral but perhaps long distant from each other. Sorry I wasn't more clear.
Virtuous Anne Radcliffe

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
tyteen4a03 on May 21, 2013 wrote:
Molecular Genetics, the term, does not exist. You're thinking Molecular Biology (Recombinant DNA and such).
You can't "fold" a DNA - you can only fold proteins. You're thinking DNA replication.
Genes do not evolve - it's natural selection that drives evolution. However, there can be errors during DNA replication, cell replication that changes the genes, and sometimes these mutations favour the individual's chance of surviving, hence favoured by evolution.

If the Spiral works the same way our universe does, in theory you can create wormholes that travels through another dimension to the opposite end. However, I doubt Pirates know enough Quantum Physics to do that...
Wow, we have some Really smart pirates out there . My comprehension is stretching and snapping all over the place. Really meaty info, thanks.

Jan 26, 2012
Dashing Roberto Sh... on May 17, 2013 wrote:
Hi Blind Mew, I have a few more questions if you don't mind asking them :)

1. What was your favorite part of the new update?
2. Does are Pirate have any Brothers/Sisters? I think it would be cool to have a sibling as some kind of companion. Maybe our sibling could be the character we be in Wizard101, and we help them fight Morganthe in Wizard101 and They become our companion in Pirate101 :)
3. I love the Aquillian crown shop companions :) I'm a big fan of the Percy Jackson series so anything to do with Greek/Roman mythology I automatically think they are awesome! But will any of them be able to promote and get new epic talents/powers as well as a new look? I really like my Aquiallian Buccaneer and they are my first mate in the test realm.
4. If Kingsisle teamed up with any other film/t.v show/video game what franchise and made a new world based off of that franchise, what franchise would you like to team up with and why ? For me I'd quite like to see a
Yu-Gi-Oh! Gx themed world based off the vechroid cards (They are basically cartoon versions of different vehicles) and I think the world could be where the toy maker lives and they create the "roids" who live there and then go on to make the mechanical birds.
5. Out of all the promotion quests released in the update, which one was your favorite to create?
6. I know that book 13/14 isn't live yet but is there any spoilers that you can give us about book 15 :) I'm really exited to see how the story progresses.
7. I think this one has been asked before but is there going to be any more skyways in Marleybone or Aquilla? I love those worlds and I'd really like to see more of them. Like an industrial revolution or WWI/WWII storyline for marleybone and another titan war for Aquilla.

I hope you take the time to answer my questions

Dashing Roberto Sharp Level 55 (Test Realm)
1. Hard to choose. Once it's live I'll post more about this, but I think the Book 13 promotion quests are the things I'm proudest of.

2. Good question! I'm holding off on firming anything up there, at least in the near term. When the time comes to really dig into the PC's past, I want as many plot twist options as possible. As for a Wizard crossover, that'd be awesome, but I fear the technical hurdles are enormous.

3. The number of Companions that don't promote is very small - most if not all of the Aquila guys should. Most won't have full quests, but they will rank up. It may be a few books before they do, though...

4. Hadn't really thought about that. I honestly don't have an answer right now.

5. It's a tie for the Bonnie Anne and Ratbeard ones. Bonnie Anne's has a lot of cool depth and characterization, and is very ambitious in its tone and content. Hard to do, but I think we nailed it. As for the Ratbeard quest, i remember when the idea first occurred to me, and I busted out laughing and went "Yeah! That's it!" and then 5 minutes later went "wait... how the heck can we DO that?" In some ways more ambitious than Anne's, but I'm really happy with the results.

6. I let a lot of cats out of the bag in game, so I think I'll leave it there for now.

7. We will definitely be coming back to the existing skyways - I want to see some new ones, but I don't know if time and the story will permit it in the El Dorado arc. I feel like in Marleybone we've just scratched the surface.

Jan 26, 2012
Kelsey Fireheart on May 17, 2013 wrote:
1 - What are those balls of light in the MB skyway? Made me feel like I was trying to catch a lightning bug LOL!

2 - Is Selena (Gutierrez something, I forgot) from Santa Pollo, Cool Ranch adopted? She's a human and her dad's a horse?

3 - Will we eventually see how our dad looks like? Just wondering since we already have a photo of the mom. Made me curious of the dad.

4 - Do you see worlds as always all in one place? Because I was thinking about Marleybone and Albion.. and the fact there's no "gates" to other skyways there.. I had an interesting thought.. What about colonies.. like.. What if we had to take a stormgate to another world which had a stormgate to a MB colony - Albion Skyway.. Almost like East Coast was the British's colonists at first. Is this possible?
1. They're meant to be explosions - air bursting mortar shells.

2. Yes, she's adopted.

3. I'm uncertain at this point. In the future we're going to delve deeply into the PC's past, and so I want the option, but at the same time not showing him may give us more room to maneuver.

4. What you describe is definitely possible, with worlds connecting back to Skyways that don't obviously link. Also, if new MB or AQ skyways were to ever come on line, I figure we could also add passages to them into the existing Skyways.

Jan 26, 2012
Sonicfan1118 on May 20, 2013 wrote:
I actually have a question myself... ( If someone already asked this question, forgive me. I don't have time to look through so many pages! )

If we ever defeat the armada for good, can you give us a hint about what main enemy we'll fight next?

Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. you've only done 12 books...

Or let me guess, "That would be telling."
Nope! No hints yet. I'm so not finished dodging questions about El Dorado yet!

Jan 26, 2012
Trimond297 on May 21, 2013 wrote:
Blind Mew, will we ever get to travel back in time to see how the Armada took control over their Valencian authorities after their victory in the Polarian War? I would like to see a time traveling adventure happen really soon!

Since you're going for 1 Book per story update, will the next Book take a shorter wait than making 2 Books at once? I hear it took much to make 2 new Books in one sitting, so I'm hoping I won't have to wait for more than 6 months for one Book to come out.
I'm not a huge fan of time travel, at least in this context. Upon returnign to Valencia, however, I think the story and dialogue will give you a pretty good feel for how that came about.

I cannot comment on schedule. I know that we're going to have to balance content updates with new system updates going forward, but I'm unsure what the specifics are.

Petty Officer
Jan 10, 2013
Anne Radcliffe on May 22, 2013 wrote:
Ah, you bring up mysteries that perhaps have not yet been discovered by the Spiral Geographic Society (though you never know; they are a very clever and inquisitive lot). I don't want to go off topic too much, so I will briefly say that Molecular Genetics is a legitimate subset of Molecular Biology (simply, you use Molecular Biology techniques to answer questions about Genetics), and DNA does indeed twist and fold, a behavior which can lead to breaking & rejoining, accidental duplication or deletion of regions, etc. -- all of which can have very dramatic results that impact survival and evolution.
However, I am grateful for the opportunity to make a clarification in my original post: I meant to say that accidental folding of *one* gene (and yes, this would happen as an error in DNA replication, usually, though it can happen during DNA repair as well) can result in gene duplication, leaving two copies that are identical at first but then evolve independently. I was suggesting the analogy of a proto Marleybone/Avalon that experienced a duplication event in a fold of time & space creating the 2 worlds that then become Marleybone and Avalon, coexisting in the Spiral but perhaps long distant from each other. Sorry I wasn't more clear.
Virtuous Anne Radcliffe
Good grief. I should google more, shouldn't I? :P I've always thought that these stuff were just Molecular Biology.

I have personally never heard of that DNA folding itself will create accidental genes. It doesn't happen unless you touch the DNA ((retro)transcription or transposons).

Back on topic, question for Blind Mew: Is it intentional that a lot of potential cave entrances were added to MB and AQ?

Gunner's Mate
Nov 01, 2012
Blind I have a few more questions for you hope you can answer them soon

1. I have completed Aquila and the end of it was extremely cool and now it's obvious that the mechanical birds are extremely important in defeating Kane he is stronger than any living being so I know it is probably telling but who is caligistro is it a valencian or someone else that's the way I'd like to put it so you don't spoil anything
2. Meowiarty it was nice to see him in chains after wizard101 will he ver have any important role or was that his only role in the game
3. I was very pleased that catbeard joined our crew since a lot of people wanted him so what's the chances of seeing these three as companions one eyed jack, blind mew, and calico jake or will their be more companions that we have seen before so that you don't have to answer specifically
4. I believe someone mentioned something about making Kane human which made want to ask are any or will their be an armada troop that is human?
5. Last is that I know you said once that monkey king should be receiving his promotion at lvl 65 so does that mean in the next update he will receive his promotion
Slick Cody Jones privateer lvl 50
Merciless Ethan Jenkinsswashbuckler lvl 60

May 02, 2009
I have some questions that could use answering

1) Is Aquila based off the Iliad and Odyssey with the overall quest to get Pollo's Map

2) I'm confused is it Golden Apollo or Golden Apoyo?

3) This is more so like a typo, but in several quests it says that Achaea is in Ithaca Skyway

4) Why didn't we get the Eagles that look like the Stern General Eagleamemnon or any Cyclops companions? Or are they side companions that a certain class gets and I have to search for them?

5) Finally, why don't the Foxes of Albion get better independence the Civil and legal way instead of trying to make Marleybone lose the War (I mean they are toast if MB loses the war, don't they know that the Armada is heartless, soulless and ruthless?) It makes more sense and is less bloody, in my opinion anyway.

Bloody Felix Lawson
Gunnery Sergeant

Feb 08, 2013
OK, I've finally read though all the pages and it seems you guys were talking and asking about betrayal. I know we've had enough of this stuff, but I want to show you guys something you didn't notice: Blind Mew never said that someone from our side was betraying us, he just said there would be betrayals. Maybe someone from a bad guy team might betray his team. Or someone from Monquista, Cool Ranch, or some other place might betray their team. Hopefully this will calm you guys down about your companions possibly betraying you.

Am I on the right track, Blind Mew?

Feb 08, 2013
Books 13 and 14 are finally live!...

Now if only I wasn't still on book 7...

At the request of Blind Mew, I'm now locking this thread. Do not worry though! There is more to come from Blind Mew in the near future.

Thank you everyone for making this thread and these forums a lot of fun. Stay tuned.

A big hearty YAR to Blind Mew.


*One-Eyed Jack, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*