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Story Thread 3: The Search for Plot

Jan 02, 2012
1) Since Cool Ranch has the haunted skyway and Wizard City has Nightside, would you consider adding a "nightside" skyway to the other worlds as well?
Marleybone must have a dayside skyway or two, just to grow crops.
Darkmoor might not have a sunny skyway, but maybe you can allude to how magic or something makes the strange plants there grow anyway? I imagine Darkmoor will have a chemoluminescent underwater adventure area or two there, since the dominant (aristocratic) species there are river monsters like the wizard found as a subjugate species in Crab Alley in Wizard City.
Skull Island would do well to have a nightside. It would be the most dangerous skyway, accessible only to a pirate lord, and full of undead, and stealthy carnivorous plants. Maybe there would even be an Aztecan Death temple, and stormgates to benighted worlds?
Monquista has at least two more skyways to be explored, maybe one is a nightside skyway? Maybe the PC can stall an Armada invasion in another skyway there?
I expect that most of Polaris will be night side, but could you please include a dayside skyway or two there as well?

2) I'm sure the first arc story is all planned out, but would you please address the climate change and possibly recent lack of day and night change in the spiral during the second story arc? I know the PC cannot reverse this, because it would be impossible for the art department, but I would love for the PC to become an EcoWarrior, stopping the loss of rainfall in Monquista and Cool Ranch before it becomes too late for the people there. Surely some sinister intelligence is behind this and other climatic events that the PC is currently unaware of? Maybe Kane will even allude to issues like this when he defends "The Grand Scheme" just before we destroy the Armada at the end of the first story arc?

Jun 16, 2009
Noble Zachary Wind... on Jan 10, 2014 wrote:
Hello Blind Mew, I know you may get this a lot, but when could we be expecting the next new world? My brother and I are very excited for it and can't wait.

Noble Zachary Windlass-
I'm eager for it too, but Blind Mew doesn't talk schedule.

Oct 15, 2010
Row4n412 on Jan 11, 2014 wrote:
1) Since Cool Ranch has the haunted skyway and Wizard City has Nightside, would you consider adding a "nightside" skyway to the other worlds as well?
Marleybone must have a dayside skyway or two, just to grow crops.
Darkmoor might not have a sunny skyway, but maybe you can allude to how magic or something makes the strange plants there grow anyway? I imagine Darkmoor will have a chemoluminescent underwater adventure area or two there, since the dominant (aristocratic) species there are river monsters like the wizard found as a subjugate species in Crab Alley in Wizard City.
Skull Island would do well to have a nightside. It would be the most dangerous skyway, accessible only to a pirate lord, and full of undead, and stealthy carnivorous plants. Maybe there would even be an Aztecan Death temple, and stormgates to benighted worlds?
Monquista has at least two more skyways to be explored, maybe one is a nightside skyway? Maybe the PC can stall an Armada invasion in another skyway there?
I expect that most of Polaris will be night side, but could you please include a dayside skyway or two there as well?

2) I'm sure the first arc story is all planned out, but would you please address the climate change and possibly recent lack of day and night change in the spiral during the second story arc? I know the PC cannot reverse this, because it would be impossible for the art department, but I would love for the PC to become an EcoWarrior, stopping the loss of rainfall in Monquista and Cool Ranch before it becomes too late for the people there. Surely some sinister intelligence is behind this and other climatic events that the PC is currently unaware of? Maybe Kane will even allude to issues like this when he defends "The Grand Scheme" just before we destroy the Armada at the end of the first story arc?
I think the whole "night/day skyways" isn't because that world is stuck in permanent night or day, but because that's the time our pirate visits that world. Once you're done with the world, the clock stops and it doesn't change. (See Azteca)

Skull Island- Morning
Monquista- Afternoon
Valencia- Evening
Cool Ranch- Sunrise
MooShu- Afternoon
Marleybone- Night
Aquila- Morning

This is just a guess, but it makes sense. Can you believe we did everything in just 2 days?

Nov 03, 2012
The skeleton hoplites in aquila are shaped like human skeletons. In aquila there are no humans! There are just birds snakes some monsters and one hippotamus. Plus centaurs. However NONE are shaped like humans. Because of this i am wondering why there are human skeletons?????????????? Don't make no sense.

Nov 03, 2012
Blind mew. Will there ever be a minotaur companion? Those guys were so cool! It seems sad that their only in one dungeon. I understand there is a pet but a companions would be amazing!

Jan 02, 2012
Duke of Westminste... on Jan 13, 2014 wrote:
Blind mew. Will there ever be a minotaur companion? Those guys were so cool! It seems sad that their only in one dungeon. I understand there is a pet but a companions would be amazing!
Spoiler Alert! We already have a minotaur companion on our crews. You probably didn't realize it, "There is no shame in that", But under the mask, El Toro is really Don Rodrigo, the (very handsome) minotaur landowner in Santo Pollo. We all love him too much too much to betray his secret, so don't tell the Frogerales

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Row4n412 on Jan 13, 2014 wrote:
Spoiler Alert! We already have a minotaur companion on our crews. You probably didn't realize it, "There is no shame in that", But under the mask, El Toro is really Don Rodrigo, the (very handsome) minotaur landowner in Santo Pollo. We all love him too much too much to betray his secret, so don't tell the Frogerales
Lol he is not a minotaur and he will take Great issue with you for suggesting such a thing. Toro is a bull. Hence the name 'Toro'.

Aug 18, 2011
Row4n412 on Jan 13, 2014 wrote:
Spoiler Alert! We already have a minotaur companion on our crews. You probably didn't realize it, "There is no shame in that", But under the mask, El Toro is really Don Rodrigo, the (very handsome) minotaur landowner in Santo Pollo. We all love him too much too much to betray his secret, so don't tell the Frogerales
Actually El Toro(Spoiler: Don Rodrigo) is a bull not a minotaur.

C.K. Hawkins - Lvl 65

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Row4n412 on Jan 13, 2014 wrote:
Spoiler Alert! We already have a minotaur companion on our crews. You probably didn't realize it, "There is no shame in that", But under the mask, El Toro is really Don Rodrigo, the (very handsome) minotaur landowner in Santo Pollo. We all love him too much too much to betray his secret, so don't tell the Frogerales
Additional thought. A minotaur is a half bull half human creature. If you look at Toro's feet, they are hooves that are not split like a bulls. Don't you remember how much he got upset when Hawkules called him a minotaur? Trust me Toro is all bull.

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Blind Mew, I have one plot gap that you may need to hear before this story thread gets to a close someday soon.

During the quest that starts Book 5, "Go West, Young Pirate", I went to talk to Brother Varo in Monquista's St. Bonobo's Abbey, then, after that, the goal was updated to go to Cool Ranch by Skull Island, but something didn't make sense. Once I simply went through that, I realized that there were no travel permit papers to Cool Ranch required as of the moment being. Isn't it odd that there's no errand or task needed to get these papers? And on top of all that, no one even mentioned in the story that the Blue Windstone was the key to entering Cool Ranch by going via the Stormgate in Flotsam Skyway, not even our Companions in the storyline! Acquired Blue Windstone, plus no travel permits, plus no return trip to Captain Avery, plus simple travel to Cool Ranch with no directions to there, equals no sense! What's up with that? Sorry, but I just had a realization when I remembered going through that. When travel to another world is required, we'd regularly need a Windstone and Stormgate blockade travel permits to that world in order to go there. I say this plot gap needs to be filled in by extending that main story quest to accompany these changes as new quest goals. Can this gap be filled in soon, Blind Mew? I wish to see that story gap bridged.

Also, if you're planning on making Catbeard's Trial a non-fight sigil, can the "Resumed Docket 2-4-6-0-1" scene be turned into a non-player controlled event?

Thanks once again for answering!

Jan 26, 2012
jude680 on Jan 4, 2014 wrote:
hey blind mew i have another question is their any witchdoctor armada troops in the armada besides bishop and phule
Good question! I expect Kane definitely wants some, but they're probably quite difficult to produce. If there were any, they'd be the kind of thing to hold in reserve - best used for surprise.

Jan 26, 2012
Merciless Morgrim on Jan 4, 2014 wrote:
I'm back with a host of new questions. Hopefully you'll be able to answer at least some of them ;)

1. I noticed several quick references to unvisited skyways throughout the game (Ionian Skway for example), but one reference has had me curious for over a year now. Early in the game, a place called the Mines of Oryx is mentioned. Can you tell us more about this place?

2. There has been a lot of discussion regarding King Casimir and his role. Is he aware of Kane's actions or has Kane defied the king's authority?

3. How exactly did the Stormgates come to be?

4. Assuming El Dorado is reached via Stormgate, how is it possible for it to move around or be so hidden? Also is it possible then the close or destroy other Stormgates as well?

5.Why did Marco pollo rip up the map as opposed to burning it or destroying it completely?

6. In Valencia we helped Ridolfo Capoferro (leader of the resistance) escape. What is the current state of the resistance now? (Assuming one still exists)

7. Will we learn more about the significance of the ancient ruins relics and bishop's experimentation?
1. Oryx is a region of Monquista, known for its especially harsh climate. Getting sent to Oryx is a terrible thing - tantamount to a death sentence.

2. That relationship will be explored in the future. It's rather complex.

3. The origins of the Stormgates has been a topic of debate among philosophers and wizards for centuries. Some say they represent spatial faults, cracks in the universe left over from the shattering of the First World. Others believe they were deliberately constructed, by forces unknown, according to a grand scheme and pattern. Finally, there are some who think there is no pattern to the gates, and that they are the byproduct of some ancient magical experiment gone awry - perhaps the first attempts to make Spiral Doors , or some other forgotten event.

4. The promotional map we sent out right before release linked to a secret letter between Marco pollo and Merle Ambrose - that letter offers many hints of an answer to this question. Suffice to say: El Dorado's moving Stormgate is unique, and it seems to be that way on purpose.

5. Well, as much as he didn't want anyone going back there, he acknowledged that someday, somebody might really need to. If their motives were pure, they'd need to get his entire old crew to agree to the plan. If their motives were impure, they'd have to defeat them - some of the most toughest sailors in the Spiral. Seemed like a good idea at the time...

6. Whenever we return to Valencia, you can bet that the Resistance will be a major thread of the story.

7. Yup. May take a while, though.

Jan 26, 2012
Doctor Z on Jan 5, 2014 wrote:
Forgive me if this question has been asked but how long does the game take place? Surely the war between the armada and mb could not have started in a few days. Could it?
The game takes place over a span that is gray, hazy, and ill-defined: I'll say "a while" - not a short while, mind you, but not quite a long while either. And you'll never get a better answer from me.

As to the war, the idea I was working from is that the Armada has been mobilizing and readying in secret for quite some time - thus their response to MB's supposed aggression was uncannily swift and completely overwhelming. So the war could have progressed quite quickly.

Jan 26, 2012
filly412 on Jan 5, 2014 wrote:
Hey Blind Mew I have one quick question that I wanted to ask. I'm not sure if this has already been asked but, when we go back to Valencia will it be like the first time? Will we get to fight other types of enemies besides the clockworks?
Unsure of exactly what you mean by "like the first time," but I'm pretty sure the answer is no. Other enemies? Yes. Quite a few. While it suited the story perfectly for there to be scads of Armada to fight in Marleybone, the next visit to Valencia will require more finesse - constant battles with the Armada would overtax one's disbelief a bit, i think.

Jan 26, 2012
Antonio Shadowbrea... on Jan 6, 2014 wrote:
Are we 100% sure that Blind Mew is being truthful when he tells us how he lost his eyes at the beginning of the game? It just seems that it's a little too convenient for him to show up when he does. He prods us in certain directions (like directly back to Avery), and sure it might just be helpful but does he really seem like an innocent character?

There's another character in the game who loses an eye - Old Scratch at his first promotion. What if Blind Mew gave his eyes in exchange for something else? We see he still has both hands (apparently).

Retrieving that telescope at the beginning of the game could be a horrible idea, especially if it has something to do with the way to get to El Dorado. You know, like a special telescope that helps you stay on course to a stormgate that keeps moving around.

Wow. While Mew the NPC may have a secret or two up his sleeve (as opposed to Mew the developer - I have tons), I think you may be reading a little too much into things here. Sometimes a blind cat is just a blind cat.

Jan 26, 2012
Buccaneer Boy on Jan 6, 2014 wrote:
Hey Blind Mew, I have but one question. This is probably a "that would be telling" question but here goes nothing, will us pirates visit every world we see in the spiral threads as of now? Thanks, Daniel Radcliffe, Level 65,
Perhaps - though i expect we'll work hard to make the Spiral always feel big, and having places you haven't seen is a good way to do that.

Jan 26, 2012
Nicholas LionRider on Jan 8, 2014 wrote:
Blind Mew, I have had a question I have been having for about a year now :P: How do we or anyone know our parents died. I know they did because you said, but from a storyline perspective, it doesn't quite add up. Where were we if we didn't go with them. Surely if they got "lost" we would be lost as well, if their ship was destroyed by a squid, surely we would have perished too right? As for our companions and almost everyone, how do they know too? None of the Presidio companions were there or else they have the same flaw? Can you please answer this cause as it stands it is almost a huge plot hole. -Fearless Nicholas Kent *By the way I am a HUGE fan of your work, if I don't get a job as a concept artist, second job for sure will be game storyline writer*
A good question -

I'm presuming that the PC was not on the ship when their parents died - you're right, such a thing would make your own survival improbable. I am presuming that before their last voyage, the Pirate's parents left the PC in the care of somebody else.

As far as nobody knowing what happened, word of such disasters and things can and does spread - a lone survivor tells tales, debris is found, that kind of thing. And, I'm pretty sure at least one Presidio companion WAS there to see it all go down.

So, as neat a plot twist as it might be to have the parents not be dead, their death is not as improbable as it might seem. Although (as of yet at least) we do not have a grave. So there is room for some surpises down the road. And it's getting to be about the time we need to deal with these questions.

Jan 26, 2012
Nicholas LionRider on Jan 8, 2014 wrote:
I also have been piecing together that an American revolution world would kinda be awesome. I was thinking focus on more or less New England but also maybe some middle colonies. Also I thought it might be hilarious if you add a place to the "Massachusetts" area called Salem where you kinda go through a story similar to the book the Crucible. The Marleybonian colonists are so frightened by the idea of wizards and witches that they see you with old scratch and think you might be a witch, for witchdoctors it would be REALLY good. Also badges like "Witch Hunter" and stuff could be made by actually killing witches in a forest setting. This world could also have native american enemies like small woodland creatures like porcupines, possums, stuff of that nature. Obviously triangular slave trade would be a cool feature with Zafaria and maybe if you don't do ZF immediately you can have some NPCs from Zafaria that would act as the slaves. Also things like Benjamin Froglin, George Washingtalon (an eagle in a powdered wig), and just the theme of New England and stuff would be a really awesome change from most worlds. Skyways could be like Appalacian Skyway, the Saratoga Skyway and stuff like that. Also ships might get words of "America" as a whole (Freedom, Liberty, Providence, Eagle, Star, etc.) The whole world is ambitious in reality but I have made my own concept, maps, stuff of that nature and maybe one day a few years down the line past El Dorado if could be made. Though I still don't have a name :P Also gotta love the great Monquistan explorer who found this new world, Christopher Colobus :P
Witch trials and triangle trades can be hard to do tastefully, especially if you're trying to have some humor in there too. An American Revolution storyline doesn't appeal to me very much. Colonial New England by itself, on the other hand...

Jan 26, 2012
Duke of Westminste... on Jan 9, 2014 wrote:
Thanks for answering my first questions Mew. Here are a couple more:
1. What is this-?????
2. On a more serious note I would like to ask if you guys have used any ideas from the "Do You Have An Idea" thread and if so what are they?
3. The armada said that they heard rumors about a pirate haven in skull island but they didn't know where it was. Since the armada has been excavating Skull Island shouldn't they have found us pirates by now?
4. There are armada troops in the jungle near Gortez's kingdom but there are no armada ships at the dock. Why?
5. Will there ever be a grub guardian type game for Pirate101?
1. It's a pirate skull with tentacles, of course! Why do you ask? It might or might not have something to do with the little green fellow who keeps popping up in the puppet shows...

2. I myself have not, but I can't speak for the other devs. I know that user feedback drives a LOT of the refinements we make.

3. That letter was from before the beginning of the game: they've since discovered it, I think (after all in the tutorial you made straight for it). As for the excavations, remember that they're digging on the isle of Doom, not Skull Island - the fact that the world and the major location share a name can sometimes give rise to confusion.

4. As the PC cannot completely circumnavigate the isle of Doom, I'd guess that there's another dock someplace that they use.

5. I don't know - those decisions get made by other folks. I'd like to see one, though!

Nov 03, 2012
Trimond297 on Jan 14, 2014 wrote:
Blind Mew, I have one plot gap that you may need to hear before this story thread gets to a close someday soon.

During the quest that starts Book 5, "Go West, Young Pirate", I went to talk to Brother Varo in Monquista's St. Bonobo's Abbey, then, after that, the goal was updated to go to Cool Ranch by Skull Island, but something didn't make sense. Once I simply went through that, I realized that there were no travel permit papers to Cool Ranch required as of the moment being. Isn't it odd that there's no errand or task needed to get these papers? And on top of all that, no one even mentioned in the story that the Blue Windstone was the key to entering Cool Ranch by going via the Stormgate in Flotsam Skyway, not even our Companions in the storyline! Acquired Blue Windstone, plus no travel permits, plus no return trip to Captain Avery, plus simple travel to Cool Ranch with no directions to there, equals no sense! What's up with that? Sorry, but I just had a realization when I remembered going through that. When travel to another world is required, we'd regularly need a Windstone and Stormgate blockade travel permits to that world in order to go there. I say this plot gap needs to be filled in by extending that main story quest to accompany these changes as new quest goals. Can this gap be filled in soon, Blind Mew? I wish to see that story gap bridged.

Also, if you're planning on making Catbeard's Trial a non-fight sigil, can the "Resumed Docket 2-4-6-0-1" scene be turned into a non-player controlled event?

Thanks once again for answering!
I think I can answer this question. Remember, Cool Ranch is a lawless place where bandits and gangs run wild. There is no leader there so that means anyone with a windstone can go there. They just need to get past those steamboats surrounding the stormgate. Secondly our pirate has grown independent after all this time so they probably didn't feel the need to contact Avery. Maybe if they gave Avery an update on what happened then that would be fine. Thirdly, we have a lot of companions from skull island so I imagine they would know about a gigantic storm gate in the middle of flotsam. When they get to Cool Ranch they go to Cooper's roost because it's the nearest place with civilization. They needed help so they went there to get answers on where to start looking for Merriweather Clark. I know I would also go to the nearest town. Our pirate was being a detective. They can't always be told exactly where to go. They can problem solve as we all know. Hope this helped. See? It makes perfect sense.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Duke of Westminste... on Jan 16, 2014 wrote:
I think I can answer this question. Remember, Cool Ranch is a lawless place where bandits and gangs run wild. There is no leader there so that means anyone with a windstone can go there. They just need to get past those steamboats surrounding the stormgate. Secondly our pirate has grown independent after all this time so they probably didn't feel the need to contact Avery. Maybe if they gave Avery an update on what happened then that would be fine. Thirdly, we have a lot of companions from skull island so I imagine they would know about a gigantic storm gate in the middle of flotsam. When they get to Cool Ranch they go to Cooper's roost because it's the nearest place with civilization. They needed help so they went there to get answers on where to start looking for Merriweather Clark. I know I would also go to the nearest town. Our pirate was being a detective. They can't always be told exactly where to go. They can problem solve as we all know. Hope this helped. See? It makes perfect sense.
Plus, with one exception, there is no Armada presence in Cool Ranch so papers would not be necessary.

Nov 03, 2012
Mr. Mew I have a important question that MUST be answered. It's about wind stones. In the game the windstones seem so rare. Yet it seems that everyone else has one. I mean the clockworks had to have a bunch of windstones to get there army to Marleybone. So how come whenever our pirate goes to a new world there is only one specific wind stone to get? That windstone is usually in a dungeon. Shouldn't Avery have a ton? I feel weird when I have to go through a lot of trouble to get one windstone. When there should be so many. These aren't spiral keys in Wizard101 these should be pretty common items. Also why does our pirate always need travel papers? Since when do pirates obey the law?

Oct 15, 2010
I finally have a decent question!

Did you base any of the story/game elements off of the book "Airborn" by Kenneth Oppel? There are some similarities (flying ships, "Skyway"s, etc.)

If not, make sure to pass this on to Librarian Adelmo!

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Greetings Sir Mew. I have always wondered this and I kept forgetting to ask you; When doing the Fort Elana quest, in the lower level I come across this strange pair inside a jail cell and wondered if they have a story that just didn't make it to the plot line. Please see linked Screenshot of this Odd Couple Jailbirds.
Thank you muchly for your time and hopefully a tidbit of your fascinating imagination.

Jan 02, 2012
Chrissy Th'Blesser on Jan 17, 2014 wrote:
Greetings Sir Mew. I have always wondered this and I kept forgetting to ask you; When doing the Fort Elana quest, in the lower level I come across this strange pair inside a jail cell and wondered if they have a story that just didn't make it to the plot line. Please see linked Screenshot of this Odd Couple Jailbirds.
Thank you muchly for your time and hopefully a tidbit of your fascinating imagination.
They're in there after we secure the area and go back upstairs. I always imagined that they represent all the enemies the PC and his crew defeated and locked up, since we never kill and rarely even destroy clockworks.