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Story Thread 4: This Would Be Telling

Jun 16, 2009
the doctor on Feb 16, 2014 wrote:
hey blind mew I just wanted to ask you one question does captain Avery knew our pirates mom? like did he had a crush on her? or were they just good friends?
It is possible that Avery knew our mother, as she seems to have been fairly well known in pirate circles. Even if he did know her though, it is unlikely he had any sort of crush on her. Pirates in general and Avery especially tend to look after profit first and then personal relationships. Also, does Avery really seem like the sort of person to fall for anyone?

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Blind Mew, I keep forgetting to ask you this...

While I was in Fort Basset's hall, I noticed a set of doors near the Armory's entrance, and for the moment, it seems to be locked. This leads me to wondering, "What's behind these doors"? I believe it leads to a part of Fort Basset nobody has ever been to before. Do you think this could be worked in as part of a new repeatable side quest in Fort Basset? I would like to see a new optional chamber in there with some new optional bosses, too.

Before Rooke's second and last battle in Marleybone, he only speaks to Admiral Nelson, not to the Pirates. Also, he doesn't tell them what happened to the stolen Map Piece General Tso sold Rooke to, though I'm sure it was sent to Valencia before Rooke began his new stratagem. I think Rooke should have new dialogue lines added in about where the Map Piece went before he began his "Endgame" plan. Could that happen?

Also, after Captain Kid said "I'll not be driven out! Leave this place!", Bonnie Anne said "Cap'n, whatever that thing is, it's gone into the Rafters!". That dialogue line made it like she was, to put it simply... oblivious to the ghost of Captain Kid. I think her line should be revised to "Cap'n, whoever it was, went up to the Rafters!". That will make her more obvious to the ghost. Could this be done, Blind Mew?

Oh, one more thing. About Boochbeard's voiceover line in the Sigils Tutorial Tip, "See that mark on the floor? It's a Sigil, and that means there's action on the other side o' that door!" it's been sounding the same since... I guess... beta, and it didn't sound like he had the professionalism in that voiceover. Could that dialogue line be revised to make his voiceover line sound more like the professionalism flair Boochbeard gives out?

Please answer my questions, and thanks once again for answering!

Petty Officer
Apr 15, 2010
so our mother said she was buried in el dorado Who buried her? further more wouldnt the person/people who buried her have her map piece? or did she leave it for use in her will

for promotion quests is it possible to like combine two companions? what i mean is say ratbeard and catbeard are level ___ and they do the quest together?

how do you get the water mole sumo? I've seen people in Avery's court with one.

i said this in a different post but is egg shen and egg foo young related seeing as in china the last name comes first?

will commander Emmet ever become general emmet or commodore Emmet?

who was the first companion designed?

who voiced the troggies?

after getting the taxes from the goat governor (forgot his name) i agree with ratbeard we're pirates i want the gold and bonnie says they need it more then us well bonnie remember that the next time you want companion training points.

what skyway was your favorite to make

what's your favorite world?

does lucky jack russel have a kick butt sister? I can picture him having one

will we ever see the picture of the el dorado crew again *cough* add a place where we can see pictures like the el toro ones *cough*

well mr mew thanks for having this thread wow it's already huge i wish wizard had story questions not complaints pirate101 crew rocks!

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
the purple captian on Feb 18, 2014 wrote:
so our mother said she was buried in el dorado Who buried her? further more wouldnt the person/people who buried her have her map piece? or did she leave it for use in her will

for promotion quests is it possible to like combine two companions? what i mean is say ratbeard and catbeard are level ___ and they do the quest together?

how do you get the water mole sumo? I've seen people in Avery's court with one.

i said this in a different post but is egg shen and egg foo young related seeing as in china the last name comes first?

will commander Emmet ever become general emmet or commodore Emmet?

who was the first companion designed?

who voiced the troggies?

after getting the taxes from the goat governor (forgot his name) i agree with ratbeard we're pirates i want the gold and bonnie says they need it more then us well bonnie remember that the next time you want companion training points.

what skyway was your favorite to make

what's your favorite world?

does lucky jack russel have a kick butt sister? I can picture him having one

will we ever see the picture of the el dorado crew again *cough* add a place where we can see pictures like the el toro ones *cough*

well mr mew thanks for having this thread wow it's already huge i wish wizard had story questions not complaints pirate101 crew rocks!
Hi purple Captain. Wizard does have a story question person. Just look for King Artorius . His stuff is in the Ravenwood commons but he hasn't posted since Dec 19th of last year. He must be even busier than Blind Mew. (No offence to Sir Mew of course, I just mean too busy to be posting. )

Nov 03, 2012
Hey everybody, I think we should stop posting on this thread until blind mew comes back. A Lot of posts have piled up and we need to let Mew catch up. He's probably very busy right now. So until ha catches up with us, I recommend nobody should post.

Petty Officer
Apr 15, 2010
Duke of Westminste... on Feb 18, 2014 wrote:
Hey everybody, I think we should stop posting on this thread until blind mew comes back. A Lot of posts have piled up and we need to let Mew catch up. He's probably very busy right now. So until ha catches up with us, I recommend nobody should post.

Oct 12, 2010
I have a question. I made a whole post about it. but my question is... What happened to the Armada?

(It's okay if you don't answer me admittedly, I know your busy.)

Jan 26, 2012
@Duke of Westminster

We meet Boochbeard and Gandry in the beginning of the game... My question is, will we ever get to talk with him or meet him again. If he's supposed to be a main character then how come we never see him. Is he fated to just be the guy that gives us tutorial tips all the time? If so, I find that really sad. I enjoyed Boochbeard and Gandry and hope that they are going to appear again.

Booch and Gandry's role definitely evolved early in the development stages for the game. We were thinking Booch could serve as an analogue for the narrator in Wizard101. As we started to do the tutorials, we found him to be indispensable as a character who can break the fourth wall - I never want anyone in the game to tell you to click something or explain what a level is. Sadly, this also precludes his involvement in the main story...

I'm a little sad that Booch and Gandry sort of fell out of the story as well. I have a few ideas for how make them more visible in game - I hope they can become manifest soon.

Jan 26, 2012
@Reed Legendbreaker

Hey, I was wondering that since we are already probably going back to Valencia that if you could add a clockwork or armada child as a companion...

Two problems with this. One, I don't want to put children in combat (I see the PC as being on the edge of adolescence), and two, I really don't like the diea of a Clockwork companion - I want them to remain the other, the faceless enemy, who we cannot ever really get to know. There have been whole threads about this, and my position is in no danger of changing.

Jan 26, 2012
@The Purple Captain

1. will we ever get Timmy as a companion like if we were to go back to tumbleweed?

As I said above, I'm not a fan of putting a little kid in combat. Timmy has to stay in Cool Ranch and learn to be a lawman anyway.

2. the guys in fort elena the awesome cute penguins will we get one ever?
Perhaps. We'd probably have to go to Polaris to get one, and I can't guarantee that. They would be very cool, though.

3. who designs spells and such?

Ratbeard thinks up the systems components, and the art department designs the FX. I have some input in that process, but I don't drive it.

4. how were the five classes made up?
Way back at the beginning of the project the systems folk locked down what we wanted the dynamics and play styles of each class should be. A lot of that was done by the time I got here.

5. Is it possible that since the clockworks don't live that they could rebuild the elites but without there memory yet secret meetings and other things burned into there brains could deacon come back?
It is possible, and you're not the first to ask. I don't know how likely this is, however. It takes a lot of effort and investment to build an Elite clockwork, and Kane is very busy at present - he's got other things to direct his time and resources toward.

6. horses in the amber horde and horses in cool ranch? which came first?
I don't really know - I expect there was one horse population way back in the First World, but it was split into different groups when that shattered, creating the Spiral. They've had so long for their cultures to develop in isolation that they're pretty unrecognizable to each other now, except in their basic horseyness (equinimity?).

7. who of all the talking companions have the hardest lines to write?
Tough call. Bonnie Anne and Ratbeard are easy. I'd say it gets toughest in the blocks of five - keeping Gaspard, Barnabus, and all those guys fresh gets tricky.

To be continued...

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Blind Mew on Feb 19, 2014 wrote:
@Reed Legendbreaker

Hey, I was wondering that since we are already probably going back to Valencia that if you could add a clockwork or armada child as a companion...

Two problems with this. One, I don't want to put children in combat (I see the PC as being on the edge of adolescence), and two, I really don't like the diea of a Clockwork companion - I want them to remain the other, the faceless enemy, who we cannot ever really get to know. There have been whole threads about this, and my position is in no danger of changing.
That is always comforting to know. Thanks Mew.

Jan 26, 2012
@The Purple Captain (continued)

8. can we trust avery? i don't well.... not fully.

Well, he is a pirate. I'm hoping that over the course of the game we see him going through a redemptive arc, just like Ratbeard and so many of your companions. As the stakes get higher, he realizes he needs to take a side, and he won't stand with the Armada.

9. could we maybe do something like the Presido go in steal get out piracy things like that?

If you mean more heists, I'm always on the lookout for ways to get them into the plot. Book 13 has a doozy of one at the beginning of it. I realize things get a bit less piratical and more adventurey as the story goes on, but I'm hoping we can change that trend soon.

10. who was the first el toro did it go back behind Don Rodrigo's mentor?

I don't really know, and am content to leave it hazy unless we should need to define it.

11. how did the starter companions get get imprisoned what did they do?
Again, I'm content to leave it vague. Does it matter?

12. the monkey bishop privateer's get will he promote to a bishop or stay at initiate?
I'm pretty sure they promote at least once. Ratbeard will be the final arbiter there.

Community Leader
Blind Mew, have you ever thought about referencing or creating a quest in P101 about the Titanic? Would be a great easter egg, or an in dungeon of some sort on a ship that sinks from not an Iceberg but a skysquid or something?

Reason why I was wondering is cause the movie was on last night and I thought wow what a great dungeon this would be in Pirates.

Johnny - Pirate101 Community Leader
Jan 26, 2012
@Musketeer 592

ok blind mew 1i almost cried when you ansered so harshly i mean i could almost hear your voice screeming at me 2 will you at least tell us if im right about the skyway thing 3 i dont know what book im in im a level 24 musk stuck on buck bronkoes cave! thats all i know about where i am! ps sorry if i hurt your fellings some how o and DO NOT leave polaris out musketeers rule

No man, no worries! That was a laughing "are you kidding?" not an angry one. No feelings hurt at all. It just made me chuckle that after so many obliquely worded questions trying to get me to reveal something you just came out and went for it. So, let me take this in parts...

1) No worries - I didn't mean to "sound" harsh at all. That's the bane to all our new connectivity - there's no nonverbal cues in a text.

2) No you're not wrong about the Skyway - first letter C. It's not for cookie...

3) You're in Book 9. Hmmmmm.... It seems to me we need better notification of that kind of stuff. I'll look into that.

Polaris? Fun place, but i won't talk world list.

And yes, Musketeers rule. I find I can't play anything else.

Jan 26, 2012
@Zuto 4011

1) if i recall correctly only the bison and banditoads are native to coolranch, so where did the birds come from

We mentioned somewhere (maybe on the website write-ups for the worlds?) that the Birds all come from "Back East." After the War Between the Flocks, a great many of them decided to set out and make a new life on the frontier.

2) what was the age range KI was expecting for p101
10 and up. Why do you ask?

3) When will KI host a tournament
Couldn't tell you. I expect that's a One-Eyed jack question.

4) Will a clan or guild system be implmented
Don't know - that's way on in the realm of systems.

5) Was el dorado built as a city or as a tomb/prison to contain something that may or may not have caused the great calamity
Interesting question. I'm afraid that would be telling. (wow - has it been so long since I got to use my tagline?)

Petty Officer
Aug 13, 2012
Melody Fisher on Feb 17, 2014 wrote:
It is possible that Avery knew our mother, as she seems to have been fairly well known in pirate circles. Even if he did know her though, it is unlikely he had any sort of crush on her. Pirates in general and Avery especially tend to look after profit first and then personal relationships. Also, does Avery really seem like the sort of person to fall for anyone?
yeah your right about that

Petty Officer
Aug 13, 2012
I have another question and thank you melody fish for answering my previous question.

in Achaea where those centaurs run free if you went left passed Pholus and keep going until you reach the ruins of a greek home and a cave to your right there is a girl standing there she has no name, has dark grey hair and is wearing white and blue clothes that are like the ones where you create your pirate. Why is she there?

Petty Officer
Apr 15, 2010
Chrissy Th'Blesser on Feb 18, 2014 wrote:
Hi purple Captain. Wizard does have a story question person. Just look for King Artorius . His stuff is in the Ravenwood commons but he hasn't posted since Dec 19th of last year. He must be even busier than Blind Mew. (No offence to Sir Mew of course, I just mean too busy to be posting. )
well now i feel silly

First Mate
Dec 13, 2009
Did Mooshu have a civil war a hundred years ago?

Sep 17, 2012
Something I noticed has been nagging me for a while so I thought I would ask about it. On Marco Pollo's map the following is mentioned:
"I have confirmed your theory - the random perturbations of El Dorado's Stormgate are no accident - they occur by design."

The wording here reminds me of Kane's Grand Design. Coincidence? Or is this related to Kane's ultimate plan?

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
the purple captian on Feb 20, 2014 wrote:
well now i feel silly
Please don't feel silly. I took me quite a while to find his posts and I knew they were there. Anyone not knowing about his would have had an even harder time. Perhaps they need to sticky the poor bear. It is not your lack that kept him hidden from you. You are just fine in my eyes. Although I do tend to work very hard on my silly skills to keep the giggles going so perhaps silly is something to be admired.

Jun 20, 2013
Blind Mew, I gotta ask: The Armada already have their fingers in Mooshu, Marleybone, a teensy bit of Cool Ranch, Valencia, and who knows how many other Realms of the Spiral. My question is, since both Morganthe from Wizard101 and Kane have been going at it for a while now, since I know they will never ally themselves together, will one eventually seek to destroy the other, due to both desiring complete dominion over the spiral? Furthermore, the Council of Light from Wizard 101: will they ever have to face the clockwork menace?

Have a good one,
The Vagabond

Gunner's Mate
Apr 13, 2010
The Vagabond on Feb 20, 2014 wrote:
Blind Mew, I gotta ask: The Armada already have their fingers in Mooshu, Marleybone, a teensy bit of Cool Ranch, Valencia, and who knows how many other Realms of the Spiral. My question is, since both Morganthe from Wizard101 and Kane have been going at it for a while now, since I know they will never ally themselves together, will one eventually seek to destroy the other, due to both desiring complete dominion over the spiral? Furthermore, the Council of Light from Wizard 101: will they ever have to face the clockwork menace?

Have a good one,
The Vagabond
I think this was answered before, but our wizards and pirates get to Mooshu at roughly the same time. In the Mooshu puppet show, Malistaire is not named, but he appears. Clockwork menace. Good one! Remember, in the character creation, Boochbeard and Gandry say, since your a witchdoctor, "...Don't you know the Armada's outlawed all magic?" Morganthe isn't one to be trusted anyways, so I doubt Kane will even consider joining with her. Besides, wizard magic is different from hoodoo.

-George Gordon, the Magnificent Seventh

Jan 26, 2012
@Zuto 4011

WAIT A MINUTE!!!! you said before you had an acute sense of steering! whats really going on here, or are just renting a ship in which case i dont feel like sherlock i feel more like watson

Well, there's all the upkeep associated with a ship that I have to deal with that we spare your little pirates for the sake of playability (crew wages, insurance, maintenance, food and supplies, vehicle registration, and whatnot). Those Transportalers aren't cheap either...

Jan 26, 2012

First off, Blind Mew, please pass on my thank you to the whole team for the total awesomeness that is Trafalgar Skyway near Beachhead before we destroy it.
You are very welcome. As I've said before, I'm immensely proud of what we achieved in Marleybone. Story, art, and the talent of the team really hit the bullseye.

Will we see Calico Jake again?
It's very likely - he's a prime NPC for re-introduction somewhere down the line.

have you guys considered all the other stories that could be told (for crowns, possibly or gold) by a storyteller NPC somewhere?
We've kicked around a few different ideas for getting more fiction into the game - something like Wizard's Lore quests. There's clearly a LOT of room out there, with such interesting worlds and characters running around. We're not yet at a place where we can move on that in earnest, but it's an idea I'm very interested in. Just how it would manifest, or who would end up writing it, is something I hesitate to speculate about - I'll have a say in that stuff, but it's not my sole call.