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Story Thread 5: More Musings

Jul 16, 2008
Hey Mew. I'm not really sure if you or Ratbeard are the companion guys, but I still want to ask this. Kind of like with Gaspard, Mike, and the others with choosing the death of the player's parents, can we get companions based on the world we were sent to when he or she became an orphan? I really want to see a viking bear follow me around.

May 06, 2012
1: When we do find el dorado will jealous pirates attack us?
2: now that gortez is king what is marleybone and monquestia's relationship right now?
3: they are silent companions and we won't get a quest for them so I was wondering if you could tell us a bit about the new class companions past?
4: how many shark clans are there?

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
genericpirate786 on Apr 9, 2014 wrote:
Hey Mew. I'm not really sure if you or Ratbeard are the companion guys, but I still want to ask this. Kind of like with Gaspard, Mike, and the others with choosing the death of the player's parents, can we get companions based on the world we were sent to when he or she became an orphan? I really want to see a viking bear follow me around.
You mean the Home World 5? To answer that question for him, I would really like to see that happen before the first arc ends, but right now, they're way busy with the Test Realm update and the work on Book 15.

I would be surprised to see how the Home World 5 turns out.

Jan 28, 2014
Blind Mew, I have a friend of mine who claims to know about the new book and a couple of stuff that will come in the next book. I'm not sure if I actually believe her or not.

Her name is "Swarming Ariel Scupper", a maxed Buccaneer.

Does she really know about some of the stuff in the next book, or is she bluffing? (And no, i'm not going to take advantage of her and ask her questions. Besides, she doesn't work for KingsIsle.)

Jun 14, 2013
Trimond297 on Apr 10, 2014 wrote:
You mean the Home World 5? To answer that question for him, I would really like to see that happen before the first arc ends, but right now, they're way busy with the Test Realm update and the work on Book 15.

I would be surprised to see how the Home World 5 turns out.
Trimond297, I've actually seen a post about The Home World 5 in a p101 blog. The article is very detailed, From how the characters look, to the script of the quest on which you get them! How cool is that?! Here's the link for anyone how wants to see it!

- Miserable Elizabeth Hawkins lvl 11

Jul 16, 2008
MizzyPirate13 on Apr 12, 2014 wrote:
Trimond297, I've actually seen a post about The Home World 5 in a p101 blog. The article is very detailed, From how the characters look, to the script of the quest on which you get them! How cool is that?! Here's the link for anyone how wants to see it!

- Miserable Elizabeth Hawkins lvl 11
Wow, now I'm really glad I picked Grizzleheim! Anyways, I have more questions on companions, and maybe even other stuff.
1. How many non-animal companions will get their first promotion?
2. Will we see Grizzleheim as a side world like in Wizard, or will it be a main one?
3. Will more of Dragonspyre (Avernus Skyway) be seen?
4.Was Oingo Boingo's promotion looking the same some kind of error?

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
itsamemario4 on Apr 11, 2014 wrote:
Blind Mew, I have a friend of mine who claims to know about the new book and a couple of stuff that will come in the next book. I'm not sure if I actually believe her or not.

Her name is "Swarming Ariel Scupper", a maxed Buccaneer.

Does she really know about some of the stuff in the next book, or is she bluffing? (And no, i'm not going to take advantage of her and ask her questions. Besides, she doesn't work for KingsIsle.)
If she doesn't work for KingsIsle then I seriously doubt she really knows. The folks at KingsIsle are masters at keeping secrets. I know of an employee through a friend's brother and he never utters a peep about work. Not even to family. I would ask a couple of pointed questions then file it away until you find the answer then show her her inaccuracies.

May 21, 2009
Okay, just a few thoughts/questions.

1. Zadok. Is he an H.P. Lovecraft reference?
2. Are we going to get any more Lovecraft easter eggs?
3. Are you guys up to anything for us higher-levels that ISN'T Book 15...?

Petty Officer
Apr 15, 2010
1 will we be searching more into our child hood with the new memory wipe?
2 in the end of wizard101 kobb said something about polaris so who will be getting there first?
3 will we actually fight Kane or fight minions while he falls of a cliff *cough* wizard final battle *cough*
4 are class pets possible in the future?
5 could the hawkules promotion be a knock off of his 12 impossible deeds? or was it six?

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Pirates, If I may speak up, please hold up with the questions to Blind Mew until they're done with the new update in the Test Realm. They're busy with it, remember? Again, hold your questions until they're done.

Oct 11, 2009
the purple captian on Apr 13, 2014 wrote:
1 will we be searching more into our child hood with the new memory wipe?
2 in the end of wizard101 kobb said something about polaris so who will be getting there first?
3 will we actually fight Kane or fight minions while he falls of a cliff *cough* wizard final battle *cough*
4 are class pets possible in the future?
5 could the hawkules promotion be a knock off of his 12 impossible deeds? or was it six?
Spoilers, man.

Sep 08, 2012
Blind Mew on Mar 3, 2014 wrote:
1.Will we ever get a decommissioned Armada Trooper as a companion?

I'm really not a fan of the idea - there was a whole thread about this a while back. Long story short: the Clockworks need to be faceless and alien or they lose their menace. As cool as I, Borg was in Star Trek: The next Generation, Hugh really diminished the Borg as a concept - they were no longer a force of nature.

2.Will we ever get one of those Marleybone doberman as a companion?
I think Marleybione and Aquila are both really underutilized in the Companion arena - I'd like to see more ways of giving some of those cool characters out as Companions.

3.Will we ever get a Banditoad as a companion?
Perhaps - see above.

4.Will we ever be able to get an Armada ship?
That's a tougher question. There's some cool reasons why we'd do it (using it as a Shuttle Tyderium type disguise, for example), but they'd be difficult to pull off. I'd like to, but I can't commit yet.

5.Will we ever get One-eyed Jack as a companion?

Nope - he's too valuable as an NPC.

6.Will we ever go to Darkmoor?
I don't talk world list, sorry. Of all the worlds we've name dropped, however, it's a safer bet than most. A definite maybe.

7.can we get a decommissioned Armada Trooper as a housing item?
That's be pretty cool. I think there's something like that in the Musketeer house, if I recall.

8.Could we put our weapons on the wall as furniture?

That's a nifty request. I'm not sure what it would take to make that work. Forward it on to Jack.

9.Could there maybe be more Aquilan furniture?

There could - that's a bit easier to manage. We'll see if we can't roll more in in the future.

10.Could you make a place based off of Australia?

That'd definitely be a good fit. To answer snarkily, of course we could, but I cannot guarantee we will.

To be continued...
Hey Blind Mew for number 8. it i got a really cool idea you make it like a little stand on the wall that hovering and shows the type of weapon it is like if it's a Will weapon or a agility weapon or strong weapon it would have the look of that as a logo as it hovers up and down on the wall that would be really cool :D hope you like the idea

Sep 08, 2012
Hi blind i have 2 questions, 1.mew in AQ could we ever met the gods like get to talk to them face to face that would be cool

2.if we go to KT (krok world) we will go pass all the egypt history that would be cool and we get to met all the Egyptian gods and stuff like that


May 24, 2013
Well there be more stories to come by after we have defeated Kane and have succeeded on getting El Dorado? Wizard101 was from one enemy to another; one story arch to the next, but I'm very interested on how Pirate101 well continue on after everything is said and done. I would love to know.


Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Chrissy Th'Blesser on Apr 1, 2014 wrote:
* Stomps foot * You are such a tease Sir Mew. * Resolves to pay much closer attention when my swashy goes through Mooshu. *

Truly amazing stuff Blind Mew, you never cease to amaze me.
Uh... you do know that there's a big plot gap in the main storyline quest "Serenity Now", don't you? If you've gotten up that far to that quest, then you may realize that. I hope Blind Mew and the rest of the crew get the time to revise that quest so that we could get the chance to retrieve the Scroll of Secrets from the Amber Horde someday soon.

Jan 26, 2012
Trimond297 on Apr 15, 2014 wrote:
Uh... you do know that there's a big plot gap in the main storyline quest "Serenity Now", don't you? If you've gotten up that far to that quest, then you may realize that. I hope Blind Mew and the rest of the crew get the time to revise that quest so that we could get the chance to retrieve the Scroll of Secrets from the Amber Horde someday soon.
As I said in the post that she responded to, this is another possibility regarding the whole Scroll of Secrets theft, that does not involve a dangling thread (plot hole is a little extreme of a term), a possibility that you aren't seeing. That's what she was responding to. Nobody comments on it in game, but this sort of thing happens from time to time. But even that can be explained, if you're willing to infer...

Besides, perhaps Quan Shi didn't want to send you guys to get it for him - you are Outlanders, after all. You asked for the scroll, he didn't have it. True, he never asked you to get it back, he sent you someplace else to get the same info. Why didn't he ask? Maybe he had reasons. What happened to the Scroll? I believe I said we'd be getting back around to it at some point. Revision of the existing quest is not required.

Sorry all, I'll get back to sequential answering of questions soon. Busy busy.

Oct 12, 2010
This question is so late, you can just add it to my other list of questions. Here it is, can Moo Manchu please become a companion. He can be just like eep op ork ah-ah, Gortez (Gornando), Bosun Bud, etc (where you have to beat said companion 25 times.)

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Blind Mew on Apr 15, 2014 wrote:
As I said in the post that she responded to, this is another possibility regarding the whole Scroll of Secrets theft, that does not involve a dangling thread (plot hole is a little extreme of a term), a possibility that you aren't seeing. That's what she was responding to. Nobody comments on it in game, but this sort of thing happens from time to time. But even that can be explained, if you're willing to infer...

Besides, perhaps Quan Shi didn't want to send you guys to get it for him - you are Outlanders, after all. You asked for the scroll, he didn't have it. True, he never asked you to get it back, he sent you someplace else to get the same info. Why didn't he ask? Maybe he had reasons. What happened to the Scroll? I believe I said we'd be getting back around to it at some point. Revision of the existing quest is not required.

Sorry all, I'll get back to sequential answering of questions soon. Busy busy.
I see what you mean.

Then how's this for my rephrase of what I said? Plot oversight. Better?

Again, I'm very sorry that I didn't see and understand the other possibility you were mentioning before. I just had my thoughts.

Just only saying that had that bit were to be brought up back in beta, well, that would... wait... then again, it would have slightly delayed the game's release date and... you know what I mean. Oh, well. Can't change the past, as they say. If revising "Serenity Now" is not in the cards, then I understand. Sorry that I didn't get the chance to do so in beta, Blind Mew, since I was in beta before the game was going Live at the time. I was... way behind in catching up to Book 12 in MooShu, what with the lag in the way and other performance problems and all.

Well, regardless, I hope we get to see that other possibility you mentioned later on.

I'm glad you were visiting the thread, but I understand that you and the others were very busy with the Test Realm update.

Nice of you to drop by on this thread once again!

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Ooh! I had a thought in my head, Blind Mew! Just thought I would ask you this before you return to answering.

When you were thinking of the scene in the Isle of Fetch with Gracie Conrad in Book 13, you first thought that in your head, "well, she'd never hear about it", but after you realized that as an oversight you've uncovered, which was brought up by TheAdmiral, you said it's "hard for the cat to stay in that bag". Well...

It may be a bit much on your hands, but I'm going to say this, anyway.

I had a similar thought or few in mind, and they're pretty much centered on El Toro and Monkey King. El Toro, or Don Rodrigo, had been in Cool Ranch in most of his years, correct? I presumed so, but after one of the Kraken Skulls 5 spoke to returning to Captain Avery in Skull Island in Book 10's end, doesn't he know that he would be leaving his home world after being there for so long and travel through the Spiral's many worlds, since he's part of our crew? His deeds have been done in Cool Ranch for a long time, but hasn't any other world ever heard of El Toro's legacy? I would say not. From the looks of things, I seem to have spotted another oversight that you didn't know of. I hadn't even thought of that until now.

Also, in Book 13's intro quests throughout a little more of Port Regal's adventures and a bit of MooShu before Marleybone, doesn't El Toro and Monkey King know of Catbeard and our actions with him back in Book 8? Of course, that wasn't to be shown until the scene in the Isle of Fetch, but I had another thought about them in our adventures in Book 13's beginning. With him and Monkey King on our crew, your thoughts about them, when Book 13 was in the works, would be that they would "never had heard of him or these actions with him". To quote the words you said before, "Hard for the cat to stay in that bag". That's another oversight I uncovered.

I hope you can rectify them someday, and thanks for answering!

Gunner's Mate
Oct 12, 2010
Blind Mew, I have a few questions me self...
1. Will Grizzleheim possibly be the next world that pirates who have beaten Aquila could go to?
2. (I know there are lots of Mooshian companions, but hear me out) could we possibly get a badge named, i don't know, something related to bulls by Moo Manchu, and then getting him in the crown shop?
3. Could you create more clothing for the Armada that the pirates can wear?
4. Are you ever going to change the idea of "treasure chests"?
5. Are there ever going to be more bundle packs?
6. Are you ever going to revive the idea of the Cat Pirate Companion?
7. Could you let us interact with the beds, sinks (if you make sinks), and other stuff in our house?
And 8. Could the seamstress (sorry, I can't recall her name right now) stitch not only clothes, but boat items? I'll explain, she'd keep the equipment's origin the same, but just switch all of the abilities and stuff. So it would be different from normal stitches.

Gunner's Mate
Oct 12, 2010
One more question, could you make a Grizzleheim allusion (if you decide to make Grizzleheim an available world in Pirate101) to Leif Ericson? That would be so cool!

Feb 15, 2014
1Of1Musketeer on Apr 16, 2014 wrote:
Blind Mew, I have a few questions me self...
1. Will Grizzleheim possibly be the next world that pirates who have beaten Aquila could go to?
2. (I know there are lots of Mooshian companions, but hear me out) could we possibly get a badge named, i don't know, something related to bulls by Moo Manchu, and then getting him in the crown shop?
3. Could you create more clothing for the Armada that the pirates can wear?
4. Are you ever going to change the idea of "treasure chests"?
5. Are there ever going to be more bundle packs?
6. Are you ever going to revive the idea of the Cat Pirate Companion?
7. Could you let us interact with the beds, sinks (if you make sinks), and other stuff in our house?
And 8. Could the seamstress (sorry, I can't recall her name right now) stitch not only clothes, but boat items? I'll explain, she'd keep the equipment's origin the same, but just switch all of the abilities and stuff. So it would be different from normal stitches.
we get catbeard and his title is cat pirate

Jul 27, 2012
Blind Mew on Apr 15, 2014 wrote:
As I said in the post that she responded to, this is another possibility regarding the whole Scroll of Secrets theft, that does not involve a dangling thread (plot hole is a little extreme of a term), a possibility that you aren't seeing. That's what she was responding to. Nobody comments on it in game, but this sort of thing happens from time to time. But even that can be explained, if you're willing to infer...

Besides, perhaps Quan Shi didn't want to send you guys to get it for him - you are Outlanders, after all. You asked for the scroll, he didn't have it. True, he never asked you to get it back, he sent you someplace else to get the same info. Why didn't he ask? Maybe he had reasons. What happened to the Scroll? I believe I said we'd be getting back around to it at some point. Revision of the existing quest is not required.

Sorry all, I'll get back to sequential answering of questions soon. Busy busy.
I may well be wrong, but I always assumed that the Armada hired the Amber Horde to steal the Scroll of Secrets for them. Rooke said he was going to see to the translation of the map fragment, but you know he isn't going to do the slow and patient way of trying to prove himself worthy of seeing the sages who might have the answer. Likely the Armada was involved also in the theft of the Emerald Tablets by General Tso's people... though they would have been very surprised (and frustrated) had they found out the sort of wisdom those tablets encoded!

You don't see the Armada presence in Subata, perhaps because the governor of Subata seems to be an honest & fair one -- not the sort the Armada likes to work with. But it is to the Armada's advantage to destabilize Mooshu as much as possible, either through aiding corrupt warlords and fomenting civil war, or quietly supporting invading raiders (the Amber Horde) to create devastation. And we know the Armada has dealings with the Amber Horde - Subodai admits his clan sold him to Deacon!

Jan 12, 2012
I've noticed that at the end of all three new expanded quest lines, there is a hint that there is more to their respective stories. Zadok never actually tells us how he found out about Xol Akmul, and seems to be hiding something.

Buster Crab says pretty much that he'll be back, and Bonnie Annne won't be able to negotiate for us again.

And we never learn the truth about the Prawns, who are supposedly older than the Aztecosaurs, although they said something about Drakes...

Also, will El Guapo return? Sorry if he does and I don't know, I'm only on Book 8 in the Test realm. And one more thing. Bonnie Anne said he was "more slippery than a greased eel." Would that not be more fitting for, oh I don't know... Ratbeard?

Dec 22, 2010
where is calaveras county at? it was mentioned by mark clemens in mcgee ranch.

Fish Devesh Higgins
Level 65
Nautical Level 61
Firstmate - Hawkules
"Let's set the skies on fire!" - Monkey King

P.S. I finally finished the main quest line! Finally! Can't wait for Book 15!