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2 New pets I would like, plus a short story

Dec 11, 2010
So I was just sailing Aquila trying to save an eagle named Ulysses when all of a sudden I had to go through a dreaded passage way. I go to this passage way to find that I face a HUGE creature blocking the passage is. I was amazed on how cute (In a deadly monster way) the huge guy was, nonetheless I had to slay this beast for a greater glory.

Suddenly as I fought the beast a crawlie like creature appeared, analyzing the creature it appeared to be called a "Scylla Spawn", I fought each one off alongside El Toro *music*, Sarah Steele, and of course the greatest frog thief aka Fan Flanders. These creatures were cute just like the cute monster that summoned them and my team took them out with ease. But we felt a bit sad for the Scylla Spawn in the end.

So here is the pets I would like to be added :D
A Scylla pet (strength based pet with some epic talents) and a scylla spawn pet (who always occur as the hatched pet if you hatch with Scylla)

Especially since the only prize for defeating this cute monster is gold and nautical exp!

P.S. I think I am the only one who thinks Scylla is cute

Dec 11, 2010
Anyone? :(

Sarah Steele: Captain I think you lost them at Scylla and cute

Jan 22, 2013
i would like both of them, i would scare my enemies right out of battle, imagine how big Scylla would get at max lvl