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A 'Chilling' discovery- Thanks Decius and KI

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
So, I just got back from vacation and was perusing Central to see what I have missed while dodging sharks and skipping over scorched sand. It was exciting to see that the new update(s) had made it to Live and I surely can't wait to get some time to check it all out, especially since I didn't get time to really even do so in Test.

There was also a nice little surprise that I came across, which happened to be that the Ice Lizard had been changed to the 'Blizard'-- WOW, how cool! Awhile ago, when the Ice Lizard hybrid had been first thawed, this thread was opened up to discuss this chilling discovery and Esperanza had commented on how she thought it should have been called the Blizzard Lizard. I thought that was a great name but offered up the suggestion of Blizard, to which a Sneaky Eagle replied 'Great suggestions.. You may have to update some wiki's and or guides soon.' Well, it appears that Eagle was not fluffin'....I mean bluffin', which I surely thought he was. Needless to say it was pretty neat seeing the name change.

I just wanted to say that it still amazes me that the developers and KI take the time to not only hear our suggestions, but that they actually use and implement some of them in the game. Sometimes it's those little things that make a huge difference and make us players feel like a bigger part of the crew. So, I just wanted to take the time to thank Decius, the developers and KI for showing us players that they do care and appreciate our suggestions and ideas. It means a lot to all of us because it is quite a rarity in online games. these days.

So, thank you all!

Dec 11, 2010
ValkoorTheVictorio... on Aug 7, 2015 wrote:
So, I just got back from vacation and was perusing Central to see what I have missed while dodging sharks and skipping over scorched sand. It was exciting to see that the new update(s) had made it to Live and I surely can't wait to get some time to check it all out, especially since I didn't get time to really even do so in Test.

There was also a nice little surprise that I came across, which happened to be that the Ice Lizard had been changed to the 'Blizard'-- WOW, how cool! Awhile ago, when the Ice Lizard hybrid had been first thawed, this thread was opened up to discuss this chilling discovery and Esperanza had commented on how she thought it should have been called the Blizzard Lizard. I thought that was a great name but offered up the suggestion of Blizard, to which a Sneaky Eagle replied 'Great suggestions.. You may have to update some wiki's and or guides soon.' Well, it appears that Eagle was not fluffin'....I mean bluffin', which I surely thought he was. Needless to say it was pretty neat seeing the name change.

I just wanted to say that it still amazes me that the developers and KI take the time to not only hear our suggestions, but that they actually use and implement some of them in the game. Sometimes it's those little things that make a huge difference and make us players feel like a bigger part of the crew. So, I just wanted to take the time to thank Decius, the developers and KI for showing us players that they do care and appreciate our suggestions and ideas. It means a lot to all of us because it is quite a rarity in online games. these days.

So, thank you all!
Congrats, I know how you feel as they also implemented one of my ideas for a pet (Scylla Spawn pet) sort of. Although I would have prefer Scylla herself as the pet, her spawns could also make cute pets as well :D

Jul 07, 2013
Can the hawk and the fire toad or fire lizard or other birds make a phoenix yet? I've been waiting for that one.

Virtuous Dante Ramsey

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
Rachel Dreamsong on Aug 8, 2015 wrote:
Congrats, I know how you feel as they also implemented one of my ideas for a pet (Scylla Spawn pet) sort of. Although I would have prefer Scylla herself as the pet, her spawns could also make cute pets as well :D
Thanks Rachel and that's awesome that your idea made it into the game. It's definitely a neat and surprising feeling when something like that happens. And it was exciting to see the change to Blizard, but reading Esperanza's 'Blizzard Lizard' idea is what sparked my own, she really paved the way and came up with the cool, new name.

You know, I probably should've changed the name of this thread to 'KI,you, really, really do care' or something like that.

As neat as it is when an idea of my own or from another player hits the Spiral, I think the more amazing thing is that KI actually takes the time and puts in the effort to 'ask' for player suggestions/ideas, sort through all of the ideas, follow and track all of these ideas and then after that, actually inject some of those player ideas into the game. Some companies stop after the asking, the sorting and tracking-- there's no implementing. KI goes one step above and beyond and I don't think enough players realize or take to heart just how huge that is! Throughout my lustrous and long-lived gaming endeavors, I have not witnessed that kind of player commitment and show of appreciation, from other gaming companies and developers. And likewise I have never seen as much developer interaction, on a regular basis, with players from their Community.

I think what's more impressive and encouraging is, not that they used my idea or your idea or Esperanza's idea or Gertrude Pirate's idea or Johnny Pirate's idea, it's 'simply' that they actually care enough to include the players in the game and make us, as a whole, feel like more than just a small speck in the vast Spiral.

Again, it's the small things that make a huge difference.......and that often gets overlooked by us, the players.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
ValkoorTheVictorio... on Aug 10, 2015 wrote:
Thanks Rachel and that's awesome that your idea made it into the game. It's definitely a neat and surprising feeling when something like that happens. And it was exciting to see the change to Blizard, but reading Esperanza's 'Blizzard Lizard' idea is what sparked my own, she really paved the way and came up with the cool, new name.

You know, I probably should've changed the name of this thread to 'KI,you, really, really do care' or something like that.

As neat as it is when an idea of my own or from another player hits the Spiral, I think the more amazing thing is that KI actually takes the time and puts in the effort to 'ask' for player suggestions/ideas, sort through all of the ideas, follow and track all of these ideas and then after that, actually inject some of those player ideas into the game. Some companies stop after the asking, the sorting and tracking-- there's no implementing. KI goes one step above and beyond and I don't think enough players realize or take to heart just how huge that is! Throughout my lustrous and long-lived gaming endeavors, I have not witnessed that kind of player commitment and show of appreciation, from other gaming companies and developers. And likewise I have never seen as much developer interaction, on a regular basis, with players from their Community.

I think what's more impressive and encouraging is, not that they used my idea or your idea or Esperanza's idea or Gertrude Pirate's idea or Johnny Pirate's idea, it's 'simply' that they actually care enough to include the players in the game and make us, as a whole, feel like more than just a small speck in the vast Spiral.

Again, it's the small things that make a huge difference.......and that often gets overlooked by us, the players.
Well said and heartily yarred.