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How about a way to Retry for skill/talents on Pets

Gunner's Mate
Sep 07, 2014
Hello to all the birds, spiders, lizards, hawks ......... well you get the idea.

Dear KI - How about a way that we can retry to get a talent or skill on a pet if it ends up manifesting something that we don't want on it. Some kind of 2nd chance chest version for gold or even for say SCRIP.

I know a lot of us who have been morphing for ages are getting very tired of the seemingly total randomness of talents suddenly showing back up on a pet 5 or 6 or more generations down the line.

Nov 23, 2011
I always thought resetting a talent or power on a chosen pet would be a good reward for a dungeon adventure...


Apr 09, 2014
Sure, just take the one you want to the morphing tent and try again!

Oct 26, 2013
many people in the morphing tent only are willing to do one or have special terms for morphing and wont morph with you after they get what they want. this is incredibly frustrating because you have no clue if you got the pet and dont know if you will ever see the other person again. so first off please add a way to see a pets not unlocked talents (maybe only at birth) along with the ability to pay for the other person.

Nov 23, 2011
Nefarious Alex: "...along with the ability to pay for the other person."

Sorry, Alex - I don't like that idea at all.


Gunner's Mate
Dec 26, 2013
Decius Duelmaster on Aug 16, 2016 wrote:
Sure, just take the one you want to the morphing tent and try again!