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Pet System- Two suggestions, One idea

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
Ahoy there Decius! How does thou fly?

I have a couple of questions/suggestions/ideas that I wanted to run by you and get your take on them-- if at all possible. They all involve or are focused around the Pet System and the interfaces that we use to interact with our pets. Although the housing system may be involved as well but I figured that they all kind of go together since we can put pets in our houses. So, here we go:

Suggestion/Request #1
When we are placing our pets in our homes, it would be nice if we could see their stat cards when we mouse over them, as housing items, at the bottom of our screens-- in 'decorate mode'. I know that we can open the attic and then look in our packs and see the stats of our pets, but we can't place the pets from our 'attic mode'. I often have 5+ pages of pets, sometimes even up to 8 or 9 pages, and when wanting to place certain pets- it can be very difficult to know which ones to drop off in the home (especially with a dozen copies of the same species). Would it be possible to view pet stats when we mouse over them in decorate mode...or alternatively drag an drop the pets from 'attic mode' after we view their stat card (to make sure we have the right pet). Right now you have to open the attic or your pack and jot down which pet to remove and then go to decorate and note the name and specie, just to make sure you have the right one.

Suggestion/Request #2
When we view our gear in our packs (including mounts/ships) we see the moused-over, new piece of gear's stat card alongside our currently equipped piece of gear. This is great because we can compare and choose the right piece of gear. With a page full of gear it helps tremendously. However, when we mouse over our pets in our pack, we only see the stat card for the un-equipped pet- not the currently equipped one. With pages of pets, it can make picking the right pet more difficult because we don't get that side-by-side comparison. Is there anyway we can be able to see both un-equipped/equipped pets when we mouse over one in our pack...just as we do with gear?

Idea/Request- Pet Finder Mode
With near max amounts of pets in our multiple homes, packs, banks and shared banks- it can make finding a certain pet very difficult (I'm talking 100's of 100's of pets here). What I thought would be neat was a Housing, Pet Finder Mode (Interface) that we could click on, select one of our houses and it would show all pets placed in that respective house. That way we wouldn't have to go to each house and search for them all...I have 9 houses on my main pirate. From any house we could just open the Pet Finder, click on the house, then get an inventory of the pets in the other houses. We would easily know where to go, without spending too much time searching and go pick the little critter(s) up. I do a lot of morphing requests from Central and something like this would be amazing, with all the various requests and variety of pets/traits other players are looking for.

Apr 28, 2012
Excellent Suggestions Valkoor!

Nov 23, 2011
All of Valkoor's suggestions, above, would be helpful. Collecting/morphing pets soon leads to hundreds of the little guys running around all over the place, and anything that helps you keep track of them would be greatly appreciated.


P.S.: Nine houses? Clearly my pirates are underachievers and need to work harder!

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
I'm not sure, but I'm guessing that the Housing, Pet Finder idea wouldn't really work within the current programming parameters...perhaps?

Since the game accesses files that are loading from the current area that our pirates are in, it would seem that in our houses we would only be able to view the file contents (in this case, pets) of what is in that particular house, or more specifically the area that our pirate is in, in that house. Just as when 'outside' our homes, we don't have access to the files (and housing items/pets) that are stored in the interior of the house?

So, being able to view items in other homes, such as pets, from the house we are currently in, probably wouldn't be possible because the items (files) have to actually be loaded to that area (house) in which our pirate is? Sorry, for the inquisitive nature and lack of tech speak-- just trying to get a good grasp on how it all works and if viewing files/gear/pets from a non-loaded area would work at all? I'm attempting to learn a little bit here, as well as present an idea.

I greatly appreciate any wisdom and or enlightening in regards to this...but of course, only if it doesn't take anyone away from more pressing matters- *hack* new updates and my General Tso's chicken, pet *hack*

Regardless, me thanks ya!

Apr 09, 2014
Those are some great suggestions. I will make sure to pass them up the chain, but I can't promise anything seeing as I just run the circus maximus.
Just don't tell Hep that, he thinks he is in charge.

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
Decius Duelmaster on May 20, 2015 wrote:
Those are some great suggestions. I will make sure to pass them up the chain, but I can't promise anything seeing as I just run the circus maximus.
Just don't tell Hep that, he thinks he is in charge.
Thank you for the reply Decius and for passing on the suggestions-- I surely appreciate it!

I think the 1st 2 suggestions would help players a lot- and since the programming already seems to be in place for them...might actually be doable without too much trouble(?). As for the idea, I can see where it may be difficult to implement, but some type of pet locating/finder application would really be awesome and I think welcomed by a great many players. Especially with all of the cool new pets you and Hep are surely cooking up for us. Yikes! Did I just use "cooking" and "pets" in the same sentence? "Earmuffs, little critters, earmuffs!"

And now that you mentioned it, ol' Hep does have that confusingly confident 'I'm the brains of the operation' go right along with that 'Krok caught in the headlights one'. Your secret is safe with me!

Thanks again.

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
The Helpful Pirate on May 20, 2015 wrote:
Excellent Suggestions Valkoor!
Thank you Helpful Pirate! I so enjoy morphing and collecting pets......looooooooooots of pets. They are out of control in fact. So anything that can help tame the wild beasts, will surely be welcomed by me, and I believe many others out there. You have quite the fitting username, by the way-- always seem to be trying to help your fellow players out...and we thank you for that.

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
Indigo Ring on May 20, 2015 wrote:
All of Valkoor's suggestions, above, would be helpful. Collecting/morphing pets soon leads to hundreds of the little guys running around all over the place, and anything that helps you keep track of them would be greatly appreciated.


P.S.: Nine houses? Clearly my pirates are underachievers and need to work harder!
Yeah, nine houses Indigo...I do think I have a problem. Well, one of them is the bunkhouse, but pets surely fit in there, so it counts. I pretty much only get time to play one character-- although I'm trying to work on a couple others-- so, I've almost solely focused on getting Valkoor all the goodies. Same reason why he has all 11 of the Card Pack companions on him...although for that kind of investment, it sure would be nice to trade/share them.

I started my pet collecting career with good intentions and kept track of where I put the early 'new additions'. I sorted them and gave them a proper place and plenty of food and water, and toys. But that was when we were talking dozens of it's out of control and dozens has become hundreds of dozens. And I couldn't even tell you how many hundreds I've sold. So now, I just port in, close my eyes drop and go-- poor little critters, where's the love? I have started the daunting task of reorganizing all of Valkoor's homes and properly sorting my flocks and herds. I'll probably have to work on other characters and get some gold and buy some houses on them, just to give me more categories of sorting madness. But I'll painstakingly document where every pet, every grant, every hybrid is and then in months jumble it all back up again. That's just the calculated coo-coo in me, I suppose.

So, anything to help manage the morphing masses would be more than welcomed. And with your recent Q-Series experiments, I'm quite sure you really could benefit from a pet finder/locator as well. Couldn't we all? Now get cracking on your pirates checking out the housing market-- decent time to buy these days...well at least in the Spiral.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
These are very good suggestions and will help those who are pet morphin' power rangers. I can't ( and won't ) train more than 5 at a time.
And as for having hundreds of all types of pets ( so many that you need 9 houses to contain them all ) please spare me from the headache that causes. Ever hear of downsizing, Valkoor?
When I morph, I check pedigree, if it's higher than the parents, then I keep it. If it's worse or I already have too many of that type, I sell it to the egg dealer.

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
anecorbie on May 21, 2015 wrote:
These are very good suggestions and will help those who are pet morphin' power rangers. I can't ( and won't ) train more than 5 at a time.
And as for having hundreds of all types of pets ( so many that you need 9 houses to contain them all ) please spare me from the headache that causes. Ever hear of downsizing, Valkoor?
When I morph, I check pedigree, if it's higher than the parents, then I keep it. If it's worse or I already have too many of that type, I sell it to the egg dealer.
Lol, I hear you Esperanza and what I posted was DOWNSIZING!!!

I enjoy the different aspects of morphing & have come to try to understand it's many components. So, when you discard lower pedigree hatchlings, or too many same types-- you are possibly missing out on a some great pets & traits/grants. Well, I would be missing out, as you may not have the same morphing interests as I do.

Higher pedigree doesn't mean better pet, at all. Some of my best pets are hundreds of pedigree points lower than my highest pedigree ones. Also, your pets will manifest a wide variety of traits & many random ones will show up on any given pet. I keep them all because I want to have as many desirable traits in the mix, as possible. A low pedigree pet may produce a 'gotta have' grant or trait, that high pedigree pets have yet to show. So, that low pedigree pet will now introduce that impressive trait/grant into the gene pool & pass it on to your higher pedigree pets. By slowly training all of my pets, I get that variety of traits & a better chance of finding & 'manufacturing' some amazing pets in the future. I've sold probably more 700 pedigree pets than I have lower level pets, because the maxed ones all had traits/grants that I already had expressed in my herd...yet the lower ones had new, fantastic ones that had not expressed.

Also, I morph to help other players & I've morphed possibly a few hundred times based on requests from other players. Most have requested specific traits/grants & or combos of certain traits. I love to help them try to get what they are after. If I sold every lower pedigree hatchling, than I would not have had the variety that I do on my lower ones. For me, in the search to help others, keeping all the pets I can, is a near must.

But I certainly do understand just morphing for the joy of it & getting the pets you want-- that's the fun part. But so is answering a request with a low pedigree pet that has just what trait the fellow pirate is looking for.

Nov 01, 2012
ValkoorTheVictorio... on May 21, 2015 wrote:
Lol, I hear you Esperanza and what I posted was DOWNSIZING!!!

I enjoy the different aspects of morphing & have come to try to understand it's many components. So, when you discard lower pedigree hatchlings, or too many same types-- you are possibly missing out on a some great pets & traits/grants. Well, I would be missing out, as you may not have the same morphing interests as I do.

Higher pedigree doesn't mean better pet, at all. Some of my best pets are hundreds of pedigree points lower than my highest pedigree ones. Also, your pets will manifest a wide variety of traits & many random ones will show up on any given pet. I keep them all because I want to have as many desirable traits in the mix, as possible. A low pedigree pet may produce a 'gotta have' grant or trait, that high pedigree pets have yet to show. So, that low pedigree pet will now introduce that impressive trait/grant into the gene pool & pass it on to your higher pedigree pets. By slowly training all of my pets, I get that variety of traits & a better chance of finding & 'manufacturing' some amazing pets in the future. I've sold probably more 700 pedigree pets than I have lower level pets, because the maxed ones all had traits/grants that I already had expressed in my herd...yet the lower ones had new, fantastic ones that had not expressed.

Also, I morph to help other players & I've morphed possibly a few hundred times based on requests from other players. Most have requested specific traits/grants & or combos of certain traits. I love to help them try to get what they are after. If I sold every lower pedigree hatchling, than I would not have had the variety that I do on my lower ones. For me, in the search to help others, keeping all the pets I can, is a near must.

But I certainly do understand just morphing for the joy of it & getting the pets you want-- that's the fun part. But so is answering a request with a low pedigree pet that has just what trait the fellow pirate is looking for.
While we are on the topic of helping others with morphing, thanks so much for that monocorn you helped me get. Also these are great ideas, it would be neat to have them implemented!

Nov 23, 2011
I'll have to check to see who of mine has the most houses - I think five, counting the bunkhouse is probably going to about it. But I have spread my time among multiple pirates and accounts, where you have stayed more focused on your main fellow.

I am nervously sneaking up on the idea of sorting my pets... that is going to be one scary task.


Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
ChrisTheSwashy on May 21, 2015 wrote:
While we are on the topic of helping others with morphing, thanks so much for that monocorn you helped me get. Also these are great ideas, it would be neat to have them implemented! are absolutely welcome and thank you as well! The monocorn was one pet that I had yet to wrangle up. So clearly, we helped each other out.

And thank you for the encouragement on the suggestions. I do hope that they, or something of the sort(s), make their way into the Spiral-- for all us fellow morphers and pet enthusiasts.

Good luck training up your little black and white, one-horned, hopping critter!

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
Indigo Ring on May 21, 2015 wrote:
I'll have to check to see who of mine has the most houses - I think five, counting the bunkhouse is probably going to about it. But I have spread my time among multiple pirates and accounts, where you have stayed more focused on your main fellow.

I am nervously sneaking up on the idea of sorting my pets... that is going to be one scary task.

I'm thinking that if I ever do truly attend to my other pirates and purchase them some fine Spiral housage...that will be the day the pets completely rule the roost(s) and run me out of the Spiral. I can't even imagine starting to fill up 3, 4, 5 or more houses with even more critters, on all my other pirates.

And I hear you about the "nervous sneaking", I'm officially at the 'chug some Pepto' stage of sorting! I even started a spreadsheet-- just have to organize it a bit and start filling in all the info and pets. Daunting and borderline madness, I tell you!

By the way, I haven't forgotten about you over on Central and elsewhere...just got quite a bit side tracked. A run at Moo may still be quite a ways off-- still hard to find those 'long enough' chunks of time. But I still would at least like to meet up to morph, talk pets and maybe have a go at a couple bosses. I'll be in touch. In the meantime, keep those critters calm and cozy!

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
It seems I'll be getting a ton of new pets this weekend.

Nov 01, 2012
Indigo Ring on May 21, 2015 wrote:
I'll have to check to see who of mine has the most houses - I think five, counting the bunkhouse is probably going to about it. But I have spread my time among multiple pirates and accounts, where you have stayed more focused on your main fellow.

I am nervously sneaking up on the idea of sorting my pets... that is going to be one scary task.

Sorting? Yikes.. I just dump the poor critters randomly right when I teleport to the home Good luck with that daunting task, Indigo.