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Jul 07, 2013
Inside Beachhead your treated to two fights with Bishop. The first encounter is in the second battle inside the central core. in this fight the battle board is stacked in your favor. With a team of musketeers Bishop becomes his own worst enemy. Use an agility buff fist round and don't move. You will find that the enemy usually moves right next to the barrels of explosives....excellent... if you can raise critical attacks now is a good time. With Bonnie's scatter blast shot hopefully you can set off a chain reaction cause a nice explosion of the battle field. If you have also a crab guy use the bombs too. Zeena works well for this battle but if you haven't gotten to Aquila yet you can use a musketeer from Cool Ranch. Wild Bill works good too. after the field explodes they will moves towards you also running into bombs a few burst fires and a round or two can finish this battle. Target the minions first So Bishop can't use them to leech.

Second encounter

This time the battle field is smaller but the weakness to musketeers is still there you can pick the same team. Use you attack buff and hold the team for a better shot but do lay down bombs so they can walk over them and blow up a little. Target the minions first so Bishop doesn't leech but if he does its okay because he's helping you kill them, yay! The battle ends in a few rounds. Checkmate