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Keyboard Layout

Mar 15, 2013
Is there any chance that the ability to change the keyboard layout will be added.

Hey maybe you can.. i cant see how... but there again i am partially sighted and have moved to P101 because i cant see the cursors on other games .... or read stuff in the game or any others. luckily P101 says the quests and has a big yellow arrow that helps.

Anyway eyesight apart i have had a type of arthritis since i was 15 and don't do well with wasd. Since CoH I have changed each game to wqes instead which lets me turn on q and e on pretty much any game... and i'd swap x with TAB probably .. gives me consitency with prev mmo's .. which i cant play atmo mind thats not all bad .. i find i like P101 a whole lot better than i though from the nieces and nephews description... and they loved teaching me for a change.

Anyway i have taken an annual subs so i'll be playing anyway.. but it'd be real usefull.

( typed on a hivis keyb and 2 really big screens but pls pardon spellinks i have missed) <- thats me atmo

May 21, 2011
I don't know if it's useful to you but you can also move using the arrow keys or by holding down both the left and right mouse buttons.

Gunner's Mate
Jan 06, 2011
There is a file in the pirate101/bin folder called Config.xml which contains all the keybindings. However, if the system is like Wizard whenever a new patch comes along anything you changed will go back to their defaults. Also, it isn't an easy file to work your way through (I'm a programmer and it looks awkward to work with for me). So I don't recommend you mess around with it.

But, since that is the only way I can see, I agree that there should be an in game way to change the key bindings. Since it is in an external file and not hard coded into the game I don't see any reason for it to not be available.

Jan 15, 2011
I think thi would be a cool option to have built into the game as a disabled software engineer being able to move some keys for better accessibility I can only use on hand to play now and it would be helpful for me to be able to move the "x to th right sisi of the keyboard.