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Blind Mew, Companion Promotion Book estimate?

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
I... honestly have no idea how Companions, in groups of 5 or singular, granted universally or class specific, have different promotion estimates between the game's Books. I know you said there's an estimate range of 3 to 5 Books in promotions for Companions, be it the quests that promote them or by paying them gold, but I'm not keeping track of how many are there in select Companions. It's confusing me. Could you please elaborate the ranges of how select Companions and how many Books it takes to get their new latest promotions? Think of exemplary Companions on what Books they're acquired in such as Bonnie Anne (Book 1), Ratbeard (Book 1), El Toro (Book 10), Monkey King (Book 12), Gracie Conrad (Book 13), MooShu 5, Presidio 5 (Book 1), Kraken Skulls 5 (Book 1), Rooster Cogburn (Book ?, I don't know. Could you tell me, too?), Shiruku Neko (Book 12), and Old Scratch (Book 1), and tell me of their selected ranges between Books for promotions, so I could understand companion promotion ranges a bit more better. Thanks!

First Mate
Dec 12, 2011
Trimond297 on Aug 19, 2013 wrote:
I... honestly have no idea how Companions, in groups of 5 or singular, granted universally or class specific, have different promotion estimates between the game's Books. I know you said there's an estimate range of 3 to 5 Books in promotions for Companions, be it the quests that promote them or by paying them gold, but I'm not keeping track of how many are there in select Companions. It's confusing me. Could you please elaborate the ranges of how select Companions and how many Books it takes to get their new latest promotions? Think of exemplary Companions on what Books they're acquired in such as Bonnie Anne (Book 1), Ratbeard (Book 1), El Toro (Book 10), Monkey King (Book 12), Gracie Conrad (Book 13), MooShu 5, Presidio 5 (Book 1), Kraken Skulls 5 (Book 1), Rooster Cogburn (Book ?, I don't know. Could you tell me, too?), Shiruku Neko (Book 12), and Old Scratch (Book 1), and tell me of their selected ranges between Books for promotions, so I could understand companion promotion ranges a bit more better. Thanks!
I agree. Just thinking about it gives me a headache *steals a bottle of Yum from a Tavern's Cellar without the owner noticing*

I would think... *pops bottle*... since Ratbeard and Bonnie already promoted about 3 times before, that they would let El Toro, or someone who hasn't promoted very often, take a turn..? Or what about Monkey King?! We got him in Mooshu and he hasn't been promoted even once! (there must be some sort of pattern here, but for the life of me, I just can't see it ). Perhaps Monkey King is just 'too new' of a companion, but still... What about Sarah Steel..?

I love Bonnie Anne , but for some reason, I feel like KI is trying to make her the most important companion to the game, and forget the others. My favorite companion is Subodai, and he's our started companion, but sometimes, I feel as if KI is setting even our starter companions to the side when it comes to Bonnie. I'm hoping we'd get a quest for out Starters and learn why they were named outcasts or traitors to their group/cause and get more of a story-like quest, like we did with Bonnie in Marleybone... or perhaps something kinda funny, like with Ratbeard...

Community Leader
I personally never tied promotions to "books" so I am not even sure I understood the overall "question".

I do know that KI has stated, that not all companions will "promote" and/or will not promote equally.

Companions for example that have joined the pirate trying to turn themselves around (formerly a bad guy) will not likely have many, if any promotions. (ie Monkey King, Shiriku Neko, etc)

Dr Zeppers (aka Silent Sam Stern)
Piratey parodies I like to make.
I be a crazy pirate for goodness sake!
Artist & Admin of Skull Island TV
Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Dr Zeppers on Aug 20, 2013 wrote:
I personally never tied promotions to "books" so I am not even sure I understood the overall "question".

I do know that KI has stated, that not all companions will "promote" and/or will not promote equally.

Companions for example that have joined the pirate trying to turn themselves around (formerly a bad guy) will not likely have many, if any promotions. (ie Monkey King, Shiriku Neko, etc)
Unless you count Ratbeard, he has had three.

May 06, 2009
It does seem confusing, but as Blind Mew said Companions typically have a 3-5 Book Range. And sometimes they promote even longer or never! There is no mathimatical or statistic way to put it.

A Companion will promote when a world corresponds to their level and background. By this I mean, if we are in a place that will tie into a Companions background, a world that can immediately give them a promotion quest that makes sense, or simply put goes with their theme/origin, we will promote them. Blind Mew has said that he will stretch or shorten a Companion's promotion time when or until we get to a world that makes sense for a Companion to promote.

Let's take Bonnie Anne for example. Her recent promotion took place in Marleybone, her home world. It is only fitting that if we are going to promote Bonnie Anne in Marleybone at level 57 than MooShu. Sure Blind Mew could have shorten her promotion time and just made a promo in MooShu, but Bonnie Anne has no ties to MooShu. Why would she need it? While in Marleybone, we can learn quite a bit more about her role and her past as she is from there. It would be awful to go to Marleybone and not promote a companion from the world.

Or the MooShu 5. They hailed from MooShu. Again, yeah we could've made a promo in Cool Ranch and called it a day, but it wouldn't do them justice. By promoting them in a world fitting to their character and origin, they stand out more.

Another example, is that there is a video revealing Hawkules' next upcoming promotion look. It is possible his promotion has been condenced to come a little after we got him, instead of 3 Books down the line, like how Ratbeard and Bonnie Anne promoted a little after we got them.

We could certainly promote Monkey King or Old Scratch now, but I would rather have a promotion that will tie to an expansion that fits them, than the next World we come across. Since we are going back to Valencia, why would Old Scratch and Monkey King need to promote, when I can see the Kraken Skull 5 and Prosedio 5 really fitting into those areas? I can wait for Darkmoor for Old Scratch (cause that's where I see him promoting).

So there's no range or calculation to a Companion's promotion. We will simply promote them when they are ready and simultaneously the world is fitting to craft a strong story for them.

Community Leader
Chrissy Th'Blesser on Aug 21, 2013 wrote:
Unless you count Ratbeard, he has had three.

Some inconsistency there I guess.

It wasnt me that made the comment though, I was repeating what I recalled Ratbeard saying here somewhere.

Dr Zeppers (aka Silent Sam Stern)
Piratey parodies I like to make.
I be a crazy pirate for goodness sake!
Artist & Admin of Skull Island TV
Jan 26, 2012
Dr Zeppers on Aug 21, 2013 wrote:

Some inconsistency there I guess.

It wasnt me that made the comment though, I was repeating what I recalled Ratbeard saying here somewhere.
All of the A listers will have the same number of promotions, but they will roll 'em out over time. We have a lot that are due or past due, and Book 15 stands to have a lot of Promotion quests...

Finnigan, above, gives a nice condensation of all the answers I've given in various places on this topic. I couldn't have said it much better myself.

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Blind Mew on Aug 22, 2013 wrote:
All of the A listers will have the same number of promotions, but they will roll 'em out over time. We have a lot that are due or past due, and Book 15 stands to have a lot of Promotion quests...

Finnigan, above, gives a nice condensation of all the answers I've given in various places on this topic. I couldn't have said it much better myself.
Even Rooster Cogburn's own? I hope to see his promotion quest so I get to see his backstory and his character development in it! Hoping the same goes for Shiruku Neko's promotion quest, too. I would like to see her backstory and character development.

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Cunning Finnigan S... on Aug 21, 2013 wrote:
It does seem confusing, but as Blind Mew said Companions typically have a 3-5 Book Range. And sometimes they promote even longer or never! There is no mathimatical or statistic way to put it.

A Companion will promote when a world corresponds to their level and background. By this I mean, if we are in a place that will tie into a Companions background, a world that can immediately give them a promotion quest that makes sense, or simply put goes with their theme/origin, we will promote them. Blind Mew has said that he will stretch or shorten a Companion's promotion time when or until we get to a world that makes sense for a Companion to promote.

Let's take Bonnie Anne for example. Her recent promotion took place in Marleybone, her home world. It is only fitting that if we are going to promote Bonnie Anne in Marleybone at level 57 than MooShu. Sure Blind Mew could have shorten her promotion time and just made a promo in MooShu, but Bonnie Anne has no ties to MooShu. Why would she need it? While in Marleybone, we can learn quite a bit more about her role and her past as she is from there. It would be awful to go to Marleybone and not promote a companion from the world.

Or the MooShu 5. They hailed from MooShu. Again, yeah we could've made a promo in Cool Ranch and called it a day, but it wouldn't do them justice. By promoting them in a world fitting to their character and origin, they stand out more.

Another example, is that there is a video revealing Hawkules' next upcoming promotion look. It is possible his promotion has been condenced to come a little after we got him, instead of 3 Books down the line, like how Ratbeard and Bonnie Anne promoted a little after we got them.

We could certainly promote Monkey King or Old Scratch now, but I would rather have a promotion that will tie to an expansion that fits them, than the next World we come across. Since we are going back to Valencia, why would Old Scratch and Monkey King need to promote, when I can see the Kraken Skull 5 and Prosedio 5 really fitting into those areas? I can wait for Darkmoor for Old Scratch (cause that's where I see him promoting).

So there's no range or calculation to a Companion's promotion. We will simply promote them when they are ready and simultaneously the world is fitting to craft a strong story for them.
That's... very thorough. You really laid it out well.

There are a few promotion quests that tie to worlds for certain Companions, but you brought out your load of answers, Finnigan. However, while a new promotion for other companions in other tied home worlds are nice, I'd rather have companion promotions in the range instead. Waiting for promotion quests tied to upcoming worlds, while nice for more to have, would be too much of a pain and too long of a wait.

Still, I have no idea how certain selected Companions have their selected estimate ranges in the 3 to 5 Books for companion promotions range Blind Mew laid out. Perhaps Blind Mew may provide the selected ranges in certain companions for their promotion quests. May make it much easier to tell and keep track of them and ease up so much confusion that's boggling the numerous Pirates' minds.

First Mate
Dec 12, 2011
Cunning Finnigan S... on Aug 21, 2013 wrote:
It does seem confusing, but as Blind Mew said Companions typically have a 3-5 Book Range. And sometimes they promote even longer or never! There is no mathimatical or statistic way to put it.

A Companion will promote when a world corresponds to their level and background. By this I mean, if we are in a place that will tie into a Companions background, a world that can immediately give them a promotion quest that makes sense, or simply put goes with their theme/origin, we will promote them. Blind Mew has said that he will stretch or shorten a Companion's promotion time when or until we get to a world that makes sense for a Companion to promote.

Let's take Bonnie Anne for example. Her recent promotion took place in Marleybone, her home world. It is only fitting that if we are going to promote Bonnie Anne in Marleybone at level 57 than MooShu. Sure Blind Mew could have shorten her promotion time and just made a promo in MooShu, but Bonnie Anne has no ties to MooShu. Why would she need it? While in Marleybone, we can learn quite a bit more about her role and her past as she is from there. It would be awful to go to Marleybone and not promote a companion from the world.

Or the MooShu 5. They hailed from MooShu. Again, yeah we could've made a promo in Cool Ranch and called it a day, but it wouldn't do them justice. By promoting them in a world fitting to their character and origin, they stand out more.

Another example, is that there is a video revealing Hawkules' next upcoming promotion look. It is possible his promotion has been condenced to come a little after we got him, instead of 3 Books down the line, like how Ratbeard and Bonnie Anne promoted a little after we got them.

We could certainly promote Monkey King or Old Scratch now, but I would rather have a promotion that will tie to an expansion that fits them, than the next World we come across. Since we are going back to Valencia, why would Old Scratch and Monkey King need to promote, when I can see the Kraken Skull 5 and Prosedio 5 really fitting into those areas? I can wait for Darkmoor for Old Scratch (cause that's where I see him promoting).

So there's no range or calculation to a Companion's promotion. We will simply promote them when they are ready and simultaneously the world is fitting to craft a strong story for them.
That... was really well said (seems Blind Mew agrees as well). So if that's the case, I hope a world relating to our starter companions pops up, because I really want more of a back story going to Subodai and the rest of the Mooshu 5. Like, why were they exiled from their own land and captured by the Armada in the first place? What crimes have they committed to lock them up? And what in the world happened to Subodai's father, Oridai (i think), when we contacted him from the dead in Subodai's first promotion in the Witchdoctor's lair (at least, I think that was his father..?)

May 21, 2009
Bloody Belle on Aug 25, 2013 wrote:
That... was really well said (seems Blind Mew agrees as well). So if that's the case, I hope a world relating to our starter companions pops up, because I really want more of a back story going to Subodai and the rest of the Mooshu 5. Like, why were they exiled from their own land and captured by the Armada in the first place? What crimes have they committed to lock them up? And what in the world happened to Subodai's father, Oridai (i think), when we contacted him from the dead in Subodai's first promotion in the Witchdoctor's lair (at least, I think that was his father..?)
Er...I believe Subodai mentioned he was sold as a slave during his most recent promotion quest 'the Great Khan Game'. And that was his grandfather Ogudai, and Subodai seems quite proud of that fact, stating he is 'Subodai! Blood of Ogudai!' As to Subodai's father, I presume he died in battle as a Khan. His uncle, Qulpa, seems to hint at it when we meet him in the 'The Great Khan Game'.

First Mate
Dec 12, 2011
CaptainFlint193 on Aug 27, 2013 wrote:
Er...I believe Subodai mentioned he was sold as a slave during his most recent promotion quest 'the Great Khan Game'. And that was his grandfather Ogudai, and Subodai seems quite proud of that fact, stating he is 'Subodai! Blood of Ogudai!' As to Subodai's father, I presume he died in battle as a Khan. His uncle, Qulpa, seems to hint at it when we meet him in the 'The Great Khan Game'.
Well, if he was sold as a slave (as I'm sure all the others were as well), then why were they locked up? I don't believe that was for transportation... perhaps they messed up with their 'landlord' and they got the Armada and had the Mooshu 5 put in jail..?

I'm just guessing, lol.

Nov 09, 2012
Blind Mew on Aug 22, 2013 wrote:
All of the A listers will have the same number of promotions, but they will roll 'em out over time. We have a lot that are due or past due, and Book 15 stands to have a lot of Promotion quests...

Finnigan, above, gives a nice condensation of all the answers I've given in various places on this topic. I couldn't have said it much better myself.
I definetly agree some companions are well overdue for promotions. Old Scratch is way overdue and so is the Kraken Skulls companions. The Presidio companions and Monkey King are just about due for one. If book 15 has a lot of promotions, then I'm guessing all 4 of those are getting promos. Gracie Conrad, Catbeard and Hawkules can wait since we just got them.