Hello pirates! Today I made some apple and pumpkin pie, along with freshly baked sugar cookies, yum, and moolong tea. While I know you have something to eat, I just wanted to ask you a question: What made your pirate the way it is today? What persuaded you to make your pirate have the persoNATALIES that is has right now? I would love to see some of your responses! Smiling Natalie lvl 59 Honest Hannah lvl 16 P.S. How do so many people find the time to play pirate101 so much? How do so many people have so many high level characters? Just wondering. P.P.S. What is this???-----------> A squid? A SKY SQUID? X crowd gasps loudly X
moo shu is honestly what made my pirate the way he is. moo shu was my favorite world in wizard101. in fact i made another wizard just so i could play through moo shu again. i saw that moo shu would be returning in pirate101 and my heart started fluttering. i guess i just like the music and the sunshine.