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So we have item stitching..why not...

Oct 15, 2012
Why not make something similiar for companions that we have.
For example I have so cool rare/limited companions that I would like to see more in battles or something but simply their strenght is not enough but I really like they way they look .
Or for example I would like to make a team of my favourite look companions.

But my suggestion is to make a stitching for companions.

What do you think guys ?

Sep 02, 2012
Why would you stitch Companions gear together? If you stitched a Samoorais gear Then That Samoorai companion can't be a samoorai without its armor. It would be inappropiate to see a samoorai with no gear.


First Mate
Dec 12, 2011
grenio15najg on May 27, 2013 wrote:
Why not make something similiar for companions that we have.
For example I have so cool rare/limited companions that I would like to see more in battles or something but simply their strenght is not enough but I really like they way they look .
Or for example I would like to make a team of my favourite look companions.

But my suggestion is to make a stitching for companions.

What do you think guys ?
Not to put a damper on things here, but that honestly doesn't make much sense... If we were in Wizard101 and had our companions, then sure. I can see some sort of spell that would be able to extract the powers of one companion to another, easily...

But this is Pirates101... here things need to be a bit more realistic (ignoring the fact boats can fly on windlanes and in between worlds ). Unless powerful Hoodoo-extracting magic is involved, I don't see that happening, friend...

Dec 31, 2012
I'm not sure how that would work. In stitching, you lose one item by combining two items. So... "stitching" companions would mean you lose one companion when you combine two? That would mean havoc for any storyline or questline lines they'd need to say in the future.

I'd probably just say stick with the Training Points. That's what they're for -- making bad companions better.

Fair Winds and Following Skies,
~~ Noir The Sable

Sep 17, 2011
grenio15najg on May 27, 2013 wrote:
Why not make something similiar for companions that we have.
For example I have so cool rare/limited companions that I would like to see more in battles or something but simply their strenght is not enough but I really like they way they look .
Or for example I would like to make a team of my favourite look companions.

But my suggestion is to make a stitching for companions.

What do you think guys ?
Well, if you think about it, wouldn't that be like stitching two LIVING beings together? I can just imagine, "Bonnie! Come over here! I'm going to make you be like this Monquistador here. "
"AHHH! Captain! Why are you making me look like that hideous thing!?"
Yeah... No need to add anything else here.