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Gunner's Mate
Apr 09, 2011
Hi This is like my 4th post today sorry kings [ make sure to check them out ] today I got some things to share [ actually just 2 ]

1. new gear [ Swashbucklers only, SORRY, I couldn't think of anything else! I tried ] Can swashbucklers get this assassin gear? like in the walk in shadow's gear something like that? Maybe it's like epic gear you can get when you get all of the pieces of your map and head to your destination [ Maybe by your teacher? Or you find it in a chest with gear and weapons.]

2.weapons, I have mentioned this before, Buccaneer, Two Giant metal [ Gold ] Swords. Swashbuckler, [ like the tiger gloves] two leather gloves and at the on top of the fingering part is diamond [ pearl ] colored spike things. Privateer, two tiny little wooden sticks with lanterns at the end and surrounding the lanterns is lighting bolts. Muskateer, a Little wooden box [ thats it, jk ] that transforms into a cannon that fires fire cannon balls. And last but not least Witchdoctor a little diamond with a little tiny red diamond in the middle of it when attacking the diamond is clutched in one hand and the pirate floats? and shoots magic out of other hand.

If you got any ideas on number 1. Dont hesitate to tell me I hearing your ideas [ number 2. too ]

Zane 64