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Fire from The Big Guns

Gunner's Mate
Jan 06, 2011
You know how the privateer ability The Big Guns causes fires to appear on the battlefield? Are these fires supposed to cause damage to other players? I'm not talking about PvP.
I have often seen pets get damaged by the fire but the other day I saw someone's companion get damaged by them.

May 13, 2011
May 29, 2011
Are you sure? I've walked past my own fires and it didnt touch me. If thats true, I think it should be fixed by KI soon.

Apr 26, 2010
um, no, fire doesn't hurt anyone who passes it. broadside fire, yes. we're talking about fire from the privateer bomb set, Artillery and The Big Guns. they both cause fire. and i doubt it's supposed to damage allies and companions, but it might. in many occasions, i have used Artillery or The Big Guns, and then sent my companions right through the fire, unharmed. i think maybe it hurts pets and other people's companions, but not your own? i'm not sure.