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Whats up with this

Jan 11, 2015
I just finally made it to Mooshu and have been trying for 3 days to complete at least one quest but my WHOLE party keeps dying!! I am level 43 most of the companions I fight with are level 40 BUT my companions don't even come close to defeating samoori or anything here and we all die!! The Samoori get like 6 turns and mega epic hits and less than 2 ROUNDS we are ALL dead this is cheap and making me angry with the game. I quit playing Wizards because of the cheap ways maybe I will quit pirates to.

Ruthless Fallon Silver

May 31, 2009
You're going to have to go back and do your side quests. There are a lot of them in Cool Ranch that give a good amount of exp., and you'll be able to gain a level or two to help you along. MooShu is a pretty big difficulty jump from Cool Ranch; you'll have to start using companions and strategies effectively or you're not going to progress very fast, as you've seen.

What class is your pirate, and which companions are you using? What area and of MooShu are you in? Is your gear and weapon level and class-appropriate? Have you promoted your companions? Are you buffing your companions and yourself before you attack? Think about your strategy and setup, and make changes to it. MooShu forces you to do this; the enemies are now a more even mix of melee and ranged, and as their levels get higher, they get stronger.

MooShu is a tough world, but there is a lot you can do to help make it a tad easier. It's going to challenge you. It's not some sort of cheap tactic to weed people out; I've run three characters through MooShu (well, perhaps 2.7, the third is almost finished) and all three have had to undergo a change, big or small, to make it through. It's not impossible; you just have to adapt to the new difficulty.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Fallon1127 on Mar 25, 2016 wrote:
I just finally made it to Mooshu and have been trying for 3 days to complete at least one quest but my WHOLE party keeps dying!! I am level 43 most of the companions I fight with are level 40 BUT my companions don't even come close to defeating samoori or anything here and we all die!! The Samoori get like 6 turns and mega epic hits and less than 2 ROUNDS we are ALL dead this is cheap and making me angry with the game. I quit playing Wizards because of the cheap ways maybe I will quit pirates to.

Ruthless Fallon Silver
MooShu comes as a huge surprise to those who defeat enemies in the Haunted Skyway with ease.
First, look at your companions, are you using the same ones over & over? Also the same old strategy? Try changing up companions. What's your gear? Maybe you should invest time farming for better gear.
Can you enter Khotan yet? If so, promote El Toro immediately! If he goes on bed rest during his quest, don't be upset, just continue on; when you reach the end of his promo, he'll be cured automatically.
There are more swashbucklers & musketeers in MooShu, you should switch out unfit companions for those more suited for such battles.
It is not "cheap", they're getting these chain because you may have neglected some stats.
What are your companions accuracy, armor or dodge?
I hope this advice is helpful to you, and remember, you're not the first to face these often annoying enemies and you can over come these odds, I know this because I've been where you are now.
BTW, welcome to the message boards!

Feb 25, 2012
Hmm... maybe shift your team around so you can use a more defensible crew.

Or, if you'd rather have some help, simply state your name, a time, a timezone, and a zone (captain avery, morgan laffite, etc.) And I'd be glad to give you a hand.

Dread Pirate
May 27, 2009
Sorry to hear you are having difficulty in MooShu -- I'm not sure what quest you are on or which enemies you are fighting, but just as there was an uptick in the difficulty level when you reached Cool Ranch, there is an adjustment that you'll need to make fighting MooShu enemies.

Perhaps, if you gave us a bit more info about who you are fighting and what crew you are using against them, we can help you with a bit of strategy.

Dec 28, 2015
Trust me, I had trouble with my Buc through most of Book 11 Mooshu, but it goes back to being a bit easier in Book 12 Mooshu. I personally enjoyed the challenge! I'm now going through it on my Witchdoctor, and it is as challenging as I remember it. Just keep on going, the Metagame and awesome places like The Tower of Moo Manchu and all of Marleybone will make you glad you kept going!

Hope to see yeh' around the Spiral!
Slick Seth Sawkins Lvl 65 / Quick Quincy Quarton Lvl 42 / Dark Mark Lvl 5

Apr 28, 2012
Where are you in the story line, what quests have you completed, and what type of Pirate are we talking about? It's hard to give advice without knowing these things.

If you keep dying and did not complete ALL the quests you could in Cool Ranch, and Monquista I would go back and complete them. This would increase your Level, Health, and Statistics and help keep you alive longer. I usually get to MooShu about level 45 . Another idea is to have a higher level friend help you out with MooShu for at least the first few fights. Also, have you considered farming some of the bosses you have fought previously for better weapons and equipment (check them out on Pirate101 Central Wiki - usually they list the items a boss will drop).

Another thing is how you do the attacks. Do you attack multiple opponents or do you concentrate on one until he is defeated? Are you able to keep your Companions alive by healing them or, if they have the ability, heal themselves? Do you Buff Up you Companions before attacking and let the enemy come to you? I prefer this tactic since it allows me to concentrate on doing damage to them as they come and concentrate on one opponent at a time.

Another thing to do is check the Bazaar for items that can increase your Health, Damage, Accuracy, Dodge, and Armor. Depending on how much money you are willing to invest((?) in this game, you might want to purchase the Empire Bundle which comes with a Centaur Companion (Nausica) and the Gladiator Outfit which does a fairly good job of increasing your statistics and abilities.

Hope that helps. Good Luck.

Gunner's Mate
Sep 07, 2014
make sure the companions you are using are your level as well / if they are not / level them up by collecting gold and buying training tomes to do so

Once your all the same level it is easier

Gunner's Mate
Oct 22, 2015
Don't quit. You should probably reset your companions so you can give them their current talents and more. Also you maybe you should do some more sidequests (assuming you haven't already been doing that) so you can level yourself up more and higher level companions. And possibly (though not very likely that you haven't updated your equipment (but how would I know what equipment you have).

May 30, 2010
Are you using all your companions or just a select few? You'll want to beef up your second stringers if you're doing the favored few style. I tend to train in accuracy and dodge as my first choice of talents, then boost life and finally bump their prime stat.

Moo Shu does have a big jump in difficulty when you first get there, and it can be frustrating. See if you can find another pirate to give you a hand until you go up a level or two, or go see if you've missed a side quest somewhere. You should be having difficulty but not losing the entire party at this point. Maybe shift your tactics a bit?

How are you fighting the Samoorai? Are you focusing on just one or two or assigning each crew member his/her own enemy? Gang up on them -- put on one more hit than you think you'll need to put down one of the cows, because they do dodge and sometimes you don't do as much damage as you think you will.

After a few fights it will get easier, honest.

Feb 11, 2010
Oct 10, 2011
Try returning to Cool Ranch and working on side quests. Its very important that you do "all" side quests from Skull island to the current world your on, or else your level will be faulty towards Mooshu. I would recommend doing Cool ranch side quests and Port Regal side quests. You could also farm bosses for gold and purchase up to 10 companion level books from any tavern.

Jan 11, 2015
I am Ruthless Fallon Silver and a witchdoctor. It was way hard to advance my el toro and all my main characters I use keep dying. I did manage to get some help thanks to those of you who helped me. I am fairly new to pirates my main companions I like to use are Ratbeard, Kan Po, and Anne... As far as I know I did most all the sides in each area, I could be wrong but any character I saw with a ! I took the quest at this point the only quests I have besides one in skull island are in mooshu.

Ruthless Fallon Silver Level 43 WitchDoctor

P.S. I don't know where or what gear to farm for any help or advice would be appreciated

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Fallon1127 on Mar 30, 2016 wrote:
I am Ruthless Fallon Silver and a witchdoctor. It was way hard to advance my el toro and all my main characters I use keep dying. I did manage to get some help thanks to those of you who helped me. I am fairly new to pirates my main companions I like to use are Ratbeard, Kan Po, and Anne... As far as I know I did most all the sides in each area, I could be wrong but any character I saw with a ! I took the quest at this point the only quests I have besides one in skull island are in mooshu.

Ruthless Fallon Silver Level 43 WitchDoctor

P.S. I don't know where or what gear to farm for any help or advice would be appreciated
For the best information go to Pirate101 and look at their wiki, you'll find what your looking for there.
I also recommend farming Miranda, there's a lot of good drops from the bosses in that dungeon.

Gunner's Mate
May 08, 2010
It goes from enemies having 2 epics, to enemies having 3 epics (and 2 rankings on normal mobs as well)

You can't just buff and attack your way here.

I've currently used a privateer/buccaneer, (To tank damage) a musketeer (to hurt the enemies before they reach) and a swashbuckler (to hit and hit and hit) as a swashbuckler.

just gotta find what builds work for you.