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Bug with Victory Pie pet power

Aug 29, 2008

So one of my pets (Mechanical Owl) learned the power "Victory Pie" after some hatching. However, no matter how many times my pet has joined me in battle, it never uses this power. Could this be a bug? No matter what I try, the pet will never use the power on an enemy unit.

For those unaware, Victory Pie is a pet power with a range of 1 square that makes the user (the pet) and the target have x0 weapon power for 3 turns. Yet again, my Mechanical Owl never uses the power and instead just attacks the opponent with regular attacks.

I know that pets are programmed to do damage or heal whenever they can, so is it possible that the reason my pet does not use Victory Pie is because the power does no damage and is more of a debuff? Its the same way that pets rarely use buffs that they learn, because they rather use a normal attack on an enemy instead of buffing your team.

So I ask, could you give at least powers like Victory Pie something like 1 damage so that the pet chooses to use the power? Seems a bit redundant to have pets be able to learn buffs and debuffs if they will never use it.
