The cool ranch turret has crashed the game every time I used it earlier this morning. I was farming it so this happened more than half a dozen times. Every time the turret's life went into the super low red the whole game crashed and I was prompted to send in a bug report. Then I get back into the game and thankfully I still have enough life left to heal and finish the job. I was soloing it except for two times and it still crashed. I got one cool drop, Sails for a Bison ship but what is with the 30 to 50 gold awarded for most of them? That is a long battle for such little gold.
I was farming for stuff for my two little pirates in Cool Ranch so I was using my best . Ship: Lvl 67 Eagle Galleon Anchor: Ancora Aurum Armor: Mythic Guns: Golden Ballista Horn: Horn of the Mighty Kraken Figurehead: Consular Standard Rudder: Tribunal Sails: Wings of Hermes Wheel: Imperator's Wheel