Ok, I'm just about finish with El Toro's promotion quest, I'm in the battle with Moosashi Mooyamoto, suddenly my computer looses connection (OH NO!) and now I log back on, I was defeated, I go back to the temple ......... WHERE IS MOOSASHI MOOYAMOTO. No matter what I try (logging off, resetting computer, turning off and on computer) it just doesn't work. I would really like to have Masked Champion El Toro, but I'm stuck with this quest "Defeat Moosashi Mooyamoto in the Tower of the Sword" What I'm trying to get is that if KingsIsle can fix anything, than I'm begging and praying that you could please, please, please, help me out, can you please fix it?
Hi! We'll be working towards fixing this bug very soon, but in the meantime it would be best to contact customer support through email at support@pirate101.com and ask them to help you complete this particular step of the El Toro Promotion quest.