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KI Complaint - Mormo Promotion glitch

Nov 09, 2017
Hey Pirate101 community!

I know this is a very high level for me to be promoting Mormo to Spirit Caller, but that's because I emailed KI support to fix the issue, TWICE, and they never did.

My issue is that I have done Mormo's promotion quest, but that when I go to turn it in, Mormo does not have a yellow question mark over his head. The quest line says "Talk to 0 0 in Any Tavern Cellar" and instead of Mormo as an icon, it is a red flag with a skull on it.

I am writing to turn this over to an administrator, such as One-Eyed Jack or Bat Masterson, to finally resolve this issue.

Thanks so much in advance!

Scurvy Dylan Neasmith, Level 34

Darius Hawkins, Level 17

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