after the crazy patch that add pet talents my pet started at lvl 30 and now eveytime he doges and attack he doesnt riposite anymore like before the patch. my pet is now lvl 58, i also see this with my other pet who has a passive attack like vengence strike. i am lvl 50 now but my pet has not been using his passive skill since the pet talent patch, can someone help me plzz because there were some battles that could have ending faster if my pet would just use his riposite.
other abilities he has is rally, epic song, loyal,and pirate1.he has one passive gifted. He is a crawlie, now is a epic crimson crawlie. (I havent hatched with him or get him from hatching)
stats-125 power,93 doge and accuracy, 54 armor and 68 magic resist with 1316 health.