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A sneaky idea for a sneaky way

Petty Officer
Mar 10, 2015
i was thinking of how kingsile could advertise pirate101 for free. I came up with an idea that's free, and would make us pirate101 / wizard101 players happy as well.

How does one get free advetizement... easy. Create an event called happy boxes or something. How does it work?

The more people share something or like it the more it is seen. People need a reason to do so. King isle make it like this...

Every player that shares with their friends on Facebook will earn 1 pack and 100 crowns. Each 10 people who receive the share will equal to one prize. Since most people have between 100-800 friends on Facebook that means between 10-80 prizes for in game currency.

Let's do the math here quick. Let's say wiz / pirate has 100,000 active players. 100,000 x 100-800= 10,000.000 -80, 000, 000 views.

- so basically kingisle gets a ton of free views for basically free. Since giving crowns and packs from king isle is free of cost since packs and crowns are not a real currency.

... follow the logic.

For every 1,000,000 views on a facebook page the add revenue increases by 10%. The revenue is about 0.10$ /1000 views. So 0.10 x (10,000,000 -80, 000, 000 /1000) x (10,000,000-80, 000, 000 /1000)

If ya do the math that is a ton of money close to 10M to 80M $ for something that you paid nothing. Now x4 for YouTube, tumbler, twitter, and instagram.

--- bottom line is this. King isle gets a ton of free money without spending anything. And we players will be happy with about 10-80 packs and 1k-80K crowns without king isle loosing any money or interest.

''Tis does not even consider how many players would be added to pirate101 and wizard after such an event
