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Beachhead's final dungeon length extension

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
I enjoyed beating Beachhead's final dungeon, but I feel there should be changes to the dungeon's length to make it a little longer and more linear.

After Bishop's first epic fight, reaching the Sky Station's main guns, and reaching the Engineering Room via Lift, I felt that reaching the Engineering room was too easy, even for a single trip to the Elevator. That ought to change. Instead of a single trip to Engineering, there should be a Lift Access Pass to Engineering, because trips to Armada Fortresses' rooms should have some security to prevent anyone but their troops from entering the rooms, and the Elevator's interface's selection of Engineering should be greyed out until they get the Access Passes to it. Also, there should be a new set of rooms added to Beachhead called "Control Deck", becaue where would Bishop go to after his defeat? Beachhead's Control Room. The Access Pass to Control Deck should be located very close after reaching Beachhead's guns, thereby allowing them to enter the Control Deck. The latter's selection should also be greyed out until the Control Deck's Access Pass is obtained. The Control Deck should consist of a corridor, an Armada Troop production room, another corridor, a Control Room, with some secret blueprint plans mentioning the Grand Design in that room, a corridor/hallway, and a final room with another short corridor leading back to the Elevator. In the production room, there's an Armada Troop battle after quickly observing the production of the troops. After, they run and reached the Control Room by hallway. They stayed behind the walls until Bishop's done his rounds and leaves. The Control Room also contains power lines regulating power to all of Beachhead's guns, granting them a big boost to their firepower. They sabotage the power lines, weakening the guns, swipe the secret plans for Captain Avery to know in Skull Island later on, and obtain the Access Pass to the Engineering Room. Immediately, they were detected after messing around in the Control Room, the alarms sound off. Afterwards, the door to the way back locks, but they run to the last room with the exit, with some doors to other rooms closing on the way, they reach the room with the exit and try to reach it, but the exit is blocked by Bishop and more Armada Troops, again. Another Epic Battle begins there, only this time, Bishop can spawn up to 4 Armada Devices instead, thereby making it the second Bishop battle. After beating Bishop again, he flees quickly before meeting him for the third time in Engineering, and they reach the Elevator, with the Access Pass intact. They reach the Elevator and the selection is made available, and they go to Engineering to finish the job.

Well, those are the changes to Beachhead's last dungeon. I have hopes for KI to make it a bit longer and more linear. Tell me what you think. Thanks for listening!

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Hey, can't bigger Armada Fortresses have control rooms? I'll be quite happy to see one added to Beachhead really soon! Think of it.

Feb 27, 2009
Nice idea and this wouldn't mess up the storyline so KI could implement it. They also need to add better gear to Beachhead.

May 13, 2011
No no no no no! This took days to finish!

Oct 15, 2012
I say most definitely not! the last one is long enough as it is and not like its so fun either. Besides there are more dungeons to come after it plenty more but as for the gear they really do need to fix that though.