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Captain Blood's Jacket

Mar 04, 2013
Hey Kingisle

I have been farming and trying to get Captain Blood's Jacket for almost over a year now and have failed to get it. Is it possible to have all of captain blood's gear in the crown shop? would happily pay 5,000-10,000 crowns to get the jacket instead of wasting my time doing the Miranda Dungeon over and over again. just a suggestion and would love to hear responses.

Crafty Lucas LVL 70
Practical Hunter Freeman LVL 70

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
algeriarocks7 on Jul 9, 2017 wrote:
Hey Kingisle

I have been farming and trying to get Captain Blood's Jacket for almost over a year now and have failed to get it. Is it possible to have all of captain blood's gear in the crown shop? would happily pay 5,000-10,000 crowns to get the jacket instead of wasting my time doing the Miranda Dungeon over and over again. just a suggestion and would love to hear responses.

Crafty Lucas LVL 70
Practical Hunter Freeman LVL 70
As a veteran of Miranda, ( about 2 years of running that dungeon before finally getting that jacket ) I really feel for your situation. But ask yourself: "Is it likely that KI would put such a powerful piece of gear in the Crown Shop for just anyone to buy?"
This jacket is one of the most powerful pieces of gear in the game; it's useful way beyond it's intended level ( can you name a similar piece of gear )?
Just keep farming Miranda, it will eventually drop for you

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Nov 08, 2015
algeriarocks7 on Jul 9, 2017 wrote:
Hey Kingisle

I have been farming and trying to get Captain Blood's Jacket for almost over a year now and have failed to get it. Is it possible to have all of captain blood's gear in the crown shop? would happily pay 5,000-10,000 crowns to get the jacket instead of wasting my time doing the Miranda Dungeon over and over again. just a suggestion and would love to hear responses.

Crafty Lucas LVL 70
Practical Hunter Freeman LVL 70
Lol I've been nonstop farming the Miranda dungeon also. I would gladly pay crowns for the jacket also.

Jul 07, 2013
You can pay crowns for it. Use the second chance chest.

Virtuous Dante Ramsey

Mar 04, 2013
LOL 30 minutes after posting I decided to give the dungeon another try and actually got the jacket.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
algeriarocks7 on Jul 12, 2017 wrote:
LOL 30 minutes after posting I decided to give the dungeon another try and actually got the jacket.

Apr 24, 2013
i have tried using any technique I can think of, to no avail so far, got the hat, but no coat

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Rodrigo Robets on Sep 5, 2017 wrote:
i have tried using any technique I can think of, to no avail so far, got the hat, but no coat
There is no way to manipulate drops - drops are completely random. Only dedicated farming will eventually get you what you want. ( But don't overdo it! )

Petty Officer
Dec 06, 2012
It is surprising how useful this somewhat low level piece of gear is. It makes me wonder though.What other somewhat low level pieces of gear are out there that are also surprisingly useful?

Mar 27, 2014
and this is why I say gear like this is non existent. players spend way too much time and/or money and they never get what they need. heck, I tried to get his jacket once and got everything BUT it. got his hat, his boots, his hook, no jacket. which is enough proof for me that the jacket does not exist.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
the minutemen on Sep 5, 2017 wrote:
and this is why I say gear like this is non existent. players spend way too much time and/or money and they never get what they need. heck, I tried to get his jacket once and got everything BUT it. got his hat, his boots, his hook, no jacket. which is enough proof for me that the jacket does not exist.
I have that "non-existent" jacket, and so do thousands of other pirates - some even have more than one! Yes, it took me a great deal of time to get that jacket, but other players have the luck to get it after a few runs.
And what do you mean you only tried "once" and therefore because this jacket didn't drop for you; that's proof of non-existence?
Because this boss drops more than one unique, rare item ( 2 weapon types, boots, hat & jacket ), it will take you a while to get what you want.
That you received those items from your one run ( I assume you used the Second Chance Chest for that ) puts you ahead of many players, who haven't received even one rare item from Blood.
Just keep farming, that's the only way to get that drop - and that can be said of many other boss drops in this game.

Jul 18, 2016
the minutemen on Sep 5, 2017 wrote:
and this is why I say gear like this is non existent. players spend way too much time and/or money and they never get what they need. heck, I tried to get his jacket once and got everything BUT it. got his hat, his boots, his hook, no jacket. which is enough proof for me that the jacket does not exist.
Captain Blood's Jacket does exist. Heck, I farmed 3 years for that level 35 robe and finally, I got mine as a drop from Captain Blood. Now I have his entire outfit. Like Anecorbie and many others have said, there is no way to manipulate drops. All drops are completely random and Treasure Bath Doubloons do NOT lower drop rates. Let me repeat that. All drops are completely random and there is no way to manipulate drops. You may get Captain Blood's Jacket after one run, two runs, or in my case you might be jailed to Miranda for 3 years until it finally drops. Heck, I even made myself a self promise that if Captain Blood's Jacket dropped, I'd buy Bosun Budd companion right then and there as a companion so he'd be a memory to the time I spent jailed to Miranda. My advice is to definitely keep farming Miranda. I know it's a boring dungeon but hey at least you can solo it as a max level pirate, unlike Moo Manchu Tower whose Frozen Tide Boots still elude me. Captain Blood's Jacket will drop eventually, you just have to be patient and keep farming. I wish you the best of luck getting this rare item. I also remember you telling me that Kane's Mask doesn't exist either, but even Kane's Mask ended up dropping for me. Some items like Captain Blood's Jacket, Fin's Goggles, Kane's Mask, and Moo's Frozen Tide Imperial Boots just have a low drop rate and you just have to keep farming and working hard to get it. All your farming and hard work will pay off in the end, believe it!

Stormy Elijah Silver (Max Swashbuckler)
Corrupt Zane Silver (Max Privateer)
Dark Blaze Sharp (Max Witchdoctor and Bosun Budd owner)
Sly Brady Silver (Level 34 Musketeer-in-Training)

Jul 07, 2013
anecorbie on Sep 6, 2017 wrote:
I have that "non-existent" jacket, and so do thousands of other pirates - some even have more than one! Yes, it took me a great deal of time to get that jacket, but other players have the luck to get it after a few runs.
And what do you mean you only tried "once" and therefore because this jacket didn't drop for you; that's proof of non-existence?
Because this boss drops more than one unique, rare item ( 2 weapon types, boots, hat & jacket ), it will take you a while to get what you want.
That you received those items from your one run ( I assume you used the Second Chance Chest for that ) puts you ahead of many players, who haven't received even one rare item from Blood.
Just keep farming, that's the only way to get that drop - and that can be said of many other boss drops in this game.
Just got to have a little faith.

Virtuous Dante Ramsey

May 30, 2010
One of my pirates has it, and it keeps getting stolen by other pirates on the same account. I really need to go back and farm the bejeebers out of Miranda.

Jul 18, 2016
Fiorenza Rosanante... on Sep 9, 2017 wrote:
One of my pirates has it, and it keeps getting stolen by other pirates on the same account. I really need to go back and farm the bejeebers out of Miranda.
I wish you the best of luck farming for that elusive Captain Blood Jacket, Fiorenza Rosante and hey I'm always in Avery's Court if you need a friend to farm with. I could certainly use more than one Captain Blood Jacket so I don't have to keep trading the one I have back and forth between my pirates, lol.

May 30, 2010
Rodrigo Robets on Sep 5, 2017 wrote:
i have tried using any technique I can think of, to no avail so far, got the hat, but no coat
There is no technique other than sheer bloody-minded persistence. Keep at it and you'll get it eventually!