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Do you have an idea‽

We love to hear how you would change or improve Pirate101, so please go ahead and post your ideas here!

Jan 03, 2009
Put pet shops in with some pets that you can only get in Pirate101, like a pet purple yumyum fruit and storm shark pups and parrots. Also, maybe a mount shop with a few Batacuda and flying fish mounts in it. Yes, I'm sure that someone would go into the Vortex of Doom just to get a few storm shark cubs. There are people that would do that even if I don't know them.

Community Leader
I was thinking about Pirate or wind based mounts? I know there is the lion but it does not seem to go with theme? What about something like a wave runner. It is a board with a wind sail on it.

Owner of Paige's Page Perilous Paige. "Honorary Black Cat of the entire Pirate 101 Fleet"
Community Leader
Pandowdy on Mar 12, 2012 wrote:
Put pet shops in with some pets that you can only get in Pirate101, like a pet purple yumyum fruit and storm shark pups and parrots. Also, maybe a mount shop with a few Batacuda and flying fish mounts in it. Yes, I'm sure that someone would go into the Vortex of Doom just to get a few storm shark cubs. There are people that would do that even if I don't know them.
I just saw a purple scorpion that I would love as a pet. You could even give him the ability to poison

Owner of Paige's Page Perilous Paige. "Honorary Black Cat of the entire Pirate 101 Fleet"
Community Leader
May 10, 2010
I love all the pet ideas and of course, the mount ideas, but I don't think these are quite original ideas.

What I would like to see, to make all the classes fair, is since only Buccaneer and Privateer can get Heavy Armor, which defends a lot more against Melee attacks, that Light Armor Gear, be half of what Heavy Armor does & half Resistance, so that Light armor protects as much as Heavy Armor does, just half melee and half distance attacks. That would be fair for all classes and greatly benefit the game.

Dec 21, 2008
I think we really need a seamstress or something. yeah the main costumes are oK and I have found a sort of decent hat but the shoes I swear they make my feet hurt just looking at them. Now normally "in the real world" I don't think much about style or anything, but then again I don't watch myself running down the street from a backside view so much either currently I have to wear the spur adorned, wellingtons (yeah I swear they look like green rubber boots) it was either that or some leather wrapped things without the attribs I like. and port royal is even worse. wonder if something like a clothing design contest would fix this in future releases ;)

May 18, 2011
For mounts I would like to see anything that has to do with water like dolphins, wales, sharks etc. Mounts decrease travelling time, so I think we need them. Pets don't have to be but I guess any water animal will do including some parrots. I don't know what kind of ships you have in mind, but some "speedier" motorized ships would be nice. Maybe you can use any motorized power equipment instead of pets or mounts or you can come up with a water repelling back packs instead of mounts.
I believe I read somewhere that you don't want to have the ability with teleporting in the Pirates game. I really do wish you would reconsider this. I'd like to teleport back and forth to my home instead of having to travel "for ever" with my ship. I also like to mark my spot so I can teleport back. This comes in handy when you have no life/mana left after battles and have to go fill up. In any way, if you don't, I would like to see a home station in every area we travel that includes the ability to train our talents and purchasing better equipment no matter what our level is.
Cross training talents should be easier and not be limited to certain classes that includes wearing of outfits and weapons. I know I complaint about this before, just bear with me.
A lot of people are scared of water because of sharks etc and because they can't see what is underneath them. Some dungeons could be just like that: dark and scary, a lot of blind spots with booby-traps and hidden enemie attacks .... to keep the blood pressure up and going.
Also, boss fights should be more like the Wizard101 aeras e.g. in the Waterworks, Avalon, Golem tower or Marleybone towers. They have tricks up their sleeves that keep you on your toes.
That's it for now, I'll be back with more .......

Michelle031962 on Jun 22, 2012 wrote:
For mounts I would like to see anything that has to do with water like dolphins, wales, sharks etc. Mounts decrease travelling time, so I think we need them. Pets don't have to be but I guess any water animal will do including some parrots. I don't know what kind of ships you have in mind, but some "speedier" motorized ships would be nice. Maybe you can use any motorized power equipment instead of pets or mounts or you can come up with a water repelling back packs instead of mounts.
I believe I read somewhere that you don't want to have the ability with teleporting in the Pirates game. I really do wish you would reconsider this. I'd like to teleport back and forth to my home instead of having to travel "for ever" with my ship. I also like to mark my spot so I can teleport back. This comes in handy when you have no life/mana left after battles and have to go fill up. In any way, if you don't, I would like to see a home station in every area we travel that includes the ability to train our talents and purchasing better equipment no matter what our level is.
Cross training talents should be easier and not be limited to certain classes that includes wearing of outfits and weapons. I know I complaint about this before, just bear with me.
A lot of people are scared of water because of sharks etc and because they can't see what is underneath them. Some dungeons could be just like that: dark and scary, a lot of blind spots with booby-traps and hidden enemie attacks .... to keep the blood pressure up and going.
Also, boss fights should be more like the Wizard101 aeras e.g. in the Waterworks, Avalon, Golem tower or Marleybone towers. They have tricks up their sleeves that keep you on your toes.
That's it for now, I'll be back with more .......
I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with the changes that you're going to see in the Pirate101 Beta.

*One-Eyed Jack, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*
Dec 14, 2008
As I play P101, and continue to progress, one thing I have wanted to do is the ability to move and use a special move/attack. This is would be especially useful for ranged classes (, ect.) as they generally have less health and can do more farther away. Other than that I'm enjoying P101 immensely.

Community Leader
Since all the Companions look alike, I'm having a lot of problems in group battles telling my own Companions from those of the other Pirates fighting with me. By the time I look closely at all the squares to figure out which background color is which, I'm running out of time before I can give all my orders.

As well as changing background colors, could you please give each player (and friendly & enemy NPCs) their own border colors too? Since I'm glancing at borders to check on everyone's health already, adding very differently colored borders (instead of the same gold for everyone) would make the "teams" of Units visually pop.

PS Could you please add a ship's wheel emoticon to these message boards, so Privateers can show our class pride too? Thanks!

Chatroom Moderator - Pieces of Eight Radio
Feb 19, 2010
I'm having the same difficulties as StarsongKY, I run out of time in battles a lot since I have to be checking enemies health, my team's health, and the estimated damage my attack will do. Instead of having to hover over a character to see their stats on the battlefield, would it be possible to show them directly on your screen instead of having to hover over them?

Jul 27, 2008
Would love to see an over head camera view for ship to ship battles. It would make it easier to navigate and also see where we are getting attacked from as well as who we are attacking. It is difficult at times when you are being attacked from more then one ship to see who you are hitting and who is hitting you.

Apr 27, 2012
I was thinking about that P101 is ways better and realistical than W101 (which is pretty realistic) and I wondered why you can block a gunshot. Dodge is ok, pirates can do this, but blocking a gushot is like super ninja power. Not realistic.Also it would equil the scales for s against s. Think of it.

Jan 16, 2009
It would be kind of cool to be able to actually pirate ships to earn some. It would be 1/1000 chance but you still have the possibility.

Feb 12, 2009
Sell figurines of ships! Let players build a replica of their favorite in-game ship online and display it on their mantle. Or a tiny replica as a holiday ornament. I'm so not kidding.

Friendly, I can hear you shaking your head and saying "You're crazy, you know that?"


Feb 22, 2011
Instead of adding enemies to the board when you add additional players to the battle board, could we instead cut down on the number of companions that enter in the battle for each person? The battle would still be epic, everyone would get to participate, it becomes a bit easier since you only will have probably your first mate, and it would not take much longer.

Jul 04, 2009
A hotkey to get on/off out mounts. I've noticed that some areas it is easier to get around when I was off the mount (too fast and/or vision too blocked).

Nov 25, 2010
I dont think parrots will be able to buy because of the bundle which includes parrot based items such as parrot mount, Paracete pet, etc.

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
I cannot tell between normal enemies, "Elite" enemies, and "Boss" enemies. It's... all too confusing for us Pirates! Could you mark certain enemies as "Elite" and as "Bosses" so to avoid confusion, even in combat? It would make tracking down enemies, elites, and bosses much more easier.
Also, there should be certain boss battle music tracks that are much suited to each current and future world in the game by far when encountering bosses in the game. It would make certain battles distinguishing and have much more of an "epic" feeling to it. Amazing ideas, right?

Aug 26, 2010
Here's something super easy.

I'd like to see more Spanish and Italian names: first and last. Not every pirate was from the U.K. and France, after all. There were plenty of Spaniards and Italians to go around, too.

Apr 06, 2012
When running through the land would be nice to be able to watch the battles going on, looks strange to just see everyone just standing there. Also, I think in individual battles there should be a limit of like 2 players per battle with their companions as when you add in the other players the board gets overwhelmed is hard to distinguish who are your companions and there is not enough time to see who has what health and who you want to hit. These battles get very very long....on the very first dungeon it took us 2 and a half hours to get through it with four players...really should address this.

Otherwise really enjoying the game and concept!

Nov 21, 2009
SnickerdoodleCooki... on Sep 22, 2012 wrote:
Here's something super easy.

I'd like to see more Spanish and Italian names: first and last. Not every pirate was from the U.K. and France, after all. There were plenty of Spaniards and Italians to go around, too.
I really like this idea.

I made a character recently with a Latin root first name (there are a few but not many), but found that there were literally no Latin root last names.

Jan 17, 2010
When in battle the small colored dots on your enemies tend to be hard to see, especially since all the colors used are blue/green. Why not use more differentiation between the colors of the 4 players in the fight.

Also I do not like that you have to hover over each player & their crew members 1 at a time to determine where/who they are attacking. A better mechanic would be to reverse this and have the attack paths show up when you hover over the enemy you are planning to attack. This would let you see that everyone is attacking the same person much faster than the little dots do.

In wizard 101 you had worked out the system where each player and enemy was identified by an item such as a sun or dagger and under each player showed their attack and who they were attacking. I think this mechanic needs to be polished a bit more as it is hard to get used to.

Jan 23, 2009
LadyTheFae on Sep 22, 2012 wrote:
When running through the land would be nice to be able to watch the battles going on, looks strange to just see everyone just standing there. Also, I think in individual battles there should be a limit of like 2 players per battle with their companions as when you add in the other players the board gets overwhelmed is hard to distinguish who are your companions and there is not enough time to see who has what health and who you want to hit. These battles get very very long....on the very first dungeon it took us 2 and a half hours to get through it with four players...really should address this.

Otherwise really enjoying the game and concept!
ok really I love the name.