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Housing: Trophies

May 21, 2012
This may not be relevant much but the game had the "Trophies" Section in Housing Decoration ever since it began; However, When Ranked PvP came out, Candyce Olsen the Housing Vendor in Brawlin' Hall Isn't selling any kind of Trophies..

How about adding Trophies in the next update? To be obtained by those who reached a certain rank. Starting from Hero. Hero Trophy for reaching Rank Hero, Paragon Trophy for reaching Rank Paragon and Champion Trophy for reaching Rank Champion. You must have the required Rank to unlock the purchase for these Trophies just like the Ranked Pets, Mounts and Weapons of course.

It can be a small Pirate Statue with 2 Blades and standing proudly on a trophy cup. Hero one can be bronze colored, Paragon one can be Silver and Champion one can be Gold Colored.

Adding also a Portrait for Enzo Scorbutico to buy or Mr. Gandry would be great. The Housing Vendor PvP Section is so dull with the Artbooks and the Chessboard.

First Mate
Dec 29, 2012
I'm definitely all for adding additional rewards for PvP, but isn't the Trophies tab just really a "junk" tab. It seems to only serve as a way to gain gold from packs (via trophies).

Real trophies that you can display in your house, would be neat.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Oran from Urz on Jun 5, 2018 wrote:
I'm definitely all for adding additional rewards for PvP, but isn't the Trophies tab just really a "junk" tab. It seems to only serve as a way to gain gold from packs (via trophies).

Real trophies that you can display in your house, would be neat.
The extras from packs are called "Treasures" and they're not junk but can be sold for some good gold to Free Traders.
I would like to see true Trophies get included in this game ,not just for PVP but also from PVE Maybe a boss could drop an unusual housing item.

Dec 28, 2012
It could even just be things gotten at the end of certain quests or gauntlets, like the Spiral Cup from Wizard101's Wysteria or the Beastman Fight Club Trophy from Empyrea.