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Lefty Weapons

Dec 02, 2014
Hello all, I wanted to make a topic on a very small thing that bothers me about most games, this one included. And that is, your avatar is always a righty. Now this is understandable since about 90% of the world's population is right handed. However, as a lefty, I will be the first to say that we are a strange, and exotic species. Even you are ever able to spot us in the wild, it'll probably be the only one you ever see, since one was never caught and placed in captivity before. So I wouldn't think it'd be too much of a hassle to implement a option in game to allow the player to choose which hand they hold their weapon with.

So this also means that critical hits would also need a change so that people who opted to holding their weapon on their left hand also use that same hand as the dominate one in attacking.

I've only saw this option for games like TF2 and CS:GO. Where you can move the weapon you hold to which ever hand you prefer. However this was only seen by the player, and not to others playing with them. So to every player in the game, everyone is a righty. I hope if this mechanic is put into the game, everyone will be able to see which hand you chose to hold/attack with your weapon. I'd like to show the world of Pirate101 that i'm part of that 10% of weirdos in the world.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
WizardryMastery on May 2, 2016 wrote:
Hello all, I wanted to make a topic on a very small thing that bothers me about most games, this one included. And that is, your avatar is always a righty. Now this is understandable since about 90% of the world's population is right handed. However, as a lefty, I will be the first to say that we are a strange, and exotic species. Even you are ever able to spot us in the wild, it'll probably be the only one you ever see, since one was never caught and placed in captivity before. So I wouldn't think it'd be too much of a hassle to implement a option in game to allow the player to choose which hand they hold their weapon with.

So this also means that critical hits would also need a change so that people who opted to holding their weapon on their left hand also use that same hand as the dominate one in attacking.

I've only saw this option for games like TF2 and CS:GO. Where you can move the weapon you hold to which ever hand you prefer. However this was only seen by the player, and not to others playing with them. So to every player in the game, everyone is a righty. I hope if this mechanic is put into the game, everyone will be able to see which hand you chose to hold/attack with your weapon. I'd like to show the world of Pirate101 that i'm part of that 10% of weirdos in the world.
My Mom & her twin brother are both leftys, they grew up in a time when being left handed was seen as "wrong" and attempts were made to change their dominate hand to the "right" one. ( it didn't work ). Once, at a diner, a waitress commented to my Mom that lefties were often born in the later part of the year - October through January; she fit this profile. I wonder if you do to?
Anyway I wish to comment that you should take a look at your companions - I've noticed that many of them are left-handed.
If KI could implement this change to our characters appearance, I'd be in support of this.

May 30, 2010
It is unfair to those of us who don't use our right hands IRL. I, too, wish we could choose our handedness and have it reflected in our animations.

Pity it'd be such a nuisance to code; I'd rather see a proper update over this, but it'd make nice filler update material when they're back to feeding us fluff over story.

Dec 19, 2010
Dec 02, 2014
I was actually born on October (Libra). So I too fit into what the waitress said. But I'm surprised I never heard about most lefties being born during the later months. That was cool to find out .

Funny story, I used to live with a family in Finland for a few months. And they're very Catholic. I assume since they are, that it made them believe being a lefty isn't a good thing. They never directly suggested I change my dominate hand to right, but they'd frequently say how bad things happened to lefties and that I should be careful.

Anyways, I have noticed that none of my companions are lefties. Most are right handed, and the rest are ambidextrous. I'm a max Buccaneer so guess I don't get to relate with that with my companions.

Also thanks for giving feedback, I thought most be would just brush the topic off. But I thought it'd be a good idea to put out there anyways.

Aug 27, 2012
I've heard a couple of people, here and in the game, mention the left handed companions, but I've looked and they all look right handed. It could just be me, but could you give me a couple of examples of left handed companions? On my musket all I found was Private Mills and the Bison Scout (random name) ...

Thanks for listening,

Lvl 65

Feb 11, 2010
anecorbie on May 2, 2016 wrote:
My Mom & her twin brother are both leftys, they grew up in a time when being left handed was seen as "wrong" and attempts were made to change their dominate hand to the "right" one. ( it didn't work ). Once, at a diner, a waitress commented to my Mom that lefties were often born in the later part of the year - October through January; she fit this profile. I wonder if you do to?
Anyway I wish to comment that you should take a look at your companions - I've noticed that many of them are left-handed.
If KI could implement this change to our characters appearance, I'd be in support of this.
I'm a lefty and I was born in April! Anyway, on this topic, I bet all you lefties out there will be thrilled to know that some companions are lefties, Subodai is, he holds his sword in his left hand, if you hadn't noticed!

EDIT: Looking at his concept art, Louis was actually going to be a lefty, but they switched him to a righty in game.

Apr 28, 2014
anecorbie on May 2, 2016 wrote:
My Mom & her twin brother are both leftys, they grew up in a time when being left handed was seen as "wrong" and attempts were made to change their dominate hand to the "right" one. ( it didn't work ). Once, at a diner, a waitress commented to my Mom that lefties were often born in the later part of the year - October through January; she fit this profile. I wonder if you do to?
Anyway I wish to comment that you should take a look at your companions - I've noticed that many of them are left-handed.
If KI could implement this change to our characters appearance, I'd be in support of this.
That's quite interesting statements. I'm actually half lefty and half righty, I do certain things with the left hand and others with the right hand... (I think I was born lefty but both parents arent so they made me righty? :/)

And I'm born in November, hmm...

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Two weapons that present a left handed appearance: Da Claw & Captain's Hook. These weapons "cover" the right hand leaving the left hand holding the sword.
Post Edit: never mind, I made a stupid error - the left hand is covered and the right hand holds the weapon! I need to learn my rights from my lefts.

Gunner's Mate
Dec 26, 2013
What's interesting is that the word sinister, which implies a dark evil, also refers to left-handedness or something "from the left".
So, for the left-handed people we could have a new name choice...
Sinister John Doe

Aug 19, 2011
So... completely off topic here, but if you're interested in games with left-handed characters: have you heard of a video game series called "The Legend of Zelda"? The main character you play as; Link, is a lefty. The games are really fun and enjoyable (no matter which hand you use) - if you haven't played one of these games I highly recommend it.

Apr 28, 2014
So I checked all my companions out of curiosity, only a handful are lefty:

Chilam Bak, Milo, Horse Crossbowman and apparently any bison using a bow (I have 3 different ones).

Funny enough Lefty the companion is righty :P

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
FISH THIEF on May 3, 2016 wrote:
I've heard a couple of people, here and in the game, mention the left handed companions, but I've looked and they all look right handed. It could just be me, but could you give me a couple of examples of left handed companions? On my musket all I found was Private Mills and the Bison Scout (random name) ...

Thanks for listening,

Lvl 65
Fan Flanders
Nurse Quinn
Milo Greytail
Private Mills
these archers:
Sky Fire
Golden Hawk
Shadow Eagle
This list isn't complete, I don't have all the pack/bundle companions for comparison.

Feb 11, 2010
anecorbie on May 3, 2016 wrote:
Fan Flanders
Nurse Quinn
Milo Greytail
Private Mills
these archers:
Sky Fire
Golden Hawk
Shadow Eagle
This list isn't complete, I don't have all the pack/bundle companions for comparison.
Any horse from the Amber Horde is a lefty.

Gunner's Mate
May 17, 2015
anecorbie on May 3, 2016 wrote:
Two weapons that present a left handed appearance: Da Claw & Captain's Hook. These weapons "cover" the right hand leaving the left hand holding the sword.
Post Edit: never mind, I made a stupid error - the left hand is covered and the right hand holds the weapon! I need to learn my rights from my lefts.
Is Da Claw still available to farm somewhere? Now with the revised skull island quests I am curious as of to wether it's available anywhere because it's a really cool weapon!

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
SpellBinder Darius on May 5, 2016 wrote:
Is Da Claw still available to farm somewhere? Now with the revised skull island quests I am curious as of to wether it's available anywhere because it's a really cool weapon!
Red Claw Cave on Skull Island, Frankie Pinch drops this weapon.

Dread Pirate
May 27, 2009
I just noticed that Nadya, the Mustang Gypsy, leads with her left.

First Mate
Sep 13, 2010
anecorbie on May 3, 2016 wrote:
Fan Flanders
Nurse Quinn
Milo Greytail
Private Mills
these archers:
Sky Fire
Golden Hawk
Shadow Eagle
This list isn't complete, I don't have all the pack/bundle companions for comparison.
which side you hold your bow on is more commonly determined by your dominant eye. if you're holding your bow in your left hand, you're a righteye (see what i did there haaaaaaha so clever). when people base it off of their dominant hand, it's the same case, the bow in the left hand and the right hand does the pulling. either way, the bow is held on the opposite side of your dominant eye or hand. with guns, it's all backwards. hand dominance is the most common judgement, and you hold the gun on the same side as your dominand hand or eye.

Aug 27, 2012
Something I just realized last night on my musketeer with Nefarious Novablaster which of course is like a glove over your left hand.I was using Mojo Blade and I realized that every pirate weapon must leave your right hand free (e.g. Novablaster, Da Claw) to use that spell. If your holding the weapon in your right hand it gets "sheathed" or if your using a staff it just disappears. This kind of goes with this post,kind of doesn't but it's a cool fun fact.

Thanks for listening,

Lvl 65

Jun 08, 2009
Hoodoo Mistress on May 3, 2016 wrote:
So... completely off topic here, but if you're interested in games with left-handed characters: have you heard of a video game series called "The Legend of Zelda"? The main character you play as; Link, is a lefty. The games are really fun and enjoyable (no matter which hand you use) - if you haven't played one of these games I highly recommend it.
Unless you play Twilight Princess on the Wii, where the whole game was mirrored so that the crummy motion control gimmick catered to the majority. But back on topic, yeah, as a lefty I always feel as though something's wrong when I have to play as a right handed character. It looks... obtuse to me. Nothing's wrong, just skewed.

Gunner's Mate
May 17, 2015
anecorbie on May 5, 2016 wrote:
Red Claw Cave on Skull Island, Frankie Pinch drops this weapon.
Thanks for this info, me and my real life friend got the weapon after 5 tries

We think that it's a cool weapon to stitch (if that's possible) but the sword is a but of a let down in terms of looks

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Elemutation on May 11, 2016 wrote:
Unless you play Twilight Princess on the Wii, where the whole game was mirrored so that the crummy motion control gimmick catered to the majority. But back on topic, yeah, as a lefty I always feel as though something's wrong when I have to play as a right handed character. It looks... obtuse to me. Nothing's wrong, just skewed.
I know ( a little ) how you feel; I'm right hand dominate, but when a I took a semester of Fencing in college, when I tried to fence right handed, I felt so awkward, as if things were "off". A friend suggested I try left handed and I improved.
Fencing & archery are things I do lefty.

Jan 17, 2012
Check the Dos Amigos y Uno, and any spell that has one of them hovering above you. All play their guitars left-handed.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Max DeGroot on May 16, 2016 wrote:
Check the Dos Amigos y Uno, and any spell that has one of them hovering above you. All play their guitars left-handed.
But they're not companions, Max.

First Mate
Sep 13, 2010
anecorbie on May 17, 2016 wrote:
But they're not companions, Max.
lol this is one of my favorite tweets now idk why

oops i mean posts

i spend too much time on twitter