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More Flexible Gear Options, Please?

Jun 10, 2013
I was just talking to my friend Silent Ethan Sharp / Kingme655 today and neither of us could remember which grants the Witchdoctor hat dropped in Moo Tower gives. This gave me the idea, what if as opposed to 1 or 2 hats that dropped from bosses, there was 3 or 4 hats that dropped from them. This would give each class way more possible power combinations.

For example, instead of just having a ring for Musketeer's that grants Bear Trap and Super Strike and a hat that grants Hail Of Cannonballs and Super Strike, have a hat and a ring with both of these power grant combinations so you would have more flexibility on power cards.

I also think certain bosses should gain max level versions of their drops. For example, the Hydra drops its fangs, but they aren't a max level drop. I think Kingsisle could add a max level version if the Hydra fangs that not allow give a summon Skeleton card, but also gives a poison card.

Any thoughts?

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
RRRRZZZZ419 on Apr 17, 2018 wrote:
I was just talking to my friend Silent Ethan Sharp / Kingme655 today and neither of us could remember which grants the Witchdoctor hat dropped in Moo Tower gives. This gave me the idea, what if as opposed to 1 or 2 hats that dropped from bosses, there was 3 or 4 hats that dropped from them. This would give each class way more possible power combinations.

For example, instead of just having a ring for Musketeer's that grants Bear Trap and Super Strike and a hat that grants Hail Of Cannonballs and Super Strike, have a hat and a ring with both of these power grant combinations so you would have more flexibility on power cards.

I also think certain bosses should gain max level versions of their drops. For example, the Hydra drops its fangs, but they aren't a max level drop. I think Kingsisle could add a max level version if the Hydra fangs that not allow give a summon Skeleton card, but also gives a poison card.

Any thoughts?
Moo Tower gives the most amount of gear for all classes in this game - adding more gear to the boss tables is unnecessary and will make gaining the gear more difficult ( more stuff = harder to get ).
Not to mention this gear is still useful even for level 70 maxes.
Hydra isn't a max level boss and should not be giving max level gear.
With a story line expansion, we'll get higher level gear from new bosses, so don't give up!

Dread Pirate
May 27, 2009
Adding more gear to the already overloaded Moo Manchu drop tables would not please a lot of players who avoid running that tower more than they need to.

I'd rather see new content with new gear options than shoehorning stuff into the existing bosses lists.

Community Leader
It seems to me that you don't understand the pattern/logic behind the Moo Manchu tower drops. Each class has 3 different powers that show up on their items
  • Buck: Super Strike, Vicious Charge, Leviathan's Call
  • Buckler: Assassin, Walk in Darkness, Assassin's Gloom
  • Privy: Valor's Fortress, Revive, Big Guns
  • Witchdoctor: Jobu's Embrace, Mournsong, Mojo Storm
  • Musket: Super Strike, Bombs, Bear Trap

The hat and totem for each class has the first and second power
The robe and charm for each class has the second and third power
The boots and ring for each class has the first and third power

This way, each power is represented four times in a full 6-item set. Imo, this is a pretty flexible way of doing things already, since before Moo gear, items generally only had one power, and it would sometimes be impossible, depending on your class, to find a certain power grant in a certain gear slot. Also, don't you think it would be a little overpowered to be able to find any combination of your class's 3 powers on any gear piece? Don't forget, it's not like these items are particularly rare since there are 3 versions (lvl 55, 60, 65) of each of these items, and you have a bunch of chances to get gear in every run.

As for your Hydra suggestion, no. The hydra fangs are a level 65 drop. KI has a lot more things they could do to the game rather than "upgrade" a piece of gear that is 5 levels below the current cap. Sure, they're underpowered, but that's what happens as we level. I wouldn't be opposed to rematch gauntlets (like there are in wiz with bosses like Rattlebones, Meowiarty, Krokopatra, etc) that drop improved versions of their old drops, but giving a level 65 boss a max level item makes no sense, especially when you get to even lower level bosses (say, level 30) that drop reworked max level items

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