More Power Ideas! (Level 25, from your class trainer)
-Drag-Throw a rope to an obstacle/trap/companion/enemy within 5-7 Squares (To get around quickly)
-Raise Walls- Create 5 Barricades (Spiked Fences) in an X pattern
-Charge!- User gains x2 Movement for 2 rounds!
-Lament of Blocking- Summons a Drowned Zombie with 2x Health of User, but only does 1/8 of damage of User, follows enemies, and blocks their movement. (Takes up 4 Squares)
-Valor's Watch- Target gets +50% Accuracy for 3 Rounds
Wow, you're like the master of ideas! I think every one of your posts I've read have had a great idea in it! Anyway's, once again I think these utility powers would be really cool to use in the game.