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Suggestions and Concerns for Witchdoctors

Petty Officer
Mar 31, 2016
Hi, I had a couple questions about Witchdoctors and Witchdoctor companions in particular. I've always noticed (as many people probably have as well) that certain companions seem very underpowered compared to others. This is a problem that's been around since the beginning, and I realize that they're all supposed to be different, with different epics and talents. But what I mean is that they don't have much functionality in, say, high level combat at all.

Examples of this are the animal companions that Witchdoctors receive, many privateer and witchdoctor companions in general, and others that just don't receive enough epics and even talents to compete with others. My suggestion is that perhaps the development team could buff these companions in some type of way, maybe give them more epics and talents, or even a power or two.

But my main concern for posting this are namely the main witchdoctor companions, Carcarius Grimtooth (especially), Mormo, and Old Scratch. And the animal companions as well.

I'll start with Carcarius. The main attraction of witchdoctor companions is that they can use spells and possibly a summon. But that's really it. There's not much more to them. Carcarius comes with, at his final promotion, Steadying Speech (will buff), Jobu's Embrace (drain 75% health Aoe), and Purge Magic, an almost completely useless power that no Witchdoctor outside of pvp would ever really use. My main nitpick of this companion is that, compared to the other school companions such as Chantal Livingstone, Peter Quint, Fan Flanders, or even The Marchioness, he is by far the weakest of the bunch. Not just because he is a witchdoctor with low health and terrible accuracy, but he doesn't have many powers at all to battle with besides his Jobu's Embrace.

Next we have Mormo. Great companion, I use him a lot. The only thing I would ask is that his range be increased from 3 to 4, since most main musketeer companions such as Chantal Livingstone get a range of 5, and that he be able to learn the epic Mojo Rising, the equivalent to Bladestorm and Doubletap, an epic that cannot be learned by either Carcarius, Mormo, or even Old scratch.

Speaking of Old Scratch, my only suggestion for him would be to allow him to learn Mojo Rising.

Most Witchdoctors can't really learn many good epics, such as Mojo Rising, Readied Spell (the equivalent to Repel Boarders and Overwatch), Retribution (the equivalent to Vengeance Strike or True Grit), etc. Carcarius is one of the few that can learn Readied Spell, but he can't learn an important epic such as Mojo Rising. I find this and his and Mormo's range to be a problem.

To sum up, I would only ask you increase the range of the main witchdoctor companions from 3 to 4, allow them to learn Mojo Rising, and upgrade Carcarius a little. Thank you all for your time, I'm new to the forums so nice to meet all of you in advance! I hope a developer (maybe Ratbeard) sees this and can squeeze in even just one of my suggestions next update.

First Mate
Sep 13, 2010
yeah their range is terrible. how about at level 50 all companions get +1 range. and yeah, i'm totally with you on readied spell. all the other classes get some perfect companion that can train every epic they could ever need. i dont think we have one.

Oct 26, 2013
Since witch doctors rely on spells since their accuracy is so low give each main companion more spells. Mormo getting chain lightning and more mojo blast spell line attacks. Scratch gets more summons and charm (give him maybe another 50% spell on promotion) carcarius gets more life steal spells plus more will boost spells.
For the animal companions give them extra epics since they won't ever get promotions and Maybe some pet powers such as lowering will or giving extra defense to themselves.

Petty Officer
Mar 31, 2016
AndrewDeathblade11... on Sep 9, 2016 wrote:
yeah their range is terrible. how about at level 50 all companions get +1 range. and yeah, i'm totally with you on readied spell. all the other classes get some perfect companion that can train every epic they could ever need. i dont think we have one.
I know right? Would it hurt to make witchdoctor companions a little more useful outside of one or two powers? Why can't they learn many epics at all, outside of mojo echo or improved mojo blast? And speaking of other class companions, why do witchdoctor companions have less than HALF the accuracy other companions do?

Thanks for the reply!

Petty Officer
Mar 31, 2016
nefarious alex on Sep 9, 2016 wrote:
Since witch doctors rely on spells since their accuracy is so low give each main companion more spells. Mormo getting chain lightning and more mojo blast spell line attacks. Scratch gets more summons and charm (give him maybe another 50% spell on promotion) carcarius gets more life steal spells plus more will boost spells.
For the animal companions give them extra epics since they won't ever get promotions and Maybe some pet powers such as lowering will or giving extra defense to themselves.
That's a great idea! I'd love it if witchdoctor companions had more spells. And the animal companions getting pet talents is genius.