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A few questions

Aug 05, 2012
1. Why can't we use the new test realm weapons i mean they were meant for testing.
2. How long does one take to get captain kidd's kit i was farming for it for ages and did not get it he does not even give any items all the time.
3. What is the highest amount of scrip one can get from the smugglers arena and the wishing well.
4. how rare is it to get a companion for one of the packs.
5. question to madame vadima what is the largest amount of scrip a player has gotten.
6. are packs worth it.
8. is wiz really the only reason p101 existed.
9. what is a more stealthier mount the crok mount or the bengal tiger.
10. is ki going to fix the problem with people constantly swearing in Avery's court.

thnx See you in the spiral

Apr 28, 2012
1. Not sure, but I think that there is a PvP ranking which is not listed as a requirement that will allow you to purchase the weapons. I have reached Gladiator and still been unable to make a purchase even though I met the other requirements and had enough Scrip.

4. I think it is somewhere between 0.1% and 1%. It is very random.

6. They can be if you aren't expecting to get a Companion and want the other items that you get. It is possible to get a Companion can be done. It's just very, very slim (see answer 4).


8. Wiz101 was developed first and Pirate101 was produced.

9. I would think that the Bengal Tiger would be more stealthy than the Crok Mount since a Bengal Tiger has to be stealthy in the jungle to eat. Of course, it depends if you are in the water or on land. My answer is for on land.

10. If you don;t like the swearing in Avery's Court, you can do two things. 1) Using the Friend application, report that person for using inappropriate language (I do - this should be done to keep Pirate101 family friendly). 2) using the Friend application, ignore that person so you don't have to hear them anymore.

Don't know about the other answers.

Hope this helps. Good Luck.

May 30, 2010
Highest scrip hit either Indigo or I have gotten from the wishing well is 100. You are not guaranteed to hit any scrip at all. Usually it's gold, and the amount varies widely.

The Smuggler's Arena gives different amounts. I've gotten over 500 on one completed run at the same time that one of my other pirates didn't quite hit the 500 mark. If you don't finish the run, you get considerably less.

Use Kidd's 2nd chance chest if you're really desperate for the kit. On the other hand, generally when one of my pirates hits it I don't use it.

Packs are only as good as you think they are. I enjoy them and don't mind spending a bit of dosh for one or two occasionally. I wouldn't spend my crowns on them expecting to get a companion. Those are super hard to get, and the percentage game won't help you; you might figure that a 1% chance means you'll get a companion in 1/100 packs, but that percentage is calculated using the thousands of packs everyone buys.

KI can only deal with the problem of swearing and avoiding the filter if everyone reports it.