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Anyone noticed this reference?

Jan 19, 2014
When you think about it, Ratbeard always wants to get things done in the most loud and violent way possible. (example: Fort Basset) Sort of in a way like Strax from Doctor Who. (MELT HIM WITH ACID!!!) Has anyone else noticed that?

-Careful Jeremy Burke, Level 63

Jun 09, 2016
I've yet to see Ratbeard eat pastries that put him on a sugar hype.

Only then will I believe this theory.

Petty Officer
Nov 10, 2013
autrison12 glad to see a another doctor who fan around here

Dead-eye tim

May 26, 2013
And I have yet to see Ratbeard declare war on the moon

Jan 26, 2012
autrison12 on Jun 2, 2016 wrote:
When you think about it, Ratbeard always wants to get things done in the most loud and violent way possible. (example: Fort Basset) Sort of in a way like Strax from Doctor Who. (MELT HIM WITH ACID!!!) Has anyone else noticed that?

-Careful Jeremy Burke, Level 63
It's not intentional, I'm afraid - I was writing Ratbeard before there was even a Drax, if I remember correctly. But the two share a similar role in their stories; very violent ex-villains who aren't used to being heroes. Ratbeard is the little devil on the pirate's shoulder, counterbalanced by Bonnie Anne, El Toro, and a host of other virtuous companions.

I suspect Drax is a lot of fun to write. Ratbeard certainly is!