Thanks to everyone who came to the party and particular thanks to(Two-Faced Dino "Die No" Clegg, Two-Faced Aurora "A Roar A" Clegg, Helpful Aurora Parker, Stormy Pearl Quinn, Fearless Griffin Davenport, Fearless Taylor "Frog_Man3030" , and Ryan Strong) . If you didn't make it Frog_Man3030 has a video of the whole thing on You Tube. I sent 4 photos to Ki, who knows maybe they'll show up on next month's Ki Live!
That was an exquisite party you had yesterday, Die No. That was so wonderful and I'm so glad I got to meet up again with my long-lost friend from before my friends list got wiped (when I deleted my Pirate ). Again, thank you so much for this chance to just have a party, have fun and make friends!
Also, I hope the Smuggler's Arena went well. I left the party after the PvP (and I fondly remember being Healed from death only to be killed yet again ) was over, so I couldn't do the Smuggler's Arena with you guys. I hope it went well and I'm so glad I came to your party!
Have fun, See you piratin' somewhere in the Spiral!