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Funniest Moment of Gameplay

Gunner's Mate
Feb 06, 2018
What is your funniest moment of gameplay?

Mine was looking for the ambassador of Marleybone's cat. I spent most of my gaming time doing that. I remember yelling at the screen to come out cat. Then I found her in the most obvious place

Fair Taryn Lewis
Post Edit: Title Edit: Funniest/Most Memorable Moments of Gameplay

Petty Officer
Feb 06, 2018
Heheheh Do any of you remember this conversation:

Sarah Steele: Let's get the Jumbo Shrimp!

Bonnie Anne: Isn't that an oxymoron?

Sarah Steele: What did you call me?

Ruthless Luke Armstrong

Dread Pirate
May 27, 2009
Every time I hit space to make my ship jump in the windlane and I stop dead in the water instead.

Feb 12, 2015
The funniest thing for me is the dialogue! Like this one when the Majordomo dresses you up in "Monquistan garments"...

Ratbeard: "You look... um... you look..."

Bonnie Anne: "Ridiculous, Captain, you look ridiculous. These monkeys are making a monkey out of you!"

So funny!

Gunner's Mate
Feb 06, 2018
Lookit Light on Oct 8, 2019 wrote:
The funniest thing for me is the dialogue! Like this one when the Majordomo dresses you up in "Monquistan garments"...

Ratbeard: "You look... um... you look..."

Bonnie Anne: "Ridiculous, Captain, you look ridiculous. These monkeys are making a monkey out of you!"

So funny!
I remember that too!


I adored that! I'm sure i took a screenshot!

Petty Officer
Feb 06, 2018
well that was funny

ruthless luke armstrong that's sir ruthless luke armstrong the blue reaver

Feb 12, 2015
skywayprivateer on Oct 8, 2019 wrote:
Heheheh Do any of you remember this conversation:

Sarah Steele: Let's get the Jumbo Shrimp!

Bonnie Anne: Isn't that an oxymoron?

Sarah Steele: What did you call me?

Ruthless Luke Armstrong
I remember that one! What about:

El Toro: "Forward, friends! The ones who make their way across this battlefield will be heroes!"

Monkey King: "Yeah, we'll have the most impressive tombstones in the cemetary."

Or how about, oh, I know!:

Hawkules: "Come along, if you're up to it and - egads! The Minotaur!"

El Toro: "Minotaur! Where? He must have followed us from Knossos, the fiend!"

Hawkules: You might wear a mask, but don't think you can fool the mighty Hawkules. Surrender, or I shall pound you!"

El Toro: "A mask? Oh, I see. Just what are you implying? It's the horns, isn't it? So every person with horn is just some kind of... Minotaur monster?"

And, of course, everything that happens in Talos after that.

Gunner's Mate
Feb 06, 2018
Lookit Light on Oct 9, 2019 wrote:
I remember that one! What about:

El Toro: "Forward, friends! The ones who make their way across this battlefield will be heroes!"

Monkey King: "Yeah, we'll have the most impressive tombstones in the cemetary."

Or how about, oh, I know!:

Hawkules: "Come along, if you're up to it and - egads! The Minotaur!"

El Toro: "Minotaur! Where? He must have followed us from Knossos, the fiend!"

Hawkules: You might wear a mask, but don't think you can fool the mighty Hawkules. Surrender, or I shall pound you!"

El Toro: "A mask? Oh, I see. Just what are you implying? It's the horns, isn't it? So every person with horn is just some kind of... Minotaur monster?"

And, of course, everything that happens in Talos after that.

Bonnie: What is this, a picture of some sort?

Ratbeard: It's a photograph! Where were ye raised, in a barn?

I love that part.

Honestly, the dialogue is the best.

Feb 12, 2015
glitterway123 on Oct 10, 2019 wrote:

Bonnie: What is this, a picture of some sort?

Ratbeard: It's a photograph! Where were ye raised, in a barn?

I love that part.

Honestly, the dialogue is the best.

Mr. Swidgit: "They're, ah, associates of mine from Port Regal. I couldn't possibly do without them."

Ratbeard: "Aye! That's us! Not Pirates at all!"

Bonnie Anne: "Pipe down you git!"

Come to think of it, many of the funnies seem to be Bonnie and Ratbeard arguing.

Feb 12, 2015
Ooh, I just remembered. It's just laughable. In "Where man? Wereman!!" everyone we talk to keeps apologizing to us because we're also a human. Aye, it make one laugh.

Gunner's Mate
Feb 06, 2018
Lookit Light on Oct 11, 2019 wrote:

Mr. Swidgit: "They're, ah, associates of mine from Port Regal. I couldn't possibly do without them."

Ratbeard: "Aye! That's us! Not Pirates at all!"

Bonnie Anne: "Pipe down you git!"

Come to think of it, many of the funnies seem to be Bonnie and Ratbeard arguing.
The best dialogue: Ratbeard and Bonnie arguing until someone interferes

Petty Officer
Feb 06, 2018
Lookit Light on Oct 8, 2019 wrote:
The funniest thing for me is the dialogue! Like this one when the Majordomo dresses you up in "Monquistan garments"...

Ratbeard: "You look... um... you look..."

Bonnie Anne: "Ridiculous, Captain, you look ridiculous. These monkeys are making a monkey out of you!"

So funny!
you do look ridiculous it's true

Aug 10, 2011
One of the times my character spawned with his top half missing, and it stayed like that until I leaved. Seeing your character do super cool things with his upper half missing is hilarious.

Feb 12, 2015
I just found another one. And this time it isn't dialogue. So, my pirate's name is Merciless Brian Ornsley, but in people's typos when typing, they often address me as "brain" instead of "Brian".

Gunner's Mate
Feb 06, 2018
Lookit Light on Oct 23, 2019 wrote:
I just found another one. And this time it isn't dialogue. So, my pirate's name is Merciless Brian Ornsley, but in people's typos when typing, they often address me as "brain" instead of "Brian".

I like when I'm walking against a wall and my companion goes straight into it

Petty Officer
Jan 26, 2019
Blast of Discord always makes me laugh, and for no apparent reason at all. I find it kind of humorous to see the enemy crew turned against each other and completely obliterate their own forces (man, that sounds a little dark). Just can't forget the memory where the Corrupted Bull Samoorai in the Tower of Moo wreaked havoc on his neighboring allies and killed up to four in one round...

Also the fact that every time I go to Avery's Court, I have a billion people asking me to help them on their quests in less than thirty seconds. (I think I've made a name for myself or something, unless they're mistaking me for another Esperanza?)

Oh, and don't forget my reaction towards getting Kane's Mask! On the chat, I went something like this, "Oh m..." "my gosh I got Kane..." "Kane's mask from chest!" "Second time chest!" I was too excited that I couldn't even write properly. And my sister (who was recording herself) caught me going "WHOOOOOT!" over video. None of my in-game friends seemed to share my excitement though...

...And everytime Hawkules bursts into song: "Hawkules, hero of song and glory! Hawkules, hero of ancient glory!" and the rest of my crewmates badmouth him behind his back. Come on, he just wants his belt back!

...And the first Kane run I ever did as a level 61 I was giggling like a maniac because I was so thrilled to be doing what the big kids were doing.

...And getting my poor Skull Island raft smashed to pieces by accidentally running into the Haywire Dreadnaught. Trust me, it was not pretty.

...And Ratbeard and El Toro having losing their minds in Beachhead.

Okay, I think I'm done now.

Petty Officer
Feb 06, 2018
what about this

bonnie anne i claim parlie

buster crab PARLIE i cant remember the rest

Gunner's Mate
Feb 06, 2018
TheyMayBeBears on Oct 26, 2019 wrote:
Blast of Discord always makes me laugh, and for no apparent reason at all. I find it kind of humorous to see the enemy crew turned against each other and completely obliterate their own forces (man, that sounds a little dark). Just can't forget the memory where the Corrupted Bull Samoorai in the Tower of Moo wreaked havoc on his neighboring allies and killed up to four in one round...

Also the fact that every time I go to Avery's Court, I have a billion people asking me to help them on their quests in less than thirty seconds. (I think I've made a name for myself or something, unless they're mistaking me for another Esperanza?)

Oh, and don't forget my reaction towards getting Kane's Mask! On the chat, I went something like this, "Oh m..." "my gosh I got Kane..." "Kane's mask from chest!" "Second time chest!" I was too excited that I couldn't even write properly. And my sister (who was recording herself) caught me going "WHOOOOOT!" over video. None of my in-game friends seemed to share my excitement though...

...And everytime Hawkules bursts into song: "Hawkules, hero of song and glory! Hawkules, hero of ancient glory!" and the rest of my crewmates badmouth him behind his back. Come on, he just wants his belt back!

...And the first Kane run I ever did as a level 61 I was giggling like a maniac because I was so thrilled to be doing what the big kids were doing.

...And getting my poor Skull Island raft smashed to pieces by accidentally running into the Haywire Dreadnaught. Trust me, it was not pretty.

...And Ratbeard and El Toro having losing their minds in Beachhead.

Okay, I think I'm done now.
Heh, I've found another one.

I'm a bit clueless when it comes to ship battles. For example:

I accepted my first nautical quest!

This was at the beginning of the game, okay?! I was sailing mindlessly than a ship attacked me, like WHAT?!?! Uh, randomly started pressing my ship powers and I eventually figured: "Oh this button does damage and this one does heal! Wow, what a complex system!"...okay, scratch that last part.

I got boarded *sigh*...then another dude appeared on MY ship, and I was like, "What is he doing on my ship? He's trespassing!"...scratch the last part again... I finished the battle (no mindless confusion here )

Petty Officer
Jan 26, 2019
glitterway123 on Nov 6, 2019 wrote:
Heh, I've found another one.

I'm a bit clueless when it comes to ship battles. For example:

I accepted my first nautical quest!

This was at the beginning of the game, okay?! I was sailing mindlessly than a ship attacked me, like WHAT?!?! Uh, randomly started pressing my ship powers and I eventually figured: "Oh this button does damage and this one does heal! Wow, what a complex system!"...okay, scratch that last part.

I got boarded *sigh*...then another dude appeared on MY ship, and I was like, "What is he doing on my ship? He's trespassing!"...scratch the last part again... I finished the battle (no mindless confusion here )
The moment I learned that I didn’t have to board every ship in order to defeat them...

“Oooohh! That makes life so much easier for me!”

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
glitterway123 on Nov 6, 2019 wrote:
Heh, I've found another one.

I'm a bit clueless when it comes to ship battles. For example:

I accepted my first nautical quest!

This was at the beginning of the game, okay?! I was sailing mindlessly than a ship attacked me, like WHAT?!?! Uh, randomly started pressing my ship powers and I eventually figured: "Oh this button does damage and this one does heal! Wow, what a complex system!"...okay, scratch that last part.

I got boarded *sigh*...then another dude appeared on MY ship, and I was like, "What is he doing on my ship? He's trespassing!"...scratch the last part again... I finished the battle (no mindless confusion here )
I'm soooo thankful there was a ship tutorial in the first year of P101.

Gunner's Mate
Feb 06, 2018
anecorbie on Nov 6, 2019 wrote:
I'm soooo thankful there was a ship tutorial in the first year of P101.
Oh, I found another one!

So, I'm very good friends with a guy in the game, and we were trying to figure out how to become friends. First, I tried to use the True Friend Code (fail) then I tried other stuff till like, right after Fin Dorsal, I finally figured out, "Oh! You click on the figure, press Add Friend and voila!"

Gunner's Mate
Feb 06, 2018
TheyMayBeBears on Nov 6, 2019 wrote:
The moment I learned that I didn’t have to board every ship in order to defeat them...

“Oooohh! That makes life so much easier for me!”
Or did I board the ship...hmm...

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
glitterway123 on Nov 7, 2019 wrote:
Or did I board the ship...hmm...
Both of you guys are proving that bringing back that ship tutorial is a good idea......
If you want more tips try looking for my post: "Ship Tutorial Guide".

Feb 12, 2015
TheyMayBeBears on Nov 6, 2019 wrote:
The moment I learned that I didn’t have to board every ship in order to defeat them...

“Oooohh! That makes life so much easier for me!”
That's legitimately funny.

Gunner's Mate
May 28, 2013