Now, I do enjoy P101's quests because they all provide all sorts of adventures & have such a good focus on storytelling & narrative, & I do like the length of later quests & the goals that had us complete many instances instead of just one & so on, but I do have this question about how they design their quests, like arranging the recorded dialogue voiceover lines, the event triggers for hearing them, & such.
How do they make quests in Pirate101 in KingsIsle's proprietary game engine(name unknown, in the present being), & what's the technical process in creating them, & how do one quest follows to another after finishing it, creating a series of quests in the storyline, & so on?
This question is for those who may have interest in learning about quest designing, should they decide on it, so I figured, I may ask you this, & see if that question gets answered as a later KI Blog post.
Perhaps Blind Mew, if he's around to read & answer this, blog post or no, may provide the lowdown on quest designing for P101.