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lack of important interaction w/ female characters

Mar 21, 2022
**To preface- I'm a woman and I say all of this with sincerity, not in a creepy way**

I absolutely love morgan lafitte and after realizing I am never going to have any interaction with her as someone who doesnt enjoy swashbuckler's playstyle it made me sad, but also got me to thinking.

Almost all of the recurring characters with more substance than *npc you speak to like twice* throughout the story are male and there's a surprising lack of female companions. I'm currently doing a musketeer run through the game and the only female companions that I have are bonnie anne and chantal. At level 32, almost halfway to max level, I've only got two female companions and the only other female companions that I can obtain cost money or crowns until I reach the point in the story where I obtain the few other female companions there are.

I would love if in the future (if pirates has a future in which it updates) to be able to explore more of the womens stories and potentially be able to recruit more women onto our crew. I would LOVE to be able to recruit morgan someday as she's my favorite by far. Possibly a good update could involve backstory and questlines for all of the class trainers with the ability to recruit one (and only one) onto your crew. The one class trainer companion rule would help prevent balance issues while allowing for everyone to play through all questlines.

Maybe it's just me and being sad that I'm unable to interact with morgan more or be able to make a team full of my favorite girls atm but figured I'd post about it and see what people (and maybe devs) thought.

Dread Pirate
May 27, 2009
You're right, and this situation has been pointed out before over the years by your fellow female Pirate players. Is it because the main writing teams have always been male? That shouldn't matter, but that is really the only reason I can think of.

@Drew - can you see if a more balanced population can be included going forward?