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My little vacation log

Gunner's Mate
Jun 15, 2009
Griffin: Is the camera on? Ok here we go . Hey everyone I'm Griffin Deverux and I've made this video log to show you my awesome vacation through the spiral . Our first stop is Valencia from Skull Island . We are not quite ready to leave so here is our plan : skull Island to Valencia in a day than VL to Monquesta in 1 - 2 days , and than .. Romba! I need the map

Romba : I put map in toaster

Griffin : WHAT????!!!!!!!! WHY

Romba: It make pop tart taste better

Griffin: we'll be back tomorrow well most of us..... * glance at Romba *

Gunner's Mate
Jun 15, 2009
Griffin: Hi everyone we're back and on the road or sky or uh whatever . So it's just us and the open sky and the weather is great .

Romba: Capitan storm gate to unicorn place near !

( Please stand by * Elevator music plays * )
Griffin: So we're here in the Argon sky way trying to make our way to Stead's vill-
Romba: Captain locals come to see us
Griffin: No Romba get down it's the Armada!!
Romba: They board us to welcome us !!
Armada troop: Welcome ..... To your doom
Griffin: Ha you can't beat us!!!
Tackle punch slap
Griffin: No the camera *camera falls *

Oct 15, 2010
Haha, I like the "We'll be back tomorrow..." then it's almost like you're glaring at Romba, "most of us...."

Petty Officer
Dec 04, 2011
Griffen Deverux on Jul 10, 2013 wrote:
Griffin: Is the camera on? Ok here we go . Hey everyone I'm Griffin Deverux and I've made this video log to show you my awesome vacation through the spiral . Our first stop is Valencia from Skull Island . We are not quite ready to leave so here is our plan : skull Island to Valencia in a day than VL to Monquesta in 1 - 2 days , and than .. Romba! I need the map

Romba : I put map in toaster

Griffin : WHAT????!!!!!!!! WHY

Romba: It make pop tart taste better

Griffin: we'll be back tomorrow well most of us..... * glance at Romba *
HA!!!! funny

Oct 15, 2012
Gunner's Mate
Jun 15, 2009
???: Romba I think we found it!

camera comes into focus

Griffin: Hello again I'm glad we found the camera ( armada head in the back ground )

Griffin : * whispers * Romba throw the head of the deck

* Romba throws head at Griffin *

Griffin : I meant the other way

Romba : sorry

Griffin: anyways we are in monquesta now and we have stopped at a fortress to take so pic- Romba what are you doing!!

* Romba charges at fortress *

Monquestan : You will regret the day you bought that camera! they run out in like 3 videos

Griffin : no they do-

Camera : battery low shutting down

Griffin : Romba what are you doing don't put those bombs there they-

Mar 09, 2011
Lol! This is brilliant! I love this thread it's awesome. XD please post some more!

Gunner's Mate
Jun 15, 2009
*Explosion in background*
Griffin: wow Romba you are unbelievable you just obliterated that fortress in 2 seconds flat

Romba: Thank you Capitan

Griffin: dude we can see that all the way from the stormgate to cool ranch.
Now entering cool ranch watch out for buffaloons now in coopers roost
Griffin: well we made it to coops roost now Romba don't destroy any- ROMBA
* romba sets of powder kegs by docks *

Romba : What cap-


Sheriff: Sir you and your duck thing are under arrest

Romba: hey I water mole

Jul 27, 2012
Very funny, Griffin. I especially loved 'you will regret the day --you bought that camera...' and Romba saying, "Hey, I water-mole." Nice comedy.

Virtuous Anne Radcliffe

Nov 26, 2012
Lol, Romba and you are my new favorite crew. It's funny. Make more!

-The Heart of Lacey ( Level 35)

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Lol I love it Yes, please make more. Your writing is very picturesque. I can 'see' the whole thing and I have a whole new appreciation and love for Romba. Not that I didn't love him before, I just never noticed this side of him and I adore it. x wriggles with anticipation for next installment. x

Gunner's Mate
Jun 15, 2009
Last time on: " vacation log "

Griffin: don't you start Mr. disembody voice


Griffin: Mr.Sheriff please my water mole didn't-

Sheriff: Tell you what I challenge you to a showdown at high noon today in front of the church

Romba: But it three thirty

Sheriff: would you rather go to jail?

Griffin: let's do this then

* epic showdown music plays *

Sheriff: you sure you can fight me with throwing knives

Griffin: well...

Stupendor X comes down from the sky

Stu. X : Romba to the rescue

Griffin: Wha- Romba?

Romba: Come capitan

* Griffin gets on stupendor X *

Romba: You done been stupendored

Random voice: EPIC ONE LINER

Romba: ahh gost voice!

Gunner's Mate
Jul 03, 2011
Griffen Deverux on Jul 31, 2013 wrote:
???: Romba I think we found it!

camera comes into focus

Griffin: Hello again I'm glad we found the camera ( armada head in the back ground )

Griffin : * whispers * Romba throw the head of the deck

* Romba throws head at Griffin *

Griffin : I meant the other way

Romba : sorry

Griffin: anyways we are in monquesta now and we have stopped at a fortress to take so pic- Romba what are you doing!!

* Romba charges at fortress *

Monquestan : You will regret the day you bought that camera! they run out in like 3 videos

Griffin : no they do-

Camera : battery low shutting down

Griffin : Romba what are you doing don't put those bombs there they-
Lol! " * Romba throws head at Griffin * Griffin: I meant the other way " That is SOOO FUNNY!!!!

Rachel - Level 38

Mar 09, 2011
May 16, 2011
Wow, Griffin! That was hilarious! I now love Romba more than I did before. When I get the crowns, I'm gonna buy him.

Gunner's Mate
Jun 15, 2009
Griffin: sup guys its me! Romba and i have finally made it to marleybone in the stupendor X

Romba: thanks to me!

Griffin: right thanks to you my ship is stuck in cool ranch!

Romba: I am just that kind of nice guy

Griffin: anyways we have just docked in the isle of fetch and- oh no!

Royal navy officer: hey its that scoundrel!

Griffin: oh no its Roy the Royal navy officer

Roy: my name is Tristan!

Griffin: i thought it was Harold

Tristan or Roy or whoever he is: the point is you under arrest for stealing the barka lisa!

Griffin: You are forgetting the other 50

RoyTristanHarold: ahh just get over here

Griffin: Fine Robert

Robert: * facepalm *

Romba: captain are you sure

Griffin: relax i have it all under control

* skips to the part when in the jail *

Griffin: * i can't believe that Fred let us keep the camera

Fred: for the last time its Tristan!

* harmonica plays*

Romba: Griffin someone else in here

Richard Ashthorn: hi guys!

Griffin: Richard! how did you get in here?

Richard: i didn't do anything I just get payed to play the harmonica in jail cells

Griffin: But how did you literally get in here

Richard: Jeremy let me in

Tristan: its Tristan!

Griffin: well its time to escape follow my lead

* Griffin picks the lock and does some other crazy thief things Richard and Romba are waiting outside for him*

Griffin: how did you get out so quick?!

Romba: we use big obvious door

Griffin: *facepalm*

Officers: Hey its him get him!

* camera is shot*

Griffin: oh come on!

*video ends*

Gunner's Mate
May 28, 2013
Jul 27, 2012
*giggle* "Romba: We use big, obvious door." Very funny, Griffin!

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Totally delightful as usual. Please keep up this charming and hysterical diary. I thoroughly enjoy every installment. Very well done.

Sep 10, 2009
for the record griffin and i know each other outside of the game and i helped him with this one ( explanation why I was in here ).

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Richard Ashthorn on Sep 24, 2013 wrote:
for the record griffin and i know each other outside of the game and i helped him with this one ( explanation why I was in here ).
Lol, then well done to the both of you. I look forward to more of your musical talents in these madcap adventures.

Gunner's Mate
Jun 15, 2009
Richard: Romba give me the controls!

Romba: i has it all under control

Griffin: Guys whats going on? i can barely eat my soup!

x crash x

Richard: we lost an arm!

Griffin: what do we do?!

Romba:we panic!

x All three panic x

Romba: island incoming!


Griffin: that was one of the best landings ever!

Richard: what do you mean the stupendor x's sword is through the krokosphinx?

Romba: yup best landing ever!

Krok: my lord is that you?

Romba: ya it me

Krok: not you beaver duck, the human: Richard

Romba: how dare you call Romba beaver duck

Richard: ya its me

Krok: huzza! the prince of the pyramid of the sun has returned

Griffin: wait this is your kingdom?

Richard: Ya... don't you remember

Griffin: no we tune you out when the brawlin hall fights come on tv

* Romba starts charging at the Krok*

Griffin: Romba nooooooooo

* Romba powns the Krok*

Krok: how dare you?! This is-

Griffin: SPARTA!

Krok: no its war

To Be Continued...

Griffin: what?! i cant wait that long!

First Mate
Oct 15, 2012
Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Gunner's Mate
Jun 15, 2009
Griffin: Hey every one Its me Griffin again and I just wanted to tell you guys-

Krok: Hey put that camera down!

Griffin: What? No.

Krok: yes you will

Griffin: maybe I won't

Krok: your right maybe you wont ...

Richard: Griffin you did you do that?

Romba: He didn't

Richard: Your right he didn't * shakes head * stop that! The point is you are in deep trouble so you have two options.

Romba: We have three options

Krok: they do have three options

Richard: Stop that you have two options!

Romba: you sure?

Richard: No I'm not * slaps self * I am! Ok ok your two options are go to war or...

Griffin: WAR!!

Romba: do you really want war?

Griffin: no...

Krok: to avoid war you have one option * pause for effect * survive the maze of death!

Griffin: so is this like aquila's labrinth or-

Krok: shut up we try to avoid that culture!

Richard: you are put in a maze with other convicts and if you survive you go free

Romba: * yells from far away * hey guys I found more * BOOM * powder... kegs... * faints*

NOW IN THE MAZE OF DEATH have a nice day

Romba: hey I know how to get out! My uncle murry teach me this trick You run straight and break all the walls in the way

Griffin: that's amazing we should thank him

Romba: no he was devoured whole by a snake

* romba and griffin use " the murry method"*

Griffin: yes we did it!

Krok: no you cheeted

Romba: did we?

Krok: I'm not sure...

Romba: Can't we go free?

Krok: I think so...

Romba: you coming to Richard?

Richard: I uh... I think so...

Griffin: sweet let's take one of the Krok ships and get outta here!

Richard: Romba you gotta teach me how to do those mind tricks

Romba: Do I?

Griffin: well guys I guess we escaped Krokotopia

Battery low
Griffin: What no way I just bought new batteries
Shutting down
Griffin: What no no no stop that But what about * shuts off*