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Pirate101 Birthday Planning: Comm Leaders see

Oct 26, 2012
They (p101 staff) are most likely to give us a B-Day gift code thingy we can redeem, but what do we give them?

Ok we all know that the birthday is coming. Some how saying 100's of "thank you" does not seem good enough. I dont know what to do, but i am sure that the great figure heads, the daring pirate lords, thats right, the community leaders can create a massive TY for kings isle. Great leaders such as HF of A and Chrissy the Blesser may also help. After all these are the good things P101 have done for us:

-Work REALLY hard. Why they released 2 new worlds for us, while other games may have gone much slower
-Provide care for Ryan
-united families online of all ages
-cheap affordable prices. It has membership which most families dont stress about.

So what can we give to KI?
-A video
-Fan Page Donation
-KI Theme Park
-Rocket Trip to Moon
-Rocket Trip to Theme Park on Moon

SDH Lv 65

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
I remember one fan site sent them a case of Yum. I wish I could think of something as creative as that. x Puts thinking cap on x
Good nudging GG