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roleplay-the unknown horse

Gunner's Mate
Nov 21, 2010
one day edward and his crew decided to go find a lost horse mean while with edward and his crew tried to find the lost horse and it strangely start to wonder off and to float
ok said edward we are ready to find it ( in the backround companions strangely disappear )
where in the world are they said duck hey look captain a horse skin and my companions weapons are in there said ed and we find a horse and........... a horse skin with weapons said temujin then temujin disappeared hey look a squirrel thats pale white strange lets look this up in a book said bonnie it says here every 10000 years there are unknown and strangely white animals related to kirin said duck hey there are names of 2 of them they are thunder and lightning ( thunderous kirins ) and another one named and its.......................... unknown its not the name but stranger than the rest of the kirin its had a huge and long head red eyes white skin sharp yellow hoves and a straight white small tail and........................... wings? ( search up a pokemon called arceus and thats what i'm trying to tell you guys about ) anyway on the other hand thunder and lightning were lap kirins and the white one attacked his brothers arceus was the white ones name it has said to be trapped in skull island for eternal life so now instead of 10000 years its about everyday said ed bonnie duck and kan po x gaps x arceus has ........................................................................................ awakened dun dun dun dun make the rest of the story up um freak of nature vs arceus in part 2