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So, about Book 15... (SPOILERS)

Feb 11, 2010
I just need clarification from the latest newsletter- there WILL be more Rogue's Gallery entries, right? When it said "We hope you enjoyed this series", did that mean just for the Presidio 5? I can't see why you'd stop now, as there are several more characters in need of a backstory explanation.

Jun 02, 2013
I have a question

I dig concept art, find its cool to see some of the behind the scenes stuff, along with this I find the Brass Monkey an intriguing character

So my question is, does the Brass Monkey have any concept art and could we possibly see it?

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Blind Mew, quick question. Is there any chance you could sticky your questions & answers posts? Just asking.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Any chance you can go back to quoting the questions with your answers? It is beyond confusing trying to tab back and forth to see what on Earth you are talking about. Please

Jan 26, 2012
Chrissy Th'Blesser on Jul 18, 2016 wrote:
Any chance you can go back to quoting the questions with your answers? It is beyond confusing trying to tab back and forth to see what on Earth you are talking about. Please
Yes I can. And I will from here on out, no problem.

Jun 02, 2013
Thanks for answering my question Blind Mew, really shed some light except at the end you said

"The Arcanum might know"

What or who is "The Arcanum" if this is Wizard101 lore I wouldn't know because I have never played Wizard101 before

Mar 24, 2013
So far we know the faith of the original crews, that would be great if egg foo young have joined. There is one crew left, my pirate character wanted to meet the elusive Erica the Red. This is the most interesting of all the Marco Pollo character, also the most mysterious. If only Catbeard would like to shade some light,so far he is per occupied making pickled haring.

So any hint what have happened to Erica the Red ?

Gunner's Mate
Oct 22, 2011
anecorbie on Jul 3, 2016 wrote:
Ranked PVP was requested from the very beginning of this game, and KI has given it to us.
Here follows the requests to balance Ranked PVP that KI listened to and implemented -
Banning doubloons
Banning high level pets from joining a low level match.
Adjusting the Imperial Robes of Moo Manchu for PVP use.
Implementing talent attacks to remove "hide", making it easier for other classes to face the challenge of swashbucklers.
And currently PVP players are getting a response from Ratbeard about certain powers in use in Ranked - he's certainly listening.
More requests that were answered.
I made a request to the furniture thread for a mermaid statue similar to the one on the island of Artemusa, and got it!
So you see, Fiery Orion, KI does listen and does grant requests!
Now about "free to play" being a big lie:
There isn't an MMO out there that doesn't have areas that are off limits to non-members, the big difference with P101 is that you don't have to be a member to access area, you have a choice; you can buy zones. What other MMO would allow this? Memberships are where they get their majority of revenue.
Nice that ranked PvP is already starting to ruin the game, just like W101

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
BrynnerOfReign on Jul 25, 2016 wrote:
Nice that ranked PvP is already starting to ruin the game, just like W101
Avoid the area where PVP is if you don't like it.

Jan 17, 2012
BrynnerOfReign on Jul 25, 2016 wrote:
Nice that ranked PvP is already starting to ruin the game, just like W101
Not the thread for it, but nobody says you have to play PvP. I don't.

Jan 18, 2011
I have a lot of questions about the Toymaker's background. Could you do a "Rogue's Gallery" about his background? I'm willing to pay big time to see that. Also, with him gone; Will he end up buried in Florenza or do we eventually see his grave? I imagined him being buried beneath the Clocktower of Valencia in Florenza (Seen in the wizard101 Cucu clock gauntlet).

Jul 27, 2012
More minor questions, but things I have been curious about since test realm: the portrait gallery in the Ulpian Library (these portraits turn up other places but are all here to my best recollection). I assume the Crab portraits are those of recent generals and/or great patrons of the Library (since they seem 'contemporary' portraits), but I am curious about the portraits done in 'classical style'. Are they supposed to represent anyone, such as:

The Unicorn with his foot upon a stack of books, holding a globe -- Ptolemy? Euclid?

The Unicorn with an open book, astrolabe, and map of the spiral behind her -- Hypatia?

The Unicorn writing - she seems more 'contemporary', as her dress seems to be 'classicized' (if that is a word) rather than classic (you know, how a lot of the later 18th C. portrait painters liked to do) -- Laura Bassi? Trotula di Ruggiero? Dorothea Bucca?

Just wondering if they were a clever nod to historic figures.

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
Hello Mr. Mew!

I had some questions/inquiries that don't really relate specifically to Book 15...but I didn't want to post them in your "...Mew's Musings returns" thread. I actually have devoted a bit of time to trying to study & delve into this & hoped to post a thread in regards to my "findings".

In a nutshell, did you draw a lot of your P101 story writings from a profound interest in comics? I've noticed a ton of possible references/nods (perhaps mere coincidences) to both popular & underground comics. From the entire Armada court-- Deacon (Frost), (Lucas) Bishop, Kane, Able, Phule (Jester), Queen (Adriana Soria), Rook. To other key characters found in comics that could possibly possess a comic connection (if only by name)-- Cagliostro /Cogliostro, Desdemona, the Toymaker, Lucius Fox, Avery, Mordecai. Plus there are many NPC's (most of the Aquila NPC's- since comics use much of mythology throughout) & even pirate names that can be made (that produce names of character/actors from comic movies) that could possibly be nods stemming from an appreciation for comics & Sci-fi, as well.

It appears that this was crafted by design & also done to serve a wonderful purpose. By using characters & references to popular, easily accessible & oft-read classical literature, the "reader/player" would recognize them & automatically begin to build speculation based upon those purposefully "installed" references to the more wide-spread & popular literary writings/characters. Meanwhile much of the references & plot could instead be driven from deep interests in comics. Thus, allowing you to do what any brilliant writer strives to accomplish-- convince the reader(s) that they're on the right trail & that they have it all figured out...but instead are basing speculation on the the "popular/familiar" instead of on the "hidden/less-read"?

Does any of this make sense or hold any merit? And was much of P101's story/development derived from an enjoyment of the comic universe? Thank you!

Jan 26, 2012
CaptainBlackWolfBo... on Jul 16, 2016 wrote:
I just need clarification from the latest newsletter- there WILL be more Rogue's Gallery entries, right? When it said "We hope you enjoyed this series", did that mean just for the Presidio 5? I can't see why you'd stop now, as there are several more characters in need of a backstory explanation.
To assuage your concerns, I just finished writing a new rogues' gallery bio - it will be coming soon!

Feb 09, 2010
Will world updates be coming more frequently after valencia 2?

Feb 11, 2010
Blind Mew on Jul 29, 2016 wrote:
To assuage your concerns, I just finished writing a new rogues' gallery bio - it will be coming soon!
Awesome- thanks for assuring me, Blind Mew!

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
I just thought of a couple other "purely curious" kind of inquiries.

A while back it came to my attention that Captain Avery had an interesting first name. Well, more specifically that his name, Horace, meant Timekeeper in Latin. At the time that proved thought-provoking & I had wondered if it was merely a, "this would be cool to go along with the game's ticky-tocky story", kind of thingy. Or was this merely a case of happenstance. Or...or...hopefully, perhaps was this done by intentions? And giving Avery the name of Horace --again meaning Timekeeper-- indeed held a deeper mystery to which we would possibly uncover later on, as the story unfolds? Also, if by some chance it was a "hidden gem", did the altering of the story's course thus alter us pirates unearthing the gem? Again-- probably merely a clever insert. But curiosity always nearly does in this cat.


Did Phule, or his name, come from Asprin's series of books? I know there are many nods to many Sci-fi works, in the game & I was just wondering if this was one of those? I had also read somewhere that in biblical terms phule can interpret as "tribe/family". Is there any significance within the character Phule & the use of that name?

I know that I am probably digging waaaaay to deep...but I am a pirate after all.

***EDIT/NOTE*** Thank you, BM, for the awesome reply to my first post. I did actually know about Cagliostro (the real-life figure). I had just stumbled upon the comics- warlock, Cagliostro (also based upon the historical "version")-- and had even read about a Cogliostro. The Cog part sparked interests. Many characters found in P101 --Desdemona, Contessa, Mordecai, Deacon, Bishop, Kane and more-- share their names with comics/literary counterparts. So, I guess I kind of hoped that I had stumbled upon something pretty cool (more cool than the story already is) and that maybe the story/characters had been driven from the comics universe.

Again, thank you for the wonderful link to your past.

Mar 06, 2010
Hello there, Blind Mew! Glad to see you once again here in the message boards.

So I have some questions. Well. a lot of questions if you don't mind

1- Can you tell us a bit about The Andalusian Skyway? Or at least describe it in a few sentences?

2- Now that Kane's Golden Brain was taken by the machine, Where did it go?

3- We haven't heard a single mention at all about Cadiz. Are we gonna see Cadiz someday?

4- About Valencia City... It looks pretty fancy and well designed. I really got sad when i heard that we can't go there yet. Any future plans to go there for a storyline quest or something?

5-Are we going to find the rest of the map pieces hided by Kane?

6- I can tell that the queen is up to no good from her laugh. Is that Andalusian Skyway related?

7- Are we going to get more Valencian Companions in the future? I was really expecting to get a few from side quests.. At least one of the unicorn royal guards

8- I know that would be telling but are we going to see Krokotopia someday? it's one of my favorite worlds

9- Marleybone was epic and a great success for Kingsisle. Are we going there again sometime in the future for Albion and Kent?

10- Now that after Phule helped us to get into The Machine Core. Where did he go? Are we going to see him again someday? Or at least defeat him?

11- So Polaris next? I Wonder how good it will be. specially the skyway and how it will look. i can imagine it

Petty Officer
May 17, 2011
A few questions.

1. Do you think we will go back to Valencia after Arc 1?

2. Can we expect new packs in the near future?

3. After the creepy cutscene with Queen rising and laughing like a madwoman, are you gonna try to do any more creepy things? Or was it a one time thing?

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Blind Mew, I may ask you this question, once I say this.

Now, I know you want to move on from the momentum the 1st arc held on to the story, but I could've suggested some momentum would be shaved off by solving some story questions, long standing or otherwise, through some side content updates, such as adding a few side dungeons/gauntlets, E.G.. Still, it's your decision to move on, & I won't stop you.

That said, here's this question.

As time & new story updates go on, would there be time to shave some momentum away in the 2nd arc through some side content updates time to time? There are plenty o' mysteries & questions to be solved out there. Just thought that may help with solving some time to time, like the "Banana Seed" debacle, & so on.

That said, I hope you & the crew may go with that approach while keeping the storyline pacing intact without the need to compress arc 2's ending, & to have whatever questions & mysteries from arc 1 & even the 2nd arc solved before anything occurs.

Jan 18, 2011
Quick question, and this will sound weird coming from me:
A while back I was working on my Fan Fiction based on Pirate101's storyline, but I'm curious about one thing: mind giving me a more in-depth description of the adventures we face BY Month? I know year isn't very clear in the spiral, but I do wonder of what month it was in the spiral when we visit each world.

Correct me if I'm wrong:
Skull island-Monquista-Skull Island: half of the summer
Cool ranch: rest of the summer
Mooshu: Fall
Marleybone-Aquila: Winter, Early spring
Valencia: Spring

And starting next book we'll be in our one year anniversary (for our main characters).

Jan 18, 2011
witchdoctor daruis on Jul 23, 2016 wrote:
Thanks for answering my question Blind Mew, really shed some light except at the end you said

"The Arcanum might know"

What or who is "The Arcanum" if this is Wizard101 lore I wouldn't know because I have never played Wizard101 before
I played Wizard101. The Arcanum is an enchanted land that overlooks the entire spiral. The heads of the Arcanum are the most advanced magic professors in the spiral and while they rarely get any new students, It's their duty to save the spiral from any giant threat that no one else in the spiral can defeat. This may sound creepy, but they can monitor everything that happens in the spiral, but they only pay attention to the major stuff (Like when Mailistaire tries to change the rules of death, Morganthe trying to make the spiral her own kingdom, or in the instance when Kane tries to destroy all life to create his perfect universe)

Feb 11, 2010
I have stated before that I do highly anticipate the monthly Rogue's Galleries. Would it be possible, in the next 3 monthly newsletters, to write an entry for each of the 3 remaining Kraken Skulls companions (Barnabus, Emmett, and Louis)? These companions are some of my favorites, but it really bothers me how there is little to nothing known about them, story-wise.

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Blind Mew, I asked my question about rebooting Book 15's state to bring Arc 1's previous state from the original outline back, & include a couple o' new plot elements & characters, like Gazpaccio having his own living son to keep his work going in the chance he may not be here the time he passes away in addition to creating Kane. If you've time, would you reply to my past question on whether or not Book 15 can be possibly rebooted? I hope there's reasons to why it can, or likely cannot, be in KI's plans.

Plus, I understand you don't want the momentum dragging on the story, even though I don't feel there's a lot to begin with to me. Thought some would be shaved away through some side content updates. That's what someone would do instead.

Nevertheless, hope you may reply to my question soon. Still looking forward to some new updates on the way to P101!

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Ever since I heard my parents spirits say "Find our graves, we are waiting for you" I have had a question in my mind - just how did they end up with a grave? Depending on how your parents died we have:
1. Eaten by a Sky Squid, just how did they recover the bodies?
2. Mutiny. Did the mutineers show respect to the dead and bury them, or did they actually just toss the bodies overboard?
3. Armada. I have a hard time believing that they would care enough to give an enemy a decent burial.
4. Lost in a storm. If the ship sank with all hands, who gave them a burial?
5. Lost treasure hunting. As with the storm, who survived to give them a burial?