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The Role Of Phule

Oct 21, 2012
Phule is deemed as the wild card who though bad has a light side, that struggles with his (?) darker side.
This puts a great confusion as to what he is for and as why Kane uses him. First of all Phule is a to sided character representing a relationship between to wholes (cough x armada and resistance x cough) An stranger who little is known about and is often questioned who he supports. He could be a form of foreshadowing but that doesn't fit in so :P. Secondly he represents a relationship between to powers good and bad one cold one almost life like, that leaves him laughing at fellow elite and interesting relationship even more so Phule more than most elite is up front in it not as a spy master but for something else, this time Phule spends up front strengthens his white side etc. My guess Phule is a some what of a foretelling force to represent the relationship of power between good and armada! An ultimate weapon that no matter what happens to Phule as long as he is intact merely better prepares Kane for what's going on. A representation of his power. Phule is quite possibly one of Kane's most important edges a role to risky for him and to experimental as well, a confusing force that shows an unquestionable balance between the armada and its enemies. Phule is the ultimate wild card and with being so perplexing a character what would we know every second we spend near him merely prepares Kane for anything
but as well as him may also prepare us, the more one personality shows the better anyone who knows this can know the full extent of each sides power. Phule is basically the scale between one power and another.
Why do I think this? First of all whenever Phule sees first contact with a "better-ish good" his white side shows but upon ambush (cough warning of attack cough) his dark side shows. This means one thing, Phule is a power tat can be used by both sides based off of if they know his purpose, why wouldn't Kane toss him out into danger? Quite clever if you ask me!