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What is the biggest house in the game?

Jun 01, 2017
For some reason, I'm obsessed with getting the biggest house available in MMOs. To clarify, I ask this question only about houses you can acquire for free (like through grinding gold or crafting), so nothing crowns-only or requiring a booster pack to be bought.

What's the biggest available in pirate101? I'm guessing smuggler's cove, but the buccaneer house has so much more indoor space that I'm not sure.

What's the biggest among the class houses? It feels like the buccaneer house to me, but I'm not sure.

Finally, how does this biggest house compare to the biggest houses available in Wizard101?

Thanks for any help!

Mar 28, 2009
The one that feels largest to me is the Sharpshooter's Citadel, the Musketeer class house.